Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 Sep 1993, p. 22

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Page 22, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 29,1993 ALDMS awareness events next week 'Promoting Health for Everyone' is the theme of AIDS Awareness Week Oct. 4 te 10 when activities and education about AIDS will ho held. Sue Johanson will discuss IIISTORICAL FEATURE in the Wbitby Free Press 1. Where was the eartiest public meeting hall in Whitby? 2. Wh at native of Whitby was married to one of Winston Churchill's War Cabinet members during the Second World War? 3. McMiIan's Block (Go Natural and Shorty's Cigar Store> built in 1864, is named aftr what Whitby and Oshawa resident? 4.What noted Toronto resident kept a summer home in Whitby from 1910Oto 1918? Answers on Page 27 This feature providied by sexuality issues and give infor- mation about AIDSIW when she is guest speaker at-Durham College (cafeteria) on Monday, Oct. 4, noon te 1:30 pa. A spiritual service, teo, elebrate the lives of those who <ied and those who continue te, live with the challenge of H1V infection, will be held on Sunday, Oct. 3 at the Oak Room of the YWCA, 33 McGrigor St., Oshawa. The AIDS Committe of Dur- hamn Region will hold a cern- munity forum at St. Matthew's Church, 135 Wilson Rd. S., Osh- awa on Tuesday, Oct. 5, 7 p.m. Louise Anderson of the com- mittee will answer questions on a Rogers Gable phono-in show on Thursday, Oct. 7 9 p.m. An 'Education Wight' for James House an AIDS hospice for Dur- ham . egon will be hold at the CAW Hal, hillip Murray Drive in Oshawa, onWednesday, Oct. 6, 7 p.m. There were 45 cases of AIDs and 150 with H1V reported in Durham Region as of April 30. SAmnesty seeks members The Oshawa chap ter of Amnesty International needs new members te help carry eut work for human rights. Amnnesty International is an organizatien of more than a mil- lion people working te eradicate hluman rights abuses. The Oshawa chapter meets the firat Wednesday of every month, starting at 7:30 p.m., at St. Luke's Presyterian Church Park sud Rossland roads in Osh- awa. At the Oct. 6 meeting, tAmnesty members will take part ini a presentation on the 1993 woldwvide campaign against tor- ture and disappearances. Members will also continue their letter-writing camnpa# non behaîf of a persecuted family in South Africa. Anyone interested in learning more about the group sud its work can attend the Oct. 6 meet- 5ý4 o cllGeorge Kaufmsu at Poverty gm c. The Poverty Game will ho held ini Oshawa on Friday, Oct. 8. The Durham Ghild Poverty Action Group is holding the workshop, intended te show the effects of poverty within a family, at the CAN Local 222 Hall, 1425 Phillip Murray Ave., from 9 a.m. te neon. Through role playinè in the Peverty Gaine, participants im- morse themselves in the daily life of a single parent on a low fixed income. Federal election local candi- dates action group members sud staff Krm local Body Shep stores will ho ameng participants. The action group is a partner in Campaign 2000 a non-parti- san national coaltion or 45 groups cornmitted to securing political action on the 1989 aIl- P arty Heuse of Gommons resolu- tien te elminate child poverty in Ganada by the year 2000. For more information cal Diane at 433-4100. t T $ LESLEY MOFFAT cf the Durham Chiropractic Clinlo demonstrates massage therapy on Kathy Glynn, one of the displays hetd at the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital employee fitness and nutrition program Iast Wednesday. Photo by Jeremy Dresar, Whltby Free Press SEATBELT AWARENESS On Saturday, Oct. 2 a 24-heur seathoît blitz, ' Operation Impact,' will kick off a two-week campaign by Durham Regional Police, in conjunction with ail Ontario police services te focus attention on seathoît awareness. The canîpaign is aimed at educating the public te the dangers of net buckling up sud the improper use ef child restraint seats. Police will focus on drivers of passenger vans sud light trucks during the campaign. Statistics compiled show that over 84 per cent of car drivers, 78 per cent of van drivers sud 63 per cent of light truck drivers bucklo up. CRINESE DINNER The Helping Hands Food Bank will hold a fundraising Chinese dinner at Grand Chinese Buffet, 600 Grandview St. Oshawa on Saturday, Oct. 2, 7:30 p.m. To reservo tickets, $15 per prsno $25 per couple, caîl aron at 433-2471. SUPIPOBIT GBOUP The Parkinson Foundation of Canada, Durhanm Region Chapter, will hold a support group on Monday, Oct. 4, 7:30 mj.a St. Mark's United Ghurch suhdoor), corner of Goîhrne sud Centre streets, Whitby.Topic will ho 'Elder Abuse.! For more information caIl 430-8475 or 666-8576. SWIM FOR MS Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada will hold a 24-hour Swixn for MS, noon, Friday, Oct. 1 te noon, Saturday, Oct. 2, at the Whitby Civic Recreational Centre, 555 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby. Open te all ages. Registration forma available at the Whitby ivic Recreation Centre or by calling Holy Ghapmsu at the Multiple Scleroeis Society, riltarie Division, at 1-800-268-7582. SHOPPING TREP A luxury coach departa Nov. 6 to Waterloo Farmerls Market, Arrow Shirt Factory, TIger Brand outlet sud MryMaim. Anyue intereated in *hi shopping trip can clil Ruth at 666-1714. INFORMATION NIGHT The Social Justice Committee, James lieuse, will hold an information night on AIDS, Wednesday, Oct. 6, 7:30 te 9 p.m. at the CAW Union Hall, Local 222, Phillip Murray Drive, Oshawa. Guest speakers, refreshaients provided. Wheel- chair accessible. For more