Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Sep 1993, p. 35

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Whitby Free Press, We&iosday. September 8. 1993, Page 35 SATURDAY SEPT. 18 - il A.M. PUBLIC ÂUTO AUICTION AT PETERBORO AUCTION CENTRE PETERBOROUGH (2 MILES EAST ON HWY. #7) About 40 cars & trucks, vans, many late model. Consignments accepted ef cars, trucks, RV'x, boats & riding lawn tractors. Consign early. Call 745-5007. ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS LTD. CORNEIL'S AUICTION BARN FRIDAY SEPT. 10 AT 6 P.M. 3 MLËS EAST 0F LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 Large f lat to-waIl cupboard (18 panels), blanket box, bar stools, colonial bed chesterfield & matching chair, walnut buffet, 5 pce., modem bedroom suite, Wetnghouse dryer, walnut 1/2 moon tables, swivel office chairs, sectional chesterfield, teak wall unit, bookcase, qty. wooden kitchen chairs, modern dressers & chests of drawers, oak buffet, coffee & end tables, sîgned Duane Ward limited print, crocks, ce-oul lamps, copper boiler, reclining chairs, 8 h.p. Craftsman ridig lawnmower, 15 ft. Sprinbok aluminum boat with 19 570h.p. Johnson outboard motor (les than 20 hrs.) on aluminum tit trailer plus many oeatiques, china, glass &C colectable items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR #1, LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 . .. .i. . ... . heaven's kindty ight, the Holy Spirit's eternal breath thetvvifieth the human seul. For information and discussion catI 668-8665. PERSONAL LOANS from $1.000 and up for any purpose. Ouick approvals. 436-8104. THANKS te the Sacred Heart of J esus for f avours received. B.C. MAY THE SACRED HEART et Jesus b. adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart et J esus pray for us. St. Jude Worker ef Miracles pray for us. St. Judo helper et the hopeless pray fer us. Say 9 times for 9 days and promise te publish. F.H. rPSYCH1C & SPIRITUAL ADVISOR i JoainI Monday to Fridoy I 9 amtom j GRANT LOWERY, YMCA vice-president of community and y outh services, and Trudie Reid, program director of Durham Supervised Access, are shown at a recent celebration marking the program's f irst anniversary. Supervised ACcess currently handies visits between 54 children and their estranged parents. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Press Step Up in Octoberxu The third annual Step Up prograin for women entre- preneurs is starting in Octeber. Developed and run by the Canadian Tire is recaiiing some .22-calibre ammunition because it centaine beavy powder charges that couid injure the user. The recaîl, efter the ammuni- tien was delivered te more than 275 Canadian Tire stores across Canada, came after three people said the cartridges produced an unusuaily ioud bang. The builets, soid under the brand name Federal Hi-Power, come in 40-round boxes. On the inside flap of the box are lot numbors ending in 3537, 3538 and 3539. Federal Business Development Bank and the Ontarioe Ministry of Economic Deveiopment and Trade, Step Up is a year-iong training, mentering and networking program for businesswomen in tbe greater Toronto area. The deadline for applicants is Sept. 30. Cali F'iona Byrne at 973-0053 or Rena Biatt at 325-6496. Soccer net dainage-.d The frame of a soccer net at Jeffrev Street park was damaged recentiy. The vandalism was discovered by'an officer on patrol in the area sbortly bofore midnight Aug. 28. Whitby manager of park and facilities Brian Kordick pute the cost of removing and repairing the poste at about $500. Soccer Liames scbeduled at the park Aug. 30 bad te be canoelled. Kordick is at a lees te explain bow the net frame, made of three-inch-tbick steel, was dama- ged. The parks and rec departmnent bas had "a real rash" of vandai- ismn this year. Kordick says it's very diflicuit te catch those res- ponsible and asks anyone wbo witnesses it te cail police or notify the departmnent. Rodeo fnal in Clarington The Town of Clarington bas won the bld for the 1993 Ontario Rodeo Association finals. The rodeo finals will ho held Oct. 1, 2 and 3, and will beet top riders on the circuit. "This is going te be big," says project chair Jeff David. 'VWitb everything tlhat we've planned, we can move 15,000 people through the tewn.» The event will ho heid at Webster Downs Farmn on Down Road, juet outside Courtice. Tickets are $12.50 for aduits, $8.50 for children under age 12 and seniors. For more information or tickets, call 1-800-661-7488. ----C e ction In an article in last week's edition, it was incorrectiy stated that a Whitby miner hockey team was donating $1,000 te the Whitby food bank. The money was, in fact, dona- ted te the Salvation Army emer- gnyfood assistance prograin. Te Pee Pess regrets thbe errer. There wili ho discussion of the draft empioyment equity regula- tiens at a meeting next Tuesday in Oslawa. Scott Brown of the Ministry of Labeur is guest seaker at the meeting of the Durham Region Em pioyment Equity Network, for uman reseurce professionals and employment equity practi- tioners. The luncheon meeting will ho beld from 11:45 a.nx. te 2 p.m. at the Holiday Inn. Tickets are $25. To register, cali Elizabeth McArtbur at 721-2000,, ext. 409. Answers to Whitby Trivia ftrm page 20 1. The large brick house at the northeast corner of Kng and St. John streets was the home et twe county judes George H. Dartneill(f rom 1881 te 1899) and Duncan J. Mclntyre (f rom 1899 te 1920). 