Whitby Fmop Pnots. Wednesday, September8. 1993, Page 31 I.........I.R NNG " I R OM ~O ' O $ERVCES ERVIES ' j OR' T ~..T5...[.....J~ PFUVATE TUTORING AVAILABLE. Qualified teachers. K - 8 - al subjects. High school english. To on roli, cali 666-0633. GUITAR LESSONS. Beginners and advanced. Acoustic or lectric. Cati Lou 666-1979. LAMINATE TO PRESERVE and p rotect your Posters, Certificates, Educationai Material, etc. Several film thicknesses. Also availahle - cerlox binding. Cati: 666-2182. WANT TO LEARN the guitar? Begin nowl Local, highty qualified teacher with years of experience taking students for classicat, folk/rock. Phone 430-0935. FIRST LESSON FREE. Gutar lessons from teacher with 15 years private experience. Bachelor of music Degree, speciatizing in classical g uitar technique and repertoire. -Beg inners ta advanced students. Cati Fred at 666-5166. PIANO/VOICE LESSONS. Qualifiod teacher with A.R.C.T. in both, wiII give private tessons in my home. 655-8091. DAYCARE in my -home. Former elomentary schoot teacher wil provide warm, tovingoniomn Agos 3 and up ail 666-9835. QUAUTY DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my home. 10 years experience. Babies welcome. Gardon& Manning. Donna 430-7052. Spociatizing in Earty Childhood. Education.- For Peaceo f Mnd. Perry House Day rare Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whttby 668-9476 16 Derek Dutka Speciaiizing in tax & reirement planning sinca 1986 CALL 666-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMVENT C(C) OSHAWA 0 ODRU VINO 0SCH-OOL Osawa *728-0091 Full Drivers Education Courses SEPTEMBER llth Saturdays 4 week course SEPTEMBER l4th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course OCTOBER 9th Saturdays 4 week course OCTOBER l2th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course -PRIVATE LESSONS - HIGH SCHOOL DRIVERS ED. IS ALIVE AND WELL FOR 93/94 Registrations at your local high schoot Cati 728-0091 for further details REGISTERED & APPROVED BV THE ONTARIIO SAFETY LEAGUE LOVING MOTHER witing to p r vide daycare in my home. Nutritious lunches & snacks & lots of T.L.C. Falingbrook & Dryden area. 430-7474. BROOKWOOD - Part-time or before & ater sohool care availabte in my home. Walk to sohoots. Snacks, receipts& references. 666-9382. MOTHER 0F TWO in downtown Whitby (Brook & Ma~ area> would like to provide care f or your child in a safe, loving, non-smoking environment. Lots of activities and nutritious lunches. 666-2092. MOTHER 0F 1 with Montessori teaching experience will provide tovin9 care and educational activities in my home for children ages 2 -6. Nutritious snacks & lunches provided. ThicksorV/RossbMn. Cati Nancy 723-8752. A * cin toe - eainn a g . wood fencing & decks IFREE COMPETI TI VE ES TIM4 TES IWritten Guaranteel 166-9691 The Mutual Group HRTRAN ai for quotabol 72-6 Financial Concept Securities c r -- F -- FURNISHED ROOM in executive home. Kitchen and laundry failtes pring. $100/week. First and last. Cati Debbie a 666-0200. ONE BEDROOM basemont apartment avaitabie immediateiy. Large living room, kitchen. fridge, stove. Alit utilities inciuded plus hydro. Close to schoot, shopping. $550. First & Iast. 668-0629. "The room for ront we had advor- tised rented afttr running only one wook. Most of the calfts we had wore from people who said they'd seen the ad in the Whitby Free Press.0 H.V. DAYCARE in my home. Mother of 3. Non-smoker. Babies up to kindergarten preferred. Receipts. Gardon & Hwy. 2 area. Cati 666-0366. LOVING MOTHER AVAILABLE to do daycare in my home. Nutritious lunch & snack. Fallingbrook& Dryden area. 430-3361. We Watchà The