Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Sep 1993, p. 34

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page 34, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, MORE V LEGAL 767... NTR.O...ED Notceis.. rb.givn.hat7639 Ontri. Liit.d.nteds.a.isslv puruat.t.te.Bsies Corporat..ns...t Datd.a.P. to,.his3r.da.a Septmbe.193..ndyMan.rs Prsin...... NOTICETO CRD.T.R Ntced rtors ginstth ate6ai9 Otrmthe en i Whitbyisothe uram wa deittheBsides awn ai Wtyon the 29thd o day et arch31993, adr Preq ie ta iepoaism Inh theunesiged ao o baiererthdayetctebar 1993 qurothaing craimerenc 81411ho01Agiterthat dtatao the ubl mic Truste oif the daims ai whhyhonthon shiah hve adnoice.ltyo DuTrhatTrone tthes 3lst day oai Aust1993 r 814116Qu16n Strthetdt eTaate, hvn aria M5H 2N8 NOTLICETRUTCED R EDNSTATE 0 ai5 thentreeaiWitith 1993nt,OareioerebyNfidt Allter ssha the assa betdi stribte of amogthe ofte soswnt itld itheo raving r ed onrtaboaim aie whi sthe f executorya th3aen hae tie.yntfid Ded t hitythedris 25th 18day ifAuguto, 1993. Barristrs and aolicitor 33erson Street Sautheto hitbyrenari onLiN 551ài ofalicr fthae xecutr shi September 8, 1993 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD PRE-HEARING CONFERENCE File Nos. 0 930212, 0930213, 0 930214, R 930324, R 9303259 Z 930086, Z 9300879 C 9301469 C 930147 At the request of IPCF Properties Ina., The Loblaws Group of Companies and at: Council Chambers others, the Minister of Municipal Affairs has reierred ta the Ontario Municipal Municipal Building Board under subsection 17(11) ai the Planning.Act R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, 575 Rossland Road East Proposed Amendment No. 283 ta the Offciai Plan for the Regional Whtby, Ontario Muicipaliey of Durham , itesIlIe No. 18-OP-0010283 on: Wednesday, the 29th clay of September, 1993 0MB File Na. 0 930212 - and - at: 10:00 OCLOCK (LOCAL TIME> in the forenoon. PURPOSE 0F PRE-HEARING CONFERENCE At the request of 810406 Ontarioa Umited the Minister ai Municipal Afairs has referred to the Ontaro Municipal Board under subsectian 17(11) af the The canference will deal with preliminary and procedural matters, indluding Planning Ac~ R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13 Proposed Amendment Nos. 81 and 83 ta the fallowing: the Officiai Plan for the Tawn af Whitby inister's File Nos. 18-OP-0010-081 & 18-OP-0010-083 Identification of parties. These persans have the right ta participate 0MB File Nos. O 930213 & O 930214 thraughout by presenting evidence, questionlng witnesses and making - and -final arguments. In arder for the Board ta determine your status for the - and -hearing, yau or yaur representalive should attend the pre-heang conference and ask ta be added as a party. Groups, whether incorparate IPCF Properties Inc., mhe Lablaws Group ai Companies and others have or not, who wish ta became parties should name a representativa. Parties appealed ta the Orntario Municipal Board under subsection 34(19) ai the do not nead ta be represented by lawyers. Planning Act R.S.O. 1990 c. e.13, against Zoning By-laws 3312-93 and 3313-93-ai the Town ai Whitby* Identification ai participants. Persans who ccoflot wish ta participate 0MB File Nos. R 930324 & R 930325 thraughout the heazing may attend the heaning andi make a statement ta - and - the Board. Such pensans shouki aise attend the pre-heanng conierence. Identification ai issues. Invar Industrial Uimited has appealed ta the Ontano Municipal Board under subsection 34(11) ai the PlannIng..Aç1 R.S.O. 1990 c. P.1193, trom council's - Duration ai thti hearing. refusai or neglec ta enact a propased amondment ta Zoning By-law 1784 ai the Town of Whitby ta rozone lands knawn as Parts ai Lots 19 and 20, Broken - Start date ai the hearing. Front Concession in the Town ai Whitby, more particulariy known as Parts 9, 11, 12, 16, 18, 20 and 22 an Plan 4OR-1 1516 ta permit a retail facility withaut - Directions for preflling ai witnes lists, expert witness statenients and food sales wdtten evidence. 0MB File Na. Z 930086 - and -The hearing ai mations. Invar Industrial Limited has appealed ta mhe Ontaria Municipal Board under Sc ute atr steBadcniesaporae subsection 34(11) af the -iannlng-As R.S.0. 1990 c. P.13, tram councils Everyone present should came prepareci ta consider speciiic dates for refusai or neglect ta enact a prapased amendment ta Zoning By-law 1784 ai proceedings in mhis matter. the Town ai Whitby ta rezone lands known as Parts ai Lots 19 and 20, Broken Front Concession in the Town ai Whitby, more particularly known as Parts 9, EVIDENCE 11, 12, 16, 18, 20 and 22 on Plan 40R-1 1516 ta permit a retail facility with food sales No evidence or formai statements will be heard at the pre-heaning coniorence. 