Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Sep 1993, p. 10

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Page 10. Whilby Free Press, Wecinesday. September 22,1993 SPCIAL EVENT On Sunday, Sept. 26 the conigregatiuon f St. Androw's PeyToIa Church, Whitb, and St. Andrewis UnitedCurh Oshawa, wfil hold a special event as part of their lGth annivorsary clebration. Theae two congregationa had thir beginninga ini the Preabyterian Church founded in 1833 -by Dr. Robert Thoenton. This event will b. an exchange of pulpit, choira and organista. TMme of service at St. Andrew's Preabyterian Church, Whitby, la at 10 a.m. Time of service at St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa, la il ar. YARD SALE The annual fail yard sale will be on Saturday, Sept. 25 at Immanuel Christian Schoël, 849 Roesand Rd. W., Oshawa, from 9 arn. te 3 p.m. Refreshinents and a barbecue lunch available. Proceeda te Christian educatien. SE[WNAR The Whitby Seniors' Activityr Centre will hold a seminar, ' Peer Helping,' Tuesday, Sept. 28, 1:30 p.m. Seiinar is presented by a public health nurse who will sharo information on how te help others threugh dificut times. Cail 668-1424 if interested. GOOD TMS DANCE Big Sisters NOW will hold a Good TMmes dance Saturday, Sept. 25, beginning at 8:30 p.m., at Woodview Park Cornmunity Centre, Oshawa. Tickets are $10 E r person which includes a light bufft. There witll ho door prizes, and entertainment will be provided by DJ Bria Stevenson. For more information and tickets, cail Big Sisters at 436-0951 or pick up tickets at 179 Kfing St. E., Oshawa. FALL SENMNAR The FIret Oshawa ITO Club -will hold a seminar 'Communication ia the Key, on Saturday, Sept. 25, 8:.45 a.m. te, 12:30 p.m., Civic Gardon Centre, Edwards Gardena, North York. Ceat la $25. For information or registration cail 725-9179. YARD SALE Whitby Easy Accesa Association will hold their firat annual yard sale Saturday, Sept. 25, 8:30 amn. te 2 p.m., at 18 Gershwin Ct., Weat Lynde, Whitby. YARD SALE Chrohn's & Colitis Foundation of Canada will hold a yard sale on =Se pt 25 at 80 Grenfelt St., Oswa. For mor information cail 668-2850. GARY HERREMA REGIONAL CHAIR wha GIANT GARAGE ESALE The Whitby Figure Skating Club precision teama will hold a giant garage sale on Saturday, Sept. 25, 9 arn. te 3 p.m., in the parking lot of Holy Family Catholic Church, corner of Ribblesdae Drive and Manning Road. Fundraising will help pay for teams' trip te Finland where they are comnpeting internationally in January 1994. SPR'S EQUIFTENTSALE West Lynde Public School Parent School Association, will host - their annua sports equipment sale on Tuesday, Sept. 28, 7 te 8:30 p.m. TAKE RACK THE NIGHT The Oshawa Durham Rae Crisis Centre will' hold 'Tae Back tho Night,' on Thursday, Sept. 30, City Hall, 7 p.m., downtewn Oshawa. The wallc is a peaceful proteat of the crimes committed against womnen and children. For list of events, services, mapa or information cali (416) 725-2241. PEERELPIG "SENMAR Members of the Witby Seniors' Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S. are invited te a 'peer helping' session Tuesday, Sept. 28, 1:30 p.m., at the centre. A public health nurse will share knowledgable information on helping thers through difficuit tirnes. Those interested in attending the seninar are asked te cail the centre at 668-1424. ONE PARENT FAMEIES The Oshawa Chapter of One Parent Famlies Asslociation will meet for coffeýe, cards and conversation on Tuesday, Sept. 28, ý8 p.m., at Simcoe Hall Settiement House, 387 Simcoe St. S., 'Oshawa. New members and giùests are welcome. For more information, cali 436-5089 or 728-1011. CRAFT DEMONSTRATION A craft demnonstration, by Greta Hope of White Rose in Whitby, will be held on Monday, Sept. 27, 7:30 p.m., at Westmiins- ter United Church, 25 Manning Rd., Whitby. Tickets, $5 (prizes and lunch included), are avail- able by calling 576-8218, 576- 2615 or 668-4919. STORYTEINMG The Durham Folklore Sociey will meet on Thursdayr, Sept. 2y 7:30 p.m., at the Michael Starr Building, Oshawa. New members and guests are welcomne. For more information caîl Carolyn Hart at 434-1975. EASY ACCESS The Whitby Easy Access Asso- ciation will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2 