Michael John Doyle, who may have saved the life of a woman whose car went out of contrai in an accident in Whitby on April 9 last year, has received a Carne- gie Medal. Doyle, of Angus, Ont., was oe or 22 individuals from the U.S. and Canada who received the rnedal, given te civilians who risk their lives te an extraordin- ary deffree while saving or attempting te, save the lives of ethers. Three of these named for the award lest their lives in their heroic endeavours. Each rejeipient, or their survl- ver will aso receive a grant of $2>0Osays the Carnegie Hero Fund éexmission. The fund was established by industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie 89 yrears ago. In the Viitby accident, Akke Plakmeyer, 59, of Whitby was the driver of a car that went eut Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Soptember 29, 1993, Page 13 .. ~..a ~t ~G(nçeral Hospital. She received another vehiclo at Brock Street North and Wallace Drive, south of Rossland Road. Doyle, 31, a sheet nietal mechanic, was a passenger in a vehicle stopped at the intersec- tion. As PeLkneyer's car was spinning in circles, he appra ched the driver's door of t he car and dived partially through its open window. Ho put the gearshift lever into Plakmeyer was taken ta Whitby General Hospital and later transferred te Oshawa The driver of the other car in the accident was charged. Motor, tools taken from garage An outboard metor and pewer teols worth about $4,500 were stolen from the garage ef a Win- ston Crescent hnorne sometime between Sept. 16 and 23. pered with the lock on the garage deer te get in. An investigation is centinuing. -I----- ............. .......... ---- .....HA M.. ...........FR M E S '7 Stories'comedy begins new sea qson 10 avIà OLI The Durham Shoestring Performers' 2th season wili open with '7 Stories,' by Morris Panych, a Canadian comedy that won six Jessie awards in Vancouver's 1990 theatre season. Directed by Brad Carson, 7 Stories will be presented Nov. 5, 6, 11, 12, 13 at the Arts Resource Centre, Oshawa City Hall Compleic, curtain 8 p.m. As the play opens, a man (played by Whitby resident Ken Bond) is preparing to jump frem the seventh-storey window ledge ef an apartinent building. Ho can't escape the stories of the people whe live there; unusual, hilarieus characters played by Matt Champion, Chris Franconi, Patty Gilhooly, Brenda Holden, Jeif Kellar, Miriami Renison, Ron Skeffington, Diane Stricker, Jerexny Sumnier, Joe Szekeres, iÀsa Taylor and Mary Volinier. The impact of these residents leada te, an unexpected outcome and the introduction of four more intriguing roles played by Sal Arrigo, Nancy Bennett, Eileen Corbet and David MacK'nnon. AUl tickets for 7 Stories are $6, available as of Tuesday, Oct. 5 at Walters Music Centres, 349 King St. W. and Information Oshawa, Executive Tower, Suite 204, Oshawa Centre. For further information, cal Carolyn Wilson at 725-9256. WHITBY ARTIST Steve Muni one his mrations, which he Frank and a number of othe [T-h eV Vh ib- nnnn their work inthe Durham Artfe Wýa I boffices in downtown Oshawa. Restaurant Pub until Saturday. T0 op 's , R l [htyP.6685 Fri. Oct. 1 & Sat. Oct 2 DES HYLTON Popular Favourites Fri. Oct. 8 & Sat. Oct 9 Enjoy a delicious turkcy dinner with a1 the trimrnnsrincluding salad & desse r 0only $9.95 CALL NOW FOR RESERVATIOS it looks over the shouldIer Of catis 'What Does i Mean? er local artists are exhibiting est, held in vacant stores andi i It runs from noon to 6 p.m. photo by Mark Reeser. Whilby Free Press 1 Dds St. EWîb E4E0-WEDE37A LIVE COMEDY WITH LAFF TRAX Friday, October 1 st AFTER DARK Saturday, Octaber 2nd DOWN ON DIESEL WITH PLAID Sunday. Octaber 3rd SHRINE JAM SESSION W1NG NIGHT - 25o WINGS Run yOur dishwasher only ~~ when il is full. 1 r- NI