system that provides... Unscheduted home visits ensure quality caro for your child * utly trained providers receivo ongoing Agency support Retiable local back-up covers Provider ittness or hoiidays -Com plete insurance coverage l ncomo tax receipts *Chidren six weeks and up *Fuit or part-time For more Information caîl: 686-3995 a icensed Agency BRIANS Lawnmower Repair 721-2844 - 725-8709 Free PickUp & Del ver ~ LAWN MOWER SPECIAL STUNE UP OnIy $49.95 -~ +parts 2"!roen*ucdw1f«e Home «WdBoUÉMs *Bathrooma *Cstom bim Dek azebos -Addton, etc. 'au*w*~w-655-4418 WHITBY. 1 bedroom apartment. Fridgýe, stove, 4 pce. bath, parking. $458 monthly + hydro. Frst & Iast. Suitable for single persan. Availabte immediatety. Cati 623-4782. CENTRAL WHITBY. Large 3 bodroom apt. in triptox availabte Nov. 1. $650/month + utlities. First & Iast required. Cati 666-9626 aftor 5 p.m. or beave message. OSHAWA. Furnished 1 bedroom apartment. Parking, bus route, private entrance. $110 weoýkly. First & last. Utiities included. Non-smoking. 576-8914. WHITBY. Large 3 bedroom apartment in Triplex. $750 plus utiities. Available September 1. No pets. Ron Barsi, 436-0990. Sutton Group Status Roaity Ino. ACOMODATO AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Roommate wanted to share 4 bedroom house. Laundry facilities. Female preferred. $300/month. Utilities included. Mature, quiet working peopie only please. Cati 4b>-7103, lbave message. WHITBY. 1 bedroom Mot. Victorian building, in quiet residontiai area, mature setting, parking, ait utiities inctuded. $670/month. October 1. 430-0192. CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN. Spacious 1 bedroom apartment, upper level, ensuite iaundry facilities, includes fridge, stove. Availabte October 1. Rent $625/month + utilities. Cati Rita Hadden*, W. Frank Real Estate Ltd., 668-6171. MEDICAL1PROFESSIONAL OFFICE. 625 sq. ft., downtown Whitby. GFound floor, loads of parking, private entrance and washroom. 666-3833. BROOKUN. 365 sq. ft. commercial space. Let us discuss your need. Cai 655-5539. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main stroot location, downtown Whitby. Croativo rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. COMMERCIAL SPACE for rent in hair salon. Esthetic room. Phone Janet, mornings 668- 1640 for appointment. CROSS CANADA MARKETPL ITS FAST - ITS EASVI ONE CAL ONE BILL. DOES IT AIL. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEEF1ING at the Southwestern Schoot *.î Auctioneering. Nexi Class: November 20-2-S. Inormation, contact: Southwestern Oraarlo Schooi af AucttoneerIng, R.R.05, Woodstock. Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. FREE career guide ta home-sludly correspondence Diptoma courses. Accounting. Airconditlonlng, Baokkeeping, Business, Cosmetoiogy, Eiectronics, Legai/Medîcat Secretary, Psychoiogy. Travet. Granton. (5A) 263 Adelaide West. Toronto. 1-00-950-1972. VACATIDNITRAVEI. MYRILE BEACH RESORT Vacation Rentais Fuiiy turnished condos. Pools, tennis and more! Gol packages/ winter rentais avallable. Feit rates rom $327/week. FREE BROCHURE: 1- 800-448-5653. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - flot quonset- 32x54 $7,744; 40x72 $11,690; 50s90 $16.622: 60x126 $25.375 - other sizes available - Finat Summer clearance- Paragon 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. ONTARtO MANUFACTURER has llmited number aI pre-sized ail steel buildings tor sale ai esceptionaliy REDUCED prices - irst corne, trst serve. No middieman. Pioneer 1-800668-5422. HARVEST SPECIAL on att steet buildings: Guonsels, S-Modets & Conventionals. Many sizes ta choose lrom. For quality. service and Inegrily cail FUTURE STEEL 1 -800-668-8653. SPAN-TECH BUILDINGS LTD. - Easy ta erect Ai/Steet & Wood/Steel buildings. CSSBI cerli'iedl, Farm, Residenlial. Industriel. Large or smai., conlracting availabie, 24 hours 1-800-561.