p.m., at the Swis Chalet Restaurant, Dundas Street East, Whitby. The physi- cally challenged and their fam- ilies are invited te attend te address their concerns of accessi- bilit and improve their qualit of life. For more information caîl 430-2535 or 668-2572. BONSAI SOCIET The Matsuyama Bonsai Society will meet Oct. 4, 7 p.m. at Faith Place, 44 Williams St. W., Oshawa. For more information cail 416-6835135 or 416-683-2568. KID'SCLUB Kid'sClub %r those aged 4 t 12, will ho starting Monday, Oct. 4, 6 te 7 p, at Emmanuel Reformed Church, corner of Rosland Road and Walton Boulevard. Crafts, bible stories, singing, films. For more information calI Annie at 668-2850. AVICULTURAL SHOW The Durham Avicultural Socity of Ontario will hold the annual show on Sept. 24 and 25 at the Pickering rec complex. Entries open to ail. The public disp1ayf bird show entries will bleM e"on Sunday, Sept. 26, il a.m. to 3 p.m. For more informa- tion call John at 655-8367 or George at 721-8397. AUTUMN CRAFT SHOW The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) will hold the fifth annual autumn craft show Sunday, Sept. 26, 10 a.m. te, 4 p.rn., at Enniskiilen Conservation Area. Admission te the grounda is free. For more information or if you. are intorested in selling or displayig your arsscallOMd Geissbergr at 579-0411. Directions: Prom Highway 401 talc. Waverly Road exit, go north on Waverly Road (Regional Road 57) te, 7th Concession Road. Turn left and travel te Hoît Road. Turn right and then the firat left inte the main entrance. Follow the road te the back parking lot. AIDS FUND11LAISING The AIDS Camnittee (Dur- ham) will holà its first annual telephone fundraising campaign for AIDS Awareraess Week, Oct. 4 to 10. i commun o Whllby or have a substantial Whlfty membershlp may place their or activites on this page ai no cost. Paupomig mewN Pmoeww."mkwt la bo m Iyu lé =n ONE PARENT FAMILlES North Oshawa On. Parent Familles will hold a social evening on Saturday, Sept. 25, 8 p.m., at YWCA, Simcoe Street %South, Oshawa. New members and guesta are welcome. For more information, eall 721-1876 or 436-0728. ONE PARENT FAMILES North Oshawa One Parent Familles will meet for carda and conversation on Wednesday, Sept. 29, 8 p.m., at Christ Memorial Church, Mary and H-illcroft streets, Oshawa. New members and guests are welcome. For more information, cail 721-1876 or 436-0728. MIEETING The WHitby Photo Club is meeting on Monday, Sept. 27, 7 te 9 p.m., at the Family Trust Building, Hickory and Dundas streets. Membera will bring in photos of their summier vacation for ' show & tell!, Tony Ward will give a presentation entitled "Out of this World.' WALKATHON The Pregnancy.Help Centre of Durham Region in Whitby, 127 Perry St., will hold its firet wal- kathon on Saturday, Oct. 2. Anyone willing te help rais. funds for the centre is welcomne te attend. Registration hogins at 9 a.m., walkathon starts at 10 a.m. here will be special events. For more information and pledge sheets, eall 430-0805. EART TOEART The Heart and Stroke Foundation will hold 'Heart te Heart,' an eight-week programi for heart attack victims beginning Sept. 22. Specialists frem different fi el ds, including cardiology and nutrition, will provide information and answers te questions on ail aspects of heart disease. The session will accommodate 10 couples. To register or for more information, eall the foundation at 571-1582. PRE-PREGNANCY SEMINAR A pre-pregnancy seminar for couples, sponsored by the Durham Region Health Departmet, wil b. held Wednesday Sept. 29, 7 te 9 p.m., at the Michael Starr Building, King Street West and Centre Street in Oshawa. Ouest speakers will discusa fertility awareness, the- influence of genetics, nutrition and decision- making related te becoming parents. There will aise b. display bootha on nutrition, breastfeeding, sexuality and alcohol and drug use. Admission ia free. Register by Sept. 22 by calling the. health department at 723-8521, ext. 2111. I i i APP' 1ý;AZ Corne to the grand opening of "PICK YOUR OWN APPLES" at Empire Orchards, Sept. 25 & 26 f rom 8:OOam to 7:00 pm. Enoy some "R OYAL APPLE SODA" with "MOMS FRESH APP LE TURNO VERS" while listening to the 1992 Best Canadian