0MB File No. Z 930087 -and - Ail parties or mheir representatives should attend the pre-heaning conference in order ta confirm mhat mhey are parties and ta receive further instructions for the Invar Industrial Uimiteci has appealeci ta due Ontaria Municipal Board under hearing. subecton 3(8 a th PInnlg..~1R.S.O. 1990 c. P.13, tram conditions if any part or participant requires assistance or information rogardinq tme impesed in a decision by the Regional Municipality ai Durham Land Divsion pre-heanng conierence or mhe hearing, please contact the Ontario Municipal Committea which approve applications numbered B-22/93 & B-23/93 Board at 180 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontaria M5G 1 ES respecting lands comp ofa Parts ai Lots 19 and 20, Broken Front Telephone: (416) 598-2266; Fax (416) 979-8808. Concession in mhe Town afiliby, more particularty known as Parts 9, 11, 12, 16. 18, 20 and 22 on Plan 40R-1 1516 PIease note: The Ontario Municipal Board has issued a Draft Procedural 0MB File Nos. C 930146 & C0930147 Order toa al known parties. Parties h ave been asked ta attend mhe pre-heaning NOTIE OFPRE-EARNG CNFERNCEConference prepared ta address the matters raised in that Procedural Order. Copies ai the Draft Procedural Order may be obtained tram the Town ai The Ontario Municipal Board will conduct a pre-hearing conierence respecting Whîtby Clerks Departmant or tram the Ontano Municipal Board althde this matter. address and telephona number aboya. If you do net attend the pro-hearing conference, the Ontaria) Municipal Board Dated at Toronto this 26th day ai August, 1993. may proceed in your absence and you will net be entitled ta any further notice ai maeso proceedîngs. Si vous avez besoin du service an francais, pdre informer le jury qui preside A pre-hearing conference will be held: al ofrne DIANA MACRI, SECRETARY ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD EXPLANATORY NOTE the Town ai Whitby and the Region ai Durham. The appellants have aise requested reterral ai the associated Amendmont No. 283 ta the Durham On June 14, 1993, the Council ai the Town ai Whitby adopted Amendment Regional Officiai Plan. Nos. 81 and 83 ta the Whitby Officiai Plan and passed Zonîng By-law Nos. 3312-93 and 3313-93 ta permit two retail facilities, ana with food sales, and 3) 810406 Ontario Limited has reterred Officiai Plan Amendment Nos. 81 and the second facility without food sales on lands beinq compased ai Part af Lots 83 ta due Whitb y Officiai Plan and appeaided Zoning By-law Nos. 3312-93 19 and 20, Broken Front Concession, Whitby, identified as the 'Subject and 3313-93. T he ajppellant submits tat the retail facilities are promature Lands« on the kay map belaw. The changes in land use are in respense ta and are net in accordance with good planning principles. applications submitted by Invar Industrial Limited. An assaciated aniendment ta the Durham Regional Officiai Plan redesianating due lands ta Special 4) Invar Industrial Limite has appeaied the Zaning amendment applications Purpse ommrcil ws adpte byRegonýCoucil n Ad 8, 993as iled with the Town on the basis that Whitb y Council refused or neglected Officiai Plan Amondment No. 283. goeatpooe mnmnst oiqB-a No. 1784 ta reznth *Subject Lands" ta permit the proposed retail tacilities. Invar Industrial The nature ai Amendment No. 81 and Zoning By-law Na. 3312-93 is to Lmited has aIso appealed the conditions imposed iIn a decisian by the redesignate the western portion ai due 'Subject Lands ta Special Purpose Regional Land Division Committee fer the assaciatod consent applications Commercial and rezone te lands ta 'C2-S' Special Purpo.e3 Commercial ta B-22/93 and B-23/93 ta sever the "Subject Landse permît a single retail facitîty with food sales, having a minimum gross leasabie area ai 10800 square metres pravided the food sales Jo net occupy more than 45% ai the total grass leasabie area ai the entire building ta a maximum SUBJECT ai 5,000 square metres. By-iaw No. 3312-93 places an «H' Ho ding symbal on the food sales component ai the use until such lime as the praýponent has \AJ LANDS * 2) YDC Group Cashway RuiklngCentre- HllaIInd Puii igCntm- Can ain l ire Asscoùate stores-in Oshawa-c Whitbymad Aax- MI -wrk Home Centres zI n Onshawa . g~ Unlimted and de Vacuum Man have C * alaed Zoning -taw-Nos. 3312-93 and 3313-93. The aplat iÙm httepassngof M By]aws would ago frdueesta&rsheft of _ _ _ _ sufficient sbudy and consideration othde pianned commercia hierarchy ai-1f

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