Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September lb. 199j. ià -ge b PM chases Duhmvtes By Mike Kowalski Prime Minister Kimi Campbell obviouély liked what she aaw in Durham Regien last Thursday -- she was bac k the next day. Campaigningi for votes in the Oct. 25 fedleral election,, Camp- bell made two swings through the reg on last week in hier bid te lead the Progressive Conserva- tives te a third terni in office. On Thursday, Campbell was in the Scugeg township comînunity of Utica dumminq up support for Durhami riding MNP Ros ste- vensen. Leas than 24 heurs later she was performing the sanie task for incumbent Tor- MP Rene Soetens in Ontario .-ding. While party leaders are not an unfamiliar sigh't at election Uie, the appearance of a leader twice in the samie week, much bs twice ini the entire campaign, underscores the impirtanoe of southern Ontario sp&'ffically the Toronto area,. in tNis election. Not only was Campbell back Friday, but Preston Manning was in Oshawa seeking votes for Reform Party candidates ini the region (see story on pi 116 speech te, about 200 people out- aide Soetens' Pickeririg caxnpaign office. She spent moat of hier noon- hour visit shaking hands and encouraging local Tories te return Seetens te Ottawa. ",F'orty-five days from now (as ofFriday) Canadiana wilI niake an important choice," said Camp- bell. "Our job is te get eut and earn their support, te show that we have a vision for the future," ahe Dismissing opposition dlaimis that bier party is bereft of new ideas, Campbell said the Conser- vatives have an «activist agenda' that will addreaa Canada's needs. «We've already begun te reduce the size of governmnent," Campbell said. "We have plana for economie growth based on fiscal sanity,» she said. Once the electien is over, «we will roll up our sleeves and get back te work,» she added. Earlier in the day Campbell spoe t e students o i ne Ri dge Secondary School in Pickering. On Thursday in Utica she fiel- ded qiuestions from area farmers at a local farm machinery dealer- *ship. LOCAL SINGERS Angela (left) and Tammy Snow won top honours at The Rising Star youth talent contest at the CNE thîs year. The sisters won the group vocal category, pickin9 up $500 cash, a cd walkman and other prizes, includinig an opportunity to perform at the ex next year; they sa~ythe exposure that wmll give them makes t the best pze oi. Photo by Mark Reesor. Whtby Free Press ]Burger or Shake :~ Sale Now 99e Each I *- Sept. 13th thru Sept. 24th ON SALE NOW AT: WHITBY DAIRY QUEEN K12 Coose1003 Dundas St., E. Coea big, juicy Homestyle' Single Burger with lettuce and tomato, or a great 16-oz. Dairy Queen' shake, in your choice of a ranbow of flavors. But hurry, ~ . becausesomething this good just cant last. S At participaing Dairy 't ~~ Queen'Brizier'Stor& 11AI "MPL, COOL WelreatYou Right ,m' iS FR&XGSBBQ'PRTPRR WHTY . OSHAWA BOWMAN VILLE UXRDE PRà ER 28 Bor t Church & Silver St. Hwy. 47 at Douglas Rd. (416) 985-0738m 41188DundaS St. 41DnaStE.(416) 432-4642 (416) 623-4225 (across from Williamson Pontiac) Located just East et Beer Store (416) 852-5382 434-9655UU** mm u..