Bluegrass Band "THE B LUEGRASS CONNECTION" who wiIl be entertaining on Saturday Sept. 25th f rom 2:OOpm-6:OOpm. On Sunday Sept. 26th corne & view the "'LIVE CHILDREN'S THEATRE" performed by tho *'WHOLE SLICE THEATRE PRODUCTION". There wiIl also be gamnes, pettlng zoo, clowns and hay-rndes. Ls u ot TutnRd.N least, enjoy somne of ! Ontario's f inest prodluce X B ~M<u> Watch1 EMPIRE ORCHARDS ' A o<-n(?mi 4450 Middle Rd. -H4 i HIy 40 YWCA FALL PROGRAMS The. Oshawa YWCA fail193 pormregistratien has now stre.Program flyer amar avoulable at the YWCA at 1 MeGrigor St., Oshawa. Fail pn>grarna include yoga, tap dancing, linneng, drop 'n aarobics, lew impact aeobics, fat burnor, cesteoporosis fitneaa, stop combe, co-ed fitnoas.Aise available for adulta is badminton, volleyball, co-ed golf heart smart CPR and massage therapy. Fer active pre-schoolera thore are programa with qualified instructora Programs include tiny tots gym (2-3 yeara), kindergym (3-4 years), and junior gym (4-6 years), crafty tumblers (3-5 yeara), littie coolde monsters (3-5 years), time fer tiny tykea (2-3 years), and ready-set-go (3-5 years), dance prograins fer chilciren 3 te 5 yeara; beginner and intermediate ballet and musical movernents. For active youth there is a beys and girls sports night: putting in the glitz, show biz kcida and FAME (fashion, aerobics, mako-up, eating). Registration is at the YWCA at 1 McGrigor St., Oshawa, or cali 576-8880. POILICE REUNION Former niembers and friends of the Oshawa Police Department will hold a renion, including a hot buffet dinner and <ance, Saturday, Sept. 25 at Col. R.S. McLaughlin Armouries, Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Tho cost is $20. Anyone willing te Iend photographs or other memorabilia for the occasion are asked te cali Fred Johns at Durham Regional Police, 17 division, 579-1520, ext. 204, or 723-5947. ickets may ho obtained by calling the above numbers. MONTE CAIRLO NIGHT The Neurofibromatosis Society will hold a Monte Carie night FridaY, Sept. 24, 7:30 p.m., at French Cultural Hall, 384 I-liside Ave., Oshawa. ickets are $12.50 and may ho purchaffed by calling 668-9915. There will ho a cash bar, light buffet and auctions. Admittance includes $20 in Luka bucks. WALKAT"ON FUNDRAISER The Pregnancy Help Centre, a non-profit organization, wiIl hold a walkathon Oct. 2, startingat 9 a.rn., from the centre, 127 Perry St., Whitby. For more informa- tion or te make an appointment, cail 430-0805 or 1-800-461-2371. CLOY'INMG SALE The Durhama Region Parents of Multiple Births Association wil hold the fail clothing, toy and baby oquipment sale Saturday, Sept. 25 at Kingsview United Church, 505 Adelaide St. E., Oshawa, from 9 amr. te faon. Gently uaed clothing froni newborn sizes up te size 14 plus maternity clethes, along with baby equipment, toys and crafts will ho fer sale. Snacks,, baked goods and drinks will ho available. For more information, caIl 668-0565 or 430-3944. rHE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM DURHAM REGION NOTICE 0F MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Regional Planning Committee will consider at a meeting to be held on: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1993 AT 9:00 A.M. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM 1615 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBV 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER, WEST BUILDING, WHITBY MALL Roquests which have been submitted to the Minister of Municipal Affairs to refer whole or part of the Durham Regional Officiai Plan (1991) under Section 17 of the Planning Act, 1990. Subsequently, the Regional Council will consider the recommendation of the Planning Committee at a meeting to be held on: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1993 AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The report containing staff recommendations is available for inspection n the Planning Departmnent. 1615 Duncias Street East, 4th Floor, Lang Tower. West Builing. Whitby Mail. Whitby. Further information can be obtained by calling John Mchaldis at (416) 728-7731 <Whitby LUne)I (416) 686-1651 (Toronto Line). C.W. LUNDY. A.M.C.T. REGIONAL CLERK

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