Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Sep 1993, p. 33

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Whitby Free Press. Wednesday, September 8. 1993, Page 33 WANTE LEGA j LEAL j LEGA...I.E.AL. ?mUliffl SPECIAUIZING IN QUAUTY CLOTXING & ITEMS FOR MOTHER & CILD TWO LOCATIONS IN OSHAWA 1051IMCOST.N 37BOND ST. WEST N. O ROSLAN WES OF ARKRD. 72-(ID) 76.,DS HELP. Kitten missing since Aug. 30/93, Whtby. Kaluha, dark grey back, raccoon tail, white tummy. We love & miss her. Reward. Cali 430-1732. GIGANTIC craft & bake sale. October 23, 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at YWCA, Oshawa. Vendors wanted. Caîl 576-5756 or 430-6929. POTTERY/SCULPTURE weekorKl, September 18-19 at a ice Lake Country Retreat. $60 p lus bed .& breakfast (optional). A I welcome. R~ ister now. Details (41 )342-3544. YARD SALE. 319 Kent St., Whitby. Saturday, Sept. «Ili 1993. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Couch, coffee table, bicycle, odds & ends. ODDS & ENDS FLEAMARKET. Durham's Iargest garage sale. 1910 Dundas St. E., Whîtby. Every Saturday and Sunday. Space available. Table supplied. 666-5100. 3 FAMILY YARD SALE. House- waros, clothi ng & jowelry Books, toys & much more. Eveything must go. Saturday, Sept. 11, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 518 Palace St., corner of Maple. Ramn date: Sunday. Sept. 12. MULTI-FAIALY GARAGE SALE. 701 Sugar Maple Cres., (Pamerston school area. Some- thing for everyone. Sat., Sept. 11l- 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. IINSURANCEj ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, poor driving record or suspension of license? Perhaps we cari help. Phone 666-2090. CORPORATION 0F THE ~ TOWN OF WHITBY "4 PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20,1993 © 7:30 P.M. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting will be held by the Planning and Development Committee of Council of the Corporation of thegTown of Whitby to obtain public input regarding the Open Space Master Plan for the lands designated Open Space within the Lynde Shores Secondary Plan Area. The lands generally affected by the Open Space Master Plan are shown on the sketch below. IROQUOIS PARK RECREATION SIc OMPI L id WHITBY GENERALu HOSPITAL O LYNDE SH-ORES <O CONSERVATION <r AREAWHITBV oe PsYcHIATnîc SCRANBERR,NU.-H~OSPITAL LAKE ONTrA RIO The purpose of the open spaoe master plan is to establish the appropriate buffering, vegetation barriers, revqetation, trail systom and environmental monitoring within the Open Space Lands situated between the Lynde Shores marsh and the devolopmont lands within the Lynde Shores Secondary Plan Area. This Plan is a requrment of the Environmental Master Plan approved for the Lynde Shoreès Area by Council and the Minister of the Environment. The purpose of this meeting is to provide adequate information to the public and to permit interested persons the opportunity to make representation in respect of the plan. If you are unable to attend the meeting. your representation can be filed in writing by mail or personal delivery to reach the Planning Department not later than October 4, 1993. lnterested persons may inspect additional information relating to the Ilan in the Planning Department, Level 7, Whitby Municipal Building, 75 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario LiN 2M8 during regular worldng hours, Monda>' to Fridiay, or may contact the Planning Department by telephoning (416> 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT - DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING LAND. AP N ........A..N SEVICES ERVIE LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seeding, sodding. Spring cloan- ups. Ronovat ions of.gardons, rock gardons, plant ing, f rewood. Free estimates. Dutchway Land- scaping. 416)649-3183. FOUR SEASONS Landscaping, Gardening services. Fonces, docks, sodding, oavestrough cl rig etaining walls, lawn cutt3!in, roe romoval. 10% seniors' discount. Caîl (416) 428-1305. SPANKY'S PROPERTY Main- tenance. Grass cutting to general maintenance. Treo brush, garbage disposai. Residontial/commorcial. Phone Jim at 668-6803. TREE CUTTING & trimming. Fully insurod. Free estimates. 433-7140, or 725-3609. -Mr. TrmLw& Garden Service Sis having a -~FALL SALEJ SA VE 20%l on all services including Iandscaping Of C UORPORATION OF rTHE TOWNO0F WHITBY ......... PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 @ 7:45 P.M. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting will be held by the Planning and Development Committee of Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby to consicler a proposed amendment to the Town of WhitbyOfiiam Pa as jointty submitted by Godel lnvestments Lited, Awaiting Developments Ino. and Towchester Developments Umited, file number OPA 93-W/2. The subject properties re located in Part of Lot 18, Concession 111 as shown o te sech low. 1 -... AOAD FAOTI The pur pose of the application is to redesig9nate the lands from Industrial to Residential to permit low and mediîum density residential development, Special Purpose Commercial develomeýnt anid a local park.Reelated plan of subdivision anid rezoning% apf ications have aiso been submitted for the three properties whichilbeiendtle consideration should the Officiai Plan amendment application be approved. The purpose of this meeting is to provide adoquate information to the public and to permit interested persons the opportunity to mako representation in respect of the OfficiaI Plan appl ication. If you are unable to attend the meeting, your represontation cari be iled in writing by mail or porsonal delivey to roach the Planning Department not later than regular working hours on Soptember 27, 1993. lntorestod porsons mayhinspoot additionaI information relating to the above application in the Panning Department, Level 7, Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, OntarioLUN 2M8 during regular working hours, Monday to Frida, or may contact the Planning Department by telephoning 416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING CLEARWATER, FLORIDA- 3-bedroom, fully f urnished, air conditioned mobile homes. Pools, hot tubs, beaches, attractions. Children welcome. $275 weekly. Photos. 683-5503. 'LEAVE VOUR CARES at home with us.« Prof ossional p et/home sitters ard fully bonded & insured. Custom Homewatch International. 666-5353. Cal nw t pa.youwad. Claésificmations >mrvuaies Finaiai Suues kmounocanents For Runi >ntqme, M Garage & Yard Sales & Caectiries iaWy Ads Aparvnentsicf emu iepWaied Aplarces HomstaorRenm dres for Sale Homes for Sae Afm*.aft&lHottes hI Memciam AmICoes kInswace Ato/ntrS fOr Sale 1necaiCS rq Serwes wts Legil as & Suç.ies Lcsf £Formd aiegs LotsC4*mgs Djsnou s Oporifiess w~es aUssess Sr*es Moraages Cal a PRoiesial bmcocycwAesf Card 0i Thàa*s Persurra Camufs Pommai Seruvs hild Caro Suvioes PO&Xwestor& & ç*es ConmrEvérnis Redi Esia Caorui Spaca RmgdUssSaces ior PaRe of Sais Ramforb Ru Du en ksucm eSeed Acomuvnodason Duat Siciag E&eiaoriServos Tenders FarmirAmeage Tr*waala & Eqipnew W99W 1 r-

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