Page 2, Whiby Free Press, Wednesday, September 8, 1993 Business owner i oses contrct with Town FROM PAGE 1 you and I de net have the rigbt te disagree with council,» Little writes. "We must accept their views as* being rigbt at aIl times or sufer tbe consequences, even wben public input is te be aliewed.» Little goes on te state that EXCEPTIONALLY GRACIQUSII Nalural wtodwork adoras this spacious 1914 bull beauly. Lvin reloredtohosorýinal leganc9. feallrng% starcasas.. nannysquarta<5 massive foyer and mrore. Askitng rm. CALL ROSEMARY BROWN AT 433-211 «false information» about bis company was raised during the meeting te U5"rwjy» councillors inte, voting te, cancel the contract. Ho says councillor Don Mit- chell later informed bim that bis vote was based on tbe inaccurate information and agreed that it was "faise and unfair.» Little dlaims other councillors MEBROF H TORNT AND SHAW - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MARKET ANALYSIS CERTIFICATE 'Mis ortilictc cnotiels yc ou rt valua aoaiyss oyor proprty by a Cntury 210 Rcal Etac IProfcssional. Contact me and 1I wW show you horw uuch your Jropcrty la worth in today's numtplace.I I Issued by Rsmr rw Telephone Bs ICENTURY 21 Hancock Realt Limited I "Serving the Durham Region" If orpo îi curety liatcd with sa mal catetabroker, plocasI I cs d dthis t) icr It ia not aur hâtention ta solicit tihe offerings of oher est ro!cttrokers. Wo amc happy ta woek with thom and coopcrato uly IIf for somo rcaaayn you do not wlsh a msarket anaysis at tIis tiren, hLa tIis valuablececrtificate with your imsportant documenats. CALL ROSEMARY BROWN 433-2121 0I JUST ff LOVE GIVING AWAY FREE AIR MILES." aise feit the sanie. "This move by council, guided by others at the Town, was an attempt to break mypirt and that ef the concernedresidents of Brookiin ... well it didn't work. ..and it won't," he adds. Little told The Free Press he tbought "long and biard" about including thec portion dealing with his Twn contract. He did not want to detract from the main focus -- that coun- cil stili has no mecbanism in place te, prevent "strip plaza s» ben~buit outside the viage to the etriment of the downtown. (The letter also responds to p oints raised in a joint letter fromn Batten and Mitchell to those who signed Littie's peti- tion. (The councillors' letter assures residents that their concerns will bo addressed by council througb the Tewn's officiaI, plan review.) "I thought long and bard about putting it (contract) in, but it's typical of the way the mayor is running things now " said Little. Lttie said tbe qaise informa- tion» produced at the ceuncil meeting was a year-old newspa- per article about an expired con- tract his company had with a municipaity in the U.S. Town officiaIs were informed pro to hlm sigfing the contract that he ne longer had any deai- îin'gs with the municipality, Little said. Little said be aise, told both Lebel and Edwards in April that a letter critical of ceuncil's pesi- tien on Breekîin weuld be ROTARY Co(AIBID '41 ~ g2~p. 2469. 1 2.. 225.1.4 ..7.7. 27. 1 20.. FIntroducing a Brand New Concept to the Durham Region MEDlchair is NOW OPEN! Freedom, Independence and Mobility= Wellness at MEDIchair ... Canada's Wellness Store. Meeting the independence and mobility needs of the elderly and physically challenged is the concept behind the brand new MEDIchair Home Health Care Store located in Whitby. 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(416) 666-5001 Toil Free 14300465-5028 CarU la'sore for peopE a k.mne r a rarepl h MEDICHAI R, 1 appearing in local newspapers. «'I toid tbem if my involvement was an embarrassment that I would return tbe (Town's) depo- sit,» he said. "I sat down witb the mayor and he said it was ne probiem.» Little, aise a developer wbose proects include Pearson Lanes and tbe refurbished Brookiin Miii, dees net want people te feel sorry for bim. "One tbing I ar nont ieoking for is sympatby for me or my cein- pany. My sole reasen for putting it in is because of tbe way tbings are being run now.» Edwards was eut of town last week and net availabie for com- ment. Councillor Marcel Bruneile, Whitby's deputy mayor, said «business reasens» prompted council's cancellatien of Little's contract. «The contract was fer a con- siderable amount of meney if we kept it going,» be said. Hewever, Bruneile did net deny tbat ether factors may' bave contributed te council's decision. "ýEverybody dees things fer their own reasens. Fm net sure there is net tbat element there,» he said. «When yeu get behind closed doers, peopie don't aiways explain their reasons for doing se (voting).» ",Brunelle said ne one should bo surprised by council's action.