Page 14, WNlby Froc Prosu, Wednesday, October 6, 1993 'Birders' gather at marsh Crime Steppers and Durham Regional Police are asing for the publics help in solving an assault that occurred in Oshawa on Saturday, June 26. At 1:15 a.m., the victim and hie wife were driving through the intersection of Mitchell Avenue and Drew Street when they saw a male beating up a young woman. The victim stopped hie vehicle and approached the suspect and teld him te, stop. A second maie, who was watching the initiai assault, confronted the victim and told him te, get lest. Ho thon punched and icked the victim several times in the face and head. Three other maies got eut of a vehicle and aise assaultod the victim and hie wife whe had cerne te hie aid. The victim and hie wifo were abie te get back into their vehicle and escape by driving through Cowan Park. The victinieuffered the flo in nunies: left oye bruised and swollen with four stitches abvo eyebrow; right oye discoloured and swollen; right cheek swollen; numerous bumpa on forehead; and swelhing hahind right ear. The victim's van aise, recexved approimately $750 in damage. The maie who was assaulting the female is described as male, white1 early twentios five foot il inches, 180 pounds, dlean cut, wiýth short, wavy, #ight brown hair. Ho was woaring a blue, long.sleevod, denim shirt, jeans and black cowboy boots. The maie who firet struck the victim is descrihad as maie, white, early twenties, five foot 10 inches, 1175 pounde, with medium iongth, Eight brown, scruffyhr.Hwswain workboots. Theoret r throo maies are described as male, white, late taons, and wearing basebaîl hats. The supct vehicle is describod as a black, four-door, newer Not meia model with a red interior, similar te a Pontiac Sunbird. Crime Stoppers will pay up te $1,000 for information on this assault or any other senious crime. Cali 436-8477 (that's 436-TIPS). As a caler you wlll not have te, identifyeurself or have togo tecourt. Acode numbor wllha issUed te you te protect your identity. Sergeant Grant Arnold je the co-ordinater with the Durham Reionai Crime Stoppera program and writes this article te ho p combat crime. More than one million people, including those at McLaughlin Bay Wildlife Reservo, Oshawa and Cranberry Marsh, Whitby, will participateý in the world'.s largeet ever birdwatch duning the weekend of Oct. 9-10. 1 Worid Birdwatch '93' je being coordinated among 163 organizations in 90 ceuntries by Birdlife International, te draw attention te the fact that over one in 10 of the world's bird species are threatoned with extinction and that urgent action ie needed te protect them. Jim Richards, manager of the McLaughlin reserve, says 'birdord who join him and his colleaguos from Durham and Pickering naturalise clubs will be able te observe a variety of birds, learn how te, identify thom and take part in a bird count. -He "eugeis "birdors" moot in the parking lot of GM of Canada7s headquarters building at the end of Colonel Sam Drive in Oshawa, or at Lynde Shores Conservation Area, Whitby, or go to the observation platforms along Hall's Road, Whitby at 9 a.rn. on Saturday, Oct. 10. For Waste Reduction Woek, Oct. 4 te 10o, displays are being held at the Whitby municipal building and Whitby Public Libr- Oryn display are twe composters (bardmatic and bio-bin), a blue box and information on how te, reduce waste. Displays will ha held until Friday at the municipal building, 8:30 a.zn. to 4:30 pam. each day, and until Saturday at the libr- ary WASTE REucTIoN WEEK OCT. 4-10i Tu FUiTURE lB Bs Ontario's ninth annual Waste Reduction Woek, srnsored by the Recycling Coundil of Ontario (RCO), wie a eld Oct 4-10. Events are haing planned te promte opporturnities for people te learn more about and prcà eal h amr effectively. Last year a special focus for each day of the week proved te ha succesefu. Therefore, each day's thome will remain: Monday - Reduction Day, Tuesday - Compoeting Day, Wodnesda- Zero Garbage Day,,Xhurdq - Conservation Day, Friday -Exchage or Bouse 1Jy Strday - Community cen- Day TÎheWhitb Public Library announced the winner of the compost draw on Compost Tuesday. Visit the library's Waste Reduction Week display. Town h allwll aIseo offr infration during the week. Look for pamphleta con Durham's new l Rs Centre at the two displays. The Metro Zoo will 'hold its fourth annual tey oxchange. There will bo free admittance for children (accompanied by a payng adult) who bring in an unwanted tey (can exchange it for anothor). Times for the tey oxchange are Friday, Oct. 8, 9:30 a.m. te 2 p.m., and on Oct. 9, 10, il from 9:30 a.m. te 3:30 P.m. Whitby rosidents were chalîenged at regional council on Sept 15 by Ajax/Pickering te reduce their garbage. Last year bo t Aax and Pickering had residential garbage trucks wighed before and after the weeks events. Ajax won the contest and this year the twe communities are challenging each other as well as ail other regions in Durham. Since 1986, the week has continued te grow ini popularity and last yoar more than 200 communities acrose Ontario participated. At the officiai kick-off, held in Toronto, the RCO always identifies an issue te1promote during the week. Ini 1991, attention was locused on junk mail and 1992's concern was a caîl for more widespread availability of refillables for aIl types of beverages. This year the special issue deals with the green garbae bag. On average, for eafch large bag put out for landfil, 72 additional bags have been created through the industrial waste stroami or primary resource extraction and processing associated with those manufacturod consumer items inside the bag. This waste is generated from material extraction from its source, sewage sluge, mine tailinge and other manufacturing debris. Waste Reduction 'Week receives financial support frem corporate sponsors and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Energy. Let's ha garbago-free in '93. The future is RB. Cardia NANIES & COMIPANIONS 1NC. SenizigDwhron I-gfm Sbine 1985 Providig In-Home Care for ChIldren & the Elderly 619-3351L 144 Old Kngston Road. Suite 1JOA Aja BROCK PHARUMCY LTD. 668-9393 619 Brock St. S. Located ln Medical Centre - -19ý KMDALWOOD PLAZA_. YoWre in good hands. TENANTS - HOME UFE - CAR "Cati us and compare* Bob White Sheila England 666-3553 965 Dundas St. W. #202 West Lynde Plaza, Whitby Auta» Lt. iugrtSmi or C-Pjd.à :" WMW Co9U . of ww a AhIM kU,,UIo Coup"i VLOVELL DRIUGS LTD. COMMI1TED TO CUSTOMER SERVICE MAon.-Thurs. 9arn-8pmn Fndcay 9am-Qpm Saturday 9am-6pm Sunday i 2p<n-5pm FIREE DEUVERY SERVICE 317 Brock St S..- Whitby 668-3394 Whitby's Community Newspaper Whby GeneraIHopW Your Communtity Hospital GORDON STREET, WHITBY 668-6831 gift Oflife! 3 01 Marwood Dr., Oshsawa 80 oThickson Rd. S.. Whitby 435-8200 Rb*GERS"M Cablesystems À ...~ ~~~ ---.. e.e.* Rmïjdr W..eO volunteervv«kycbu can Do Lfflng Down.