e j Marsh s«afeguiardLs inadequate, say critic By Mike Kowalskl Fears continue ta h. expressed about the future of Lynde Creek Marsh. A plan which proposes ta pro- tect the marsh fromn a major industrial and residential deve- lopment inmediately to the east, has not been enthusiastically received by local residents and environmentalists. Several concerns about tiie plan were relayed ta Town coun- cil's planning and devlopment comitt.e during a public meet- ing last week. Opponents of development near thie narsh are still worried that not enough safeguards have been built itathe. plan ta ade- quately protect tiie onvironmen- tally sensitive weland. As a resuit, the. committe agroed ta hold a future public worksiiop in which residents Town officiaIs, consultants and landowners can parti'y ite.an Dur am Regîon in 1989, the. Lynde Shores Secondary Plan caIls for development cf about 700 acres cf land east of the. marsh. Housing, parka and schools are planned or as niany as 6,700 people. A 185-acre industrial park north of Victoria Street i art cf the. project, as is the$33- million redevelopinent cf Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. The. new hospital will consoli- date the. old building and cot- taqos tiiat new maxe up the enisting Gordon Street facility. Two years ago, Town couneil endorsed an environmnental management plan (EMP) wiic was prepared mn conjunction with the. socondary plan. The. 200-page document was designed ta provide a general stfte% for assessing the. impact cfdevelopmont on the marsii and ta outline measures wiiicii could lessen its effects. The. marsh is tiie largest remaining wetland between Oshi- awa and Hamilton. The EMP identified 153 dif- ferent types cf plants growing in the. mais-h and a wide variety cf animal life witiiin its perimeters. But prior toany ovelopment proceeding, an additional study dealingý with open space lands was al0nrequîred. The open spa.. master plan (OSMP) and earlier EMP were both commissioned by the. four landowners in the secondary plan area -- the Ontario govern- ment, Durham Region, the Rose Corporation and a private citi- zen. As outlined by consultant Ian Dance cf Houg h Stansbury Woodfland Ltd., tE OSMIP calîs for several features ta h. incor- SEE PAGE 27 By Mike Kowalsldi Native artifacts almoat 3,000 years old have beon discovored near Whitby's Lynde Creek Marsii. But until a thorough analysis of the area is undertaken, archeologista can onfly speculate on tii. importance cf tiie find at tuis time. Therefore steps will h. taken by the. provincial gcvernment te ensure the. site is protected from future development se that dotai- led studios can b. conducted at a later date. Ound for Labrador MARY AND TED WOOD were among the volunteers helping to load a trailer with some two tonnes of Christmas goodies, toys, sohool supplies and cold weather clothing destined for Labrador. North American Van LUnes, Marine Atlantic, Canadian Airines and Air Labrador are al involved in transporting the donated fod hich were collected.b y Innushare, ?ree f i arge to the Innu children of Davis Inlet. Photo by Mark Reesor4 WhIlby Free Press The. marsh discovery cf native artifacts -- whicii is fairly com- mon along tii. Lake Ontario shoreline -- was disclosed during a session cf Whitby council s planning and developinent com- mittee last week. A public meeting was iield to recoive commenta about a study whicii outlines measures aimed at protecting the envireninen- tally sensitive marsii frm pro- posed developmont (se. separate stary). During the. meeting, a consul- tant involved witi tii. Lynde Shores project said that archeclo- gical sites have been identified near tiie marsh by the. Ontario Ministry cf Culture, Tourisin and Recreation. But since tiie sites are in an open spaoe area and net threa- tened b y development the minis- try will not specifically indicate the sites' location for fear cf "amateur" archeologiets disturb- îing the. marali, the. consultant said. Hcwever, Peter Carruthers, cf the. ministry's archeological and heritag lanning branch, tald The r.Pess the location will net b. kept secret. "There was some feeling that until the. findings were properly interpreted, there was some reti- cence about malcing it publie," Carruthers admitted. "ii. govorninent has always tried ta h. protective cf these sites and not h ave a poliy wiich might lead ta random destruc- tion cf the. sites,» h. explained. «But in general, tii. govern- ment is very encouraging about lttig people know where tiiey are.» Plans now caîl for an 'inter- pretative prograin» cf informa- tional plaques wiiich will ist thE varieus animaIs and plants liv- ing in the marsh, Carrutheri said. *Incuded will heones expain. ing that human occupants oncc aled the area home and what has been found ftrn those days h. said. Artifacts uncovered near ti 'arhiConsatprimarily c ot tory and arrowheads whichdéatà back almeat 3,000 years althougii anme may h. older Carruthers said. SEE PAGE 27 Arfifacts found near marsh Kids club ramsa mone t elp 11-yea r-olaccident vicim Api oneer bId lub is:banding, togehrt epo.Mthi own, -Emma Griffith, as ah. recovers from a neafaaacdeto 4Thursda, S.]?t. 2 that left the . 11-year-old VWhitbyr girl, with movre head injuries and two broken-legs. 1On Saturda , Oct. 2, the Whitbhy Christian Asemýbly Pioneer Club will hold a bake sale at tiie Whitby MaIl and donate ail proce ,eds to Griffith'sa parents to help eas.the fnnca strain tii.> accident has caused th im'1f a ooRsladR. ilaloh Whitby Chriaian Assemm a10 xb - f e acoTtn donationsà on behaif of tii. aniiy. Te-btby Mail ba donated tii. spaoe for the.sal whicliwiil begzin when the mail opens at 9.30a. Tii. Griffith family was shaken by tii. accident-thnt brought a tearfimi end to theirasunmmer. With Emmaddfting in adoto emae e<t' ospita for Sick Chldren, Emma'ds mother, Debbie, loft ber job, and father Don, took a leave M aà baenoe o ti. coup) oezd carry on adaly. viibesid théirduhe' eptlbd Emmar.trne hom WeneaaySept. 22, confined toa"a wheelchair and both]lgsin c Msaiasah.awaits an et Hugh MailnRhbltation Ceâtre in Toronto. d the ueverty of her thureti.fanily hb-ued a might nurse se ahe.c car h umder 2-uCMr. The. rony of the. tagedy is that just b.for. heading off on -her bicycle down Brock Street the day of the accident.Emma refused t. ~~ ~ouh wea ti. bcyce hlmeh befor, camlainngie metMw.net od 1 where is itj.