Page 4. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 1. 1993 Store Houes: Closed Monday, ~ Tue-5.rs10-6, 's'~1 IEI II rh ~IV IIFr.10-9, SaL930 - 530 eleM HERITAGE HOUSE limîted U 216 Mary St E, Whitby 668-3483 Toronto Unie 686-0061,1l-8n0387-0242 In-Store Fnanding Avaiabie * 001.o Whoe WheaorWMâle HAMBURGER BUNS IonIftft<, (DOLI Reg if 2 doien per custmone OUapmueà ySe= 71993 r mond, Strawborrchoe,s r orChocolt. LARGE Reg. 9 o wfbs wer 1380 Hopkns Street Whitby 666-11]77-- Localman..sues Reor lede 1 IARDE. FROM PAGE 1 A Reform Party press release stated that the memberships of the four mon Were terminated for activities judged te bo impreper, unbecoming or likeliy te adversely affect the intereats and reputation of the Party." B ut Allore ciaimed the decision te kick him eut of the party was made because hoe chailenged council's right tci take away Gambie's nomination. In an earlier letton te Man- ning Allore ciaimied counicii vie- lated the party's constitution at ieast six times in its treatment of Gambie. In his suit, Allono refera repea- tedly te Manning and Reform officiais touting the party as an open and democratic 'grasaroots» movement in which the member- ship ranks supreme. Particulan emphasis is piaced on the panty's constitution which would «ensure that the party governed itself the way it wouid encourage others toeontruat it with governing the country," the statement of cdaimnieada. But Ailore maintains that as hia invoivement in the party grow, it became increasingiy apparent" that Manning and oth- ors «vioiated the princigiles, poli- cies and constitution of the party, whiie at the saine time concealing this activity froin party membors and the public. Among his accusations, Aliere charges that: * Manning and Reform offi- ciais imposed thein wiii upon and interfered in the properly organ- ized activities of constituency associations in Ontario; * Manning and Reform offi- ciais discussed internai mattens of membenship and nominated candidates in Ontario with the media, whiie recounse was stili availabie te those affected; (Mlore hiniseif iearned of his expulsion from a newspapen reporter.) * Manning and Reformn offi- ciais conducted party-sanctioned secret investigations of memnbers without the consent or knowledge of those being investigated; Allore denies that lawsuit is revenge (In a previous interview, Allore said hie was subjected to an investigation after complaining about commenta made by a<1arty officiai which hie reaL in MacLean'smaazie. (Shaw denied that the incident was an investigation" and that the party was merely responding to a coniplaint about Allore. When the person would not sub- stantiate te charqe, the matter was subsequently dropped, Shaw said.) While ho preferred not to dis- cuss specific details of charges contained in the Iawsuit, Allore said they are a culmination of events hoe witnessed or had been a part of since becoming a rnem- ber in January 1991. The «final straw» was Muir's response to his counter-proposal regardngthe arbitration o f his memers apeal, Allore said. (Reform officiais insisted that the hearing be held in Calgary by a three-xnember arbitration panel of ar, members. Allore demanded it ne held in Ontario and preferrably headed by a retiredjudge.) Muir's letter merely corrected the page numbering mn the ori- gina proposai and faiied to addrless his concerns, Aliore said. "My attèmpts at arbitration was a iast test of how bona fide these peopie were » hoe said. 'Tins was the finai straw in a series of things which turned out to be untrue. There is a limit te one's toierance.» The 51-year-oid attorney admitted that his iawsuit may be a unique case and that peo le may perceive it as more ofa politicai vendetta than a legai matter. "]P not aware of an yEot.ca1 party being sued for fraudulent Hosp ital services FROM PAGE)1 obtaining funding, Kealey said the ministny dees occasionaiiy grant additionai menies te Ont aria hospitals. While net wishing te aiarn anyone that cuts are imminent, Keaiey said "people should real- ize that thinga are net like they were before.» Ho suggested Whitby residents contact their MPPs if they do net want services reduced or eli- minated. W want people te, under- stand that the Ministry of Heaith and the hospital are trY- ing te work together,» said Kea- loy. "This hospitai has a reai place in the community and we need it. We want te keep it viable.» Buffett was net available for immediate comment. 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W're the experts in cleaning and maintenance. ~eSaturdaY Hours~~ eme S9arfltO 5pm CLEAN-IT CENTRE 500 Hopkins Street, Whitby 666-1224 r, misrepresentation,» said Allore. «But when y ou spend time and money based on miarepresen- tation, the iaw is fairiy clear.» Allore aise denied that the iawsuit is simply revenge for having been expeiied froni the par ty. «I think that probably sooner or later thia would have hap- pened, I would have quit,» ho said. «I wouid have seen more and it wouid have been inevitable.» Ailore said ho considered ieav- ing the party long before his membership was revoked. «I was hoping it (initiai in- cidents of supposed wrongdoing) was just a biip on the screen,» hoe said. «But there were tee many biips on the acreen.» Ailore, who has voted for al three of Canada7s traditionai parties since his university days as a New Democratic Party sup- porter, said ho was attracted te the Reformn Party in late 1990. «The country was in a bad state. Muironey was prime minister and 1 knew the NDP would be a disaster in Ontario," hoe said. "Manning came aiong like a breath of fresh air taiking cern- mon sense and claiming te iisten te people. I beiieved that and was ripe for it.» AIlores solicitor, David Tho- mas of Oshawa, was aise not aware of anyone suing a pelitical party on simlar grounds. As of last Friday, Thomas had net heard froni either Reform officiais or the party's lawyers. Hewever, Shaw said the party wiil be retaining a Iaw firmi in Ontario te respond te the iaw- suit. '«Mie oniy comment we have is the dlaim is without merit and wo wiii defend it,» hoe said. Shaw refused te discuss speci- fics of the suit. «Obviousiy it wili be deait with by the courts. There's ne menit in it whatsoever,» ho repeated. Shaw added that party officiais are net werried about unfavour- able publicity with a federai eiec- tien cal l 4xpected any day new.