information cail Bob Pigden at 404-2102 or Carmen Ellegett at 579-6688. TAKE BACK TUÉ NIGIIT The Oshawa Durham Rape Grisis Centre will hold' 'Take Back the Night,' on Thursday, Sept. 30, City Hlall, 7 p.m., downtewn Oshawa. The walk is a peaceful protest of the crimes committeagainst women sud children. For list of eventa, services,, maps or information calI (416) 725-2241. SUPP~ORT GROUP The Azheimer Society of Durhamn Region Oshawa group meets the firat and third Wednesday of each month, 1 p.m., at 178 Simcoe St. N. (side entranoe). The next meetings will ho Oct. 6 sud 20. Ail caregivers are welcome. Refreshaients will ho served. For more information, cail the society at 576-2567. DINNER & FASHIION SHOW A dlinner and fashion show will ho presented by Catherine Lyons Fashion Monday, Oct. 4 at Aniadeus Restaurant, 1180 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Dinner will ho served at 6 p.m. Tickets are $25 per person. sud are available at 50 Richmond St. E., Oshawa or at the Canadian Cancer Society office, 172 King St. E, telephone 725-1166. Proceeds will go te the Cancer Society. QUILT SOCIQMl~ The Durhamn Trilliaxn Quilt Society will meet Oct. 5, 7:30 p.m., at St. George's Anglican Church, 39 Athol St., Oshawa. Al quilters are welcome. For more information calI 683-5135. COPING WIT DIVORCE A six-session study group for parents with children up te age 12 will aim te help parents help themselves sud their children cope with separation or divorce. The group will meet Thursday, Oct. 7, from 7 te 9 pm. at St. Mary Secondary LchUo, 1918 Whites Road, Pickering. The coet will ho $48 par person plus a book fe of $6.eC. Pre-registration reurd. To register for this wksop calI the Faznily Education Resource Centre at 686-6459 or 579-2021. FIREE FROM FEAR The Free From Fear Foundation will meet from 7 te 9 p.m., Oct. 5. The foundation offers information, educational mater- ials, guest speakers, encouragement and referrals. This is a non-profit, chaitable organization helping individuals suffeing from aniety disorder (panic attacks, agoraphobia, phobias, OCD and other related problems). For more information, cail 831-3877. YARD SALE T'he Whitby major atom AA hockey team will hold a fundrais- ing hockey yard sale at Holy F7amily Church, Ribblesdale Drive (near Manning Road sud Anderson Street) on Saturday, Oct. 2, 8:30 a.m. te , p.m. Hot dogs, skates, carda and more will ho available. For more informa- tion call 668-5779. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY The Whitby-Oshawa Branch (Region of Durham) of the Ontario Genealogical Society will meet on T.uesday, Oct. 5, 7:30 pm., in the Henry Street High *chool cafeteria. Uxbrid ge-Scott Museum curator Alan McGilliv- ray will ho guest speaker. Al welcome. For more information caîl Marion at 683-2476 or Bes- aie at 723-7460. MEETING The Cesaresu Prevention Support and Education Greup of Durham Region will hold thoir next meeting on Monday, Oct. 4, 7:30 p.m. at 22 Jacob Dr., Whitby. Topic will ho 'Healing the Emotional Scars.' The group provides information sud support for parents sud professionals in suy aspect of cesaresu childbirth. For more information contact Sandi at 666-4107 or Uàsa Weston at 576-0562. KMeS CLUB Kid'sGClub "or those aged 4 t 12, will ho starting Monday, Oct. 4, 6 te 7 p.m., at Emmanuel Reforxned Church, corner of Rosslsud Rond sud Walten Boulevard. Crafts, bible atoies, singing, films. Fur more information cail Annie at 668-2850. UNiTED SURVIVORS United Survivors Support Centre h6lds weekly meetings on Tuesdays, 1 te, 4 p.m., at the centre, 167 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. The support group, made up of past or present usera of the mental health system or services, is open te all psychiatric consumer/survivors aged 18 and over. For more information, cal 436-8882 or drop by the office. MACHINEKNWFTERS Machine Knitters ,Ùuild will meet Oct. 5, 7 p.m. at Dr. SJ. Phillips Schoel, 625 Simcoe St. N. (at Rossland Road) ini Oshawa. New members welcome. Hand or machine knitters. The demonstratien: 'Patterns for Christmas!' For information cali Margaret 4t 433-2959. CAREGIVER RELIEF The Garegiver Relief Aduit Day Program for fr-ail elderly and physically challenged adults is holding an open house on Tuesday, Oct. 5, from 10 a.m. te, noon, 2 te, 4 p.m. and 6 te 8 p.m., at 487 Westney Rd. S., units 19 sud 20, Ajax. Everyone welcome. Refreshinents served. For more information, caIl 427-2315. WORLD OSTOMYDAY The Oshawa and District Ostemy Association will join other ostomy associations al over the world in a global celeb- ration on Oct. 2, World Ostomy Day, a day of education and awareneas. There will ho an ostomy education booth near The Bay in the Oshawa Centre, and at Five Points MaIl, north Osh- awa. WALKATHON FUNDItISER The Pregnancy Help Centre, a non-profit organization, will hold a walkathon Oct. 2, starting at 9 a.m., from the centre, 127 Pen-y St., Whitby. For more informa- tion or te make an appointment, calI 430-0805 or 1-800-461-2371. BRIDGE CLUB The Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club meets in the gamea room at 215 Reedaire Crt., Whitby, 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday starting Oct. 6. New members welcoxne. FUNDRAISER A gigantic yard sale will ho held by the Whitby major novice AAA hockoey tearn on Saturday, Oct. 2, 8 a.m. te 3 p.m., in the A&P parking lot at Thickson Road sud Glen Hill Drive in Whitby. There will ho servings or sausages, hotdogs, pop and donuta.PRan date is Sunday, Oct. 3.

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