* "If pYu're supposed te be the Town s agent and trying te sel the Tewn te tbe wheie world, yeu can't be eut tbere at the samne time saying nasty things about the Tewn. «I can't say that was the rea- son, but I can't disagree.» Bruneile said bis vote was based on «my concern for the business welfare ef the Tewn and bad notbing te de witb bis activi- ties regarding Breekiin.» Mitchell agreed with Little's contention tbat bis vote was due te the inaccurate information given counicil durinq tbe meeting. "But I den't behieve it would bave been any different if that information was net there," bie said. Myimpression i bth a lest confidence in tbemn as indivi- duais and as managers. In any private, sector situation you wouidn't want an employee act- ing this way.» Altbeugh bie weuid bave voted te retain Little's services but fer tbe newspaper story -- "I thougbt bie bad a current conflict» -- Mitchell said tbere was "ne doubt cf wbere it (vote) was geing.» However, be, tee, stressed that it was net because Little spoke eut en a public issue. "It's dead wreng te say it was te steop bim from speaking eut on Brooklin,» said Mitchell. Why Bayview Glen? roT ".116 REASONS WHY AN EARLY LEARNING PROGRAMME STARTING AT 3 YEARS 0F AGE UP TO AND INCLUDINO O.A.C SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO MEET MIE ACADEMIC, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL NEEDS 0F THE CHILD INCLUDES.. Early reading & math Daily Frenchi Science topics through exploration >'Regular physical activity >jj ThIeme related programming >'Creative indoor/outdoor play ~eComfortable daily routines Individualized programmes ~m.Modern facilities ~I~~Safe, secure, stimulating leaming environment >.Trained, experienced professionals : Regular parent contact %>Door-to-door transportation within our service area Hr ot lunches included Year round programmes available j>After school programmes offered to 6 pm Bayview Glen School 275 Duncan MI Road - Don Milîs. Ontanîo - M3B 3H9 Tclcphonc: (416) 443-1030 # Facsm' '- 416) 443-1032 I 1 Bsta s. .stin ow v. . be . om. hiba ije Batten, who had ne idea whX. the newspaper story surfaced said it had ne boaring on bis vote. "Our staff becamne concerned and council became concerned witb his attitude in June,» hie said. "It's bard for us te bave someone m arketing the Town wbo doesn't believe in it. We felt it was best net to continue.» Batten denied Little's dlaim tbat bie and Edwards forced council to cancel the contract because of the Brooklin issue. "The allegation that Batten went after bim is false. I tbink we beld in longer tban the pri- vate sector would,» be said. As for Brooklin residents wbo signed (and are still siginq) Lites petition, Batten si it bas been referred te the planning departnient for inclusion in the officiai plan review. «Ceuncillor Mitchell and I sent a letter outiining wbat council bad done te date and tried te alieviate their concerns,» bie said. The residents' request that a moratorium bo placed on future development or tbat it be staged, wili be examined, Batten pre- mised. «We wiii review that possibiiity and wbether it is goed, bad or indifferent te Brooklin,» bie said. "The intention of council and staff is te make sure tbe com- mercial area of dewntown Brook- lin is deveioped before any eut- side area is developed.» Stressing tbat the "future of dewntown-Brook1in 15 impertant te us ail,» Batten called Little a "Jobnny cerne lately» on the scene. "His concern new bas been mine for tbe iast 15 years," Batten added. feisor s, h .seltr o abused women and their chli- dren, are erganizing interviews te discuss issues related te wife assauit and sexual assault. Denise Heuse would like Dur- bam Region women te partiel- pate in a cemmunity consul- tation te belp develop a 'Violence Against Women Prevention Stra- 'eOntario Women's Direc- terate bas asked organizations te set up the interviews wbicb are confidiential. If interested, cal Melissa, Jane or Karen at the Denise House, 728-73 11. Ti IE EDUCATIONAI,