2. Albert R. Alexander (1l859- 1966) is listed in the Guinness Book ef World Records as the "most durable judge," relring at age 105. 3. Josheph Sheard, architect et Trafalgar Castle. was a mayer eof Toronto. 4. The iren fonce was buiît in front et St. John's Anglican Church in 1950. Crime Stoppers and Durham Regionai Police sexuel assauit unit are asking for the public's help in soiving a sexuai assault that occurred in Oshawa on Sunday, May 30. At approximately 12:40 a.m., the victim was walking eastbound on the north sidewalk of Bruce Street appreaching Drew Street when sbe realized someone was following bier. She quickened hier pace only te have the suspect do the samne. When she got te Drew, the suspect camne up behind hier and put bis right band over hier mouth and bis left ai around hier waist and pushed ber te the ground. The victimi struggled causing the suspect te say, "C'mon niake it easier on ourseif." ee victim was able te stand up but the suspect puiled at hier top and jacket but couldn't get it off. The victim started te screain and the suspect told ber te sbut up and pusbed hier back ente the ground. The suspect then tried te remove the victim's clothing but at tbis time an unknown inotorist drove by and did a U-turn, shining bis beadlights at the crime scene. The suspect jumped up and ran nortb bebind two bouses. The victim ran te thbe car and was driven te a friend's bouse by the good samaritan wbo was described as an Oriental maie in bis forties. The suspect is described as maie, white, late twenties/early thirties, 5-lb. 8-ina. te 5-lb. 10-mns., witb a medium build. The suspect had bushy, wavy, medium-brown-coloured hair that was long te tbe bottom of bis neck. Hia eyes were reddieb brown and hee bad a medium-thickness, brown moustache. The suspe't wore a brown, vinylbombr-style jacket witb a band aroùçid the bottem, darlc-ooured -blue jeans and dark-biue rùnning shoes. A re-enactinent of the crime wiil be shewn on CITY-TV (channel 57, cabie 7) on Thursday, Sept. 9 during the 6 and 10 p.m. news. It will aise be sbewn on CKVR-TV in Barrie and CHEX-TV in Peterborougb on Friday, Sept. 10, again during the news. Crime Steppers wili pay up te $1,000 for information on this sexuel assault or any other serious crime. Police investigators wouid aise like te talk te the vehicie driver wbo bappened te be in the rigbt place, at the right time. Cal 436-8477 (tbat's 436-TIPS. As a caller yeu will net have te identify yourself or bave te go te court. A code number wili be issued te you te protect your identity. Sergeant Grant Arnold ie the co-ordinater with the Durbam Regional Crime Stoppera pregram. and writes this article te heip combat crime. by La.r-le u eto LorraieI . tn s ebro h e ingCui NEW 'ALL s' CENTR An 'Ail Rs' Durham waste reductien centre is in the planning stage. Fashioned after Georgetewn's successful <Wastewise' project, the new Ail Rs Centre, designed for an Ajax location, wiil be a recycling, reuse, repair and educational facility. As reductien of waste is considered the first priority in the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), tbe centre will be dedicated te salvaging as mucb as possible frem tbe waste streani. In addition te items being repaired and reseld, there wiIl be an extensive liet of recyclables cellected that are net included in the blue box prograra. While xnarkets are now being explored, it is acknewledged that some products will be easier te redirect than others. However, the centre will begin by assuming markets cen ho found for ail items coilected, se will be prepered fer potential b Recycling bins wiil be set up te collect seven different types of papor; five plastic grade; blue box materials from apartnient and tewnhouse dweliers; and a variety of miscellaneous items such as scrap metal, egg cartons, corks, coat bangers, styrefoam pecking chips, etc. Ail Rs wil ho incorporated as a non-profit, charitable organization. Project manager Jili. Bonteft wili assume responsibility for ail operations, ensuring tbat ail its gocals are met. As an active member of Durham Environmental Network and Ajax's 1992 Waste Reduction Week co-ordinater, Bonteft bas been an active environimentalist in tbe area for several years. Other positions are being filled threugb job creation programs as well as by volunteers signing up througb environmentai groupe. Witb individuels and industry more involved witb facilities such as Ail Rs, the 50 per cent waste reduction target for the year 2000 is ail the more feasible. This is net the wave of tbe future, it is the necessity of tbe'present. If you wouid like te volunteer your time te the centre and/or wish te attend tenigbt's (Sept. 8) meeting at 7:30 p.m., cal PEflNALS.IJob equity BAHAIS BEUEVE. Love. i to be dicussed e

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