Page 10, Whitby Free Press, Wednesdiay, September 29,1993 ler Democratic to) Does it really matter whether Kim Campbell or Jean Chretien wins on Oct. 25th? * Do you really believe that either of them wiII listen to us any more than Brian Mulroney cfEd? *Do you reafly believe they'II keep their promises?> ACCOUNTrABILITY is the # issue in this election Without it, every poicy statement and promise f rom every cancidate is hollow and irrelevant!. ACCOUNTABILITY is yoeir issue - 85%jo of you want poiticians to act on our concerfflns and keep their promises. In 1992, public opinion f orced the government to hold a ref erendum on the constitution. We gave them aur answer, but they *haven't got the message yet. Elect Doug Anderson and the whole country wiII that Canadians expect to be Iistened to! OnIy one cand«idate can and wiII1 REPRESENT your concerns and aspirationis! DOUG - ~ - m