THE STAFF of "the hippest joint aroundl" -- Harry Keester's Bar and Grill -- which opened last Wednesday in the former Moviola Cafe yen arry mayd cropmi at Chicago-style bar/grll By Mark Reesor A new Witbj bar and eatery touts itself as "the hippest joint around!» Harry Keester's Bar and Grill opened last Wednesday in the former Moviola Cafe building at the northeast corner of Thickson and Dundas. The. building had been empty for more than a year. Keester's has a "really fun, loose atmosphere,» manager Mike Leigh says. uCome in and have a good turne; nothing's tee wild for us.» Owned by Steve and John Tzountzouris of Whitby (Who, alon g with Leigh, came up3 with the name and personalieor the place), it's modelled after a southern U .S. or Chicago-style bar and grill «where youjust go eut and have a good time. Staff are instructed- te give «phenomenal service but at the saine time make sure people are having a good turne,» Leigh says. "Anybody can corne in here, whether it's for food, drink, te party or te relax. (We have) good quality food, good quality service, good quality atmrosphere and the best location in Whitby.... there's something for everybody.» .The menu certainly reflects that phlosophy; uwe tried te e it as diversified as possible,» notes Leigh. Hladden amd director of bur eau of excellence Dr. Richard Hadden has been appeinted executive director of the newly formed Bureau for Excellence in Durhami Region. Hadden, a local resident for 17 years, as held senior manage- ment positions in the Canadian steel industry. He is chair of the. Canadian Steel Industry Research Associa- tion and the Materials Engineer- ing Technolog Y Tansfer Net- work. Hadden, who graduated PhD iný metallurgy frein the Uniersty f trathclyde, Glas- gow, Scotland bas been a strong influence in tle increased inter- action and technology diffusion for colleges and universities te Canadian industry. The bureau of excellence is an independent initiative by local business, service industries, edu- cational institutions and regional government dedicated te the économie and social well being of the region by promotinV the prin- ciplea of 'Total Qualut. The. bureau will help orgaiza- tiens increase productvity and atain a more competitive poition by providing training and educa- tien in "qcuality firat» practices and techniques. Hadden's office will be located at the aldls training centre of Durhamn College. 1 Coler Your Worid~ You can choose alligator, «fromn 'Istamboul,' sauteed with garlic butter and cajun spice, served with salsa» calimari «fresh froin Hudson ]Bay!»" and mussels, «Lake Ontario~s finest,» te more conventional fare such as wings, " chicken tees -- «well, it's not fi ngers eith or!,» "Moose Jaw style" gourmet pizza, tex-mex, pasta and steaks. Most ite ms, except for steaks and seafood, are undor $10. Different areas of the dining roem have different thernes. For e xample, the re7 a 'Tom, Dick and Iarry booth' (surrounded by dozons of pictures of famous Toms, Dicks and Harrys, of course) and an Elvis booth. The bathreoms are aIse unique. Lieigh says they're outfit- ted with funhouse mirrors, for example, and usera get te listen te language instruction tapes as they go ab-out their business. Le*gh'a vague when asked eaclyrwho Harry Kteris. «Harry's a traveller; he may drop in sometime,» he says mys- teriously. If thinga go well, Harry Kees- teres coul become a chain. "I know it can. work really well,'» Leigh says. «It's juat a matter of seemgo m hofti market is eu ere. (Eventuially) there could be Keester's around the country.- Semi-Transparent Stain(6300), Water Repeilnt Deck Stain (6900) $15ge Photo by Mark Reesai', WhItby Free Press Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Septembor i1. 1993, Page 9 -~BROOKLL}- 6 get career ' Start' The Optimist Club of Brooklin 'Summer Start' programn provided summer employment for six area taons. The program gave students an opportunity te attend summer ochool and obtain on. or two credits. Also it offered students workshops on job-related topics and a chance to work in a field of intorest te them. Ti.experience gained by everyone invrolved in tbe program will beof great assistance to there in- the future," said prograra co-rdinator Jeff Schwartzen- hauer. The students developed a lot over the summer and a noticeable change in their responsibility-and attitudes towards work was observed, ho said. The students were Brandon Spanger, Steve Webb , Steve Van Der Krabben, Travis Garant, Sean Robichaud and- Adrian Walendzewicz. Webb did bis job shadow segment of the Start program at Anderson Veterinary Clinic at Roesland Road and Anderson Street. He helped with eperations, helped handie the animais and did general cleanup around the office. During bis part-time hours, he was complaining about being bored while at work but when be began fuil-time in early August, he was given more tasks and was much happier with biýs job. Van Uer Krabben worked in he was on the stock replenishment teare. Garant worked at Barbs Breoklin Delicatessen and Baked Geods on Baldwin Street in Broolin. His goal is te run his own restaurant or food establishment. Walendzewicz spent the. job shadow portion of the program working for the Whitby Fire Rsisduties included general cleanup around the halls, washing and maintaining the trucks, maintaining the yards and testing the hoses. "Ites very tiring and they keep me really busy," saidWaed zewicz. .Meal, far tour Sepkit. 8 A Wheels te Meals luncheon will be held Wednesdlay Sept. neon, at St. Thomas kLemorm Hall,'Brooklin. The luncheon will be followed by a bus tiri pto Winreach Farm, Ashburn.Rereshiets will be served at the farmi before the return trip (arrive back in Brook- lin by 4:30p.m.). Cost is $5 for luncheon and trIr more information cali Betty at 655-3187, Pat at 655- 8716 or Ann at 655-8034. Dr. Hanson Lo wishes to a.nnounce this Fammi tfh openiný Practice, with special interest in Obstetrios and Podiatrios. WHITBY MEDICAL CENTRE S68-5835 619 Brock ýt. S., Whitby LUN 4LI f Resumnés ' ssays - Banners Newsletters- Mailing Labels Cali anytime - Weekdays, evenings, weekends 404-8422 PRIME COM'MERCIALI SPACE FOR LEASE In downtown Port Perry approx. 3000 sq. ft. Air conditioned. Lots of private parking. Suitable for retail or restaurant development in the downtown core. Reasonable longterm lease available. Cail 436-w3025 Photocopies, Fax Service, Custom Labels & Decals, Wedding Invitations, Business Cards,. Complete Sign Production BRGGKLIN BULLETIN 76 Baldwin Street, Brooklln Fax 655-5191 Cal 655-43 CId Srvlice, AFTER SALE PRICE $39.92 ë 1916 Dundas Street East, Whitby eg Aug- 4 Io 7JPA