- 2200. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Have your own Business selling Exerciseivear pari lime. Filness contacts an assel. Generous profils. No Investment. Canadien made. Free delails FINELINES, 2768 Dullerin. Toronto M6B 3R7. Full or Part ime Incarne Opportunity. High Demand Unique Hausehatd Produci. Excellent Fund Reising Program. Wite Disor-Reid 4532 Donegal Drive. Mississauge. Onterio LSM 4G9. BUSINESS SERVICES BARN REMOVAL: Everylhing (rom lowering aid barns ta ground leveitot complele site cleanup. Some jobs tree in eschenge for saivege. Dan (416)957-10t5, Gene (416)643-8878. LACE HEALTI4 i MEDICAL NATIONAL AUXO LEAGUE - 38 years ln Business pr p Ides HEALTH PAC tar eny trips up ta 180 DAY .SINGLE & FAMILY RATES under aga 73. $1 Iiltion coverage - DIRECT CLAtM PAYMENT tram $49 ta $1440. CALI 1-800-265. 1657...SALES AGENTS tN VOUR AREA NEEDED. 105E WEIGHT ln 7 DAYSI wilh revolullonary Slirnpatch! Cllnicelly tested homeoathic palch. Suppresses appetlie. No plits, esercîse or starvetion! 50 million sold ln Europe. Naw available ln North AmerIce. ORDER NOWI 1 weeka suppty $12.95; 1 manth $24.95; 3 months $49.95. SLIMPATCH INTERNATtONAL, 697 - 1755 Rabson St., Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 3B7. ADOPTION Affluent, proessional, couple wlshes ta provîde laving home for slbllng for edopted son. Warking wilh gaverfiment appraved licensee. Caît coliect Emiiy/David (416)884.1951 aller 6:30 pm. FOR SALE ENERCRAFT, a leading manufacturer af Portable Band Sawmilis, alsa corrdes for Immediale deiivery, 3 pi hilch and self calned ,waod splitlers, edgers, chainsaw chain grinders. bandsaw blede grinders, skidding wInches and more! Caîl 1-800-387-5553 URINE-ERASE guaranlees removel urine <dag. cat. human) stains. odours. Regardless stain age! Free brochure! Reideil Chemicals Ltd, Box 7500, London, Ont. N5Y 4M8 SALES HELP WANTED HIGH FASHION JEWELLERY comrpeny requires key people ta expand. Part timelfull lime Unlimited potentiel! Weekly bonuses. prizes. etc. Hostess plan unmalched. Cail coliecl (204)253- 4980. PERSONALS LEARN how la apply Dienelics techniques ta yoursell and alhers ta gel mare enjoyment oui ai litel Buy end wetch the videa Haw ta use Dienetics. (416)925-2145. 700 Yonge St. Toronto M4Y 2A7 REGAIN the viliiy and lreshness ofaile that yau thought was buried boraver. Buy and read Clear Body, Cleer Mnd. (416)925-2145. 700 Yange St , Toronto M4Y 2A7. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or timeshaee WetIl teke il! Americas lergesl resale clearîinghouse. Caît Resorl Sales International.1 - 800-423-5967 (24 hours). '"CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACEOO F'ro rexact a wrder mrket adrIeilise lhraughao th# regional membership of the I Onlai and Canachan Cammuniry Nowspp.r Assooiarors. Central Ontarbo 55 newspapers - $160 for 25 worcs -AM Onario newrsppers - $350 tor 25 words c Att Canada 572 newspepers - 31.121 tor 25 word, For furîher information please cali the Whitby Free Press Oiassiieds - 668-6111_ Fax. ý6,68;-0594* I Whitb .FreeP0, s- ~6 - Ii' tk or:.:;.:onday -o r .9a , 900 arn t0-5:00pr 7t4<<ede a *.. CML.* ... &..... S.G.ne a..C.n..t.. Bd ur ad could apprar in communify newspapers in Ontario, or right &cross Canada, or élny indîvidual province. Space is Limifed. so CnIf This Newspaper lodityl 71 -J 7'i7t ýi VI , .1 4: 1., ",