Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Aug 1993, p. 22

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Page 22, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, August 18. 1993 I LEGAL I LEGA TENERST~MDBS AUCION CORPORATION OF THE ~ TOWN 0F WHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,1993-Q 7:45 P.M. Meeting Hall, Whitby Munici p ai Building 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting will be helci by the Planning and Development Committee of Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby te censider a proposed comprehensîve zoning by-law amenciment te Zoning By-Iaw 2585. The purpose ef th e proposed amnendment is to amenci the delinition for a boarding and lodging house use within the zoning by-law and establish a distance separatien criteria for boarding and loclging houses within the zoning by-law. The purpose ef this meeting is to previde adequate information te the public and te permit interested persons the opportunity te make representation in respect ef the proposed zening amendrments. If you are unable te, attend the meeting, your representation can be fileci in wriing by mail or personal delivery te reach the Planning Department net later than regular wokng heurs on September 14, 1993. lnterested persons may inspect aciditional information relating te the above application in the PlanningDepartment, Level 7, Whitby Municipal Building, 575 RosslandRoad East, Whitby, On tarie LiN 2M8 during regular working heurs, MAonday te Friday. or may contact the Planning Department by telephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION STREET CLOSURE: PITT STREET EAST The Council ef the Corporation et the Town et Whitby intencis toetss a by-law te stop up and dlose Pitt Street East, between Breck Sreet South and Green Street, as shown beîow, being cempsed ef Par t Pitt Street East, Plan H-50031. designated as Parts 1l, 16, 17 and 18 on Plan et Survey 40R-14942. t TRENTrSTREETE The purpese of die readcl osure is te previcle landi to accemmodate the proposeci expansion et the Whitby Senior CitIzens' Activity Centre lecateci ai 801 Brock Street South. The Operatiens Committee et Council wiIl meet on the evening et Tueschay, September 7. 1993 in Committee Room One et the Whitby Municipal Building. 575 Rosslarid Road East, Whitby fer the purpose of hearing any person who dlaims his or her land will be prejudlicially affecteci by the by-taw. Any persen wishing te meet with the Committee is asked te advise the Town Clerk accordingly b y ne later than Thursday. September 2, 1993. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK OF TH-E TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LUN 2M8 PHONE:(416) 668-5803 jobsOntario e Capital boulotOntario a Construction The following general contractors and mechanical and electrical suboontractors have been pre-qualified and are invited to submit bicis for the construction of the: New Whitby Psyqhiatric Hospital for Whity, Ontario for the Ministry ef Health Projeot No.: MOH-74598/036C List of General Contractors PCL Constructors Eastern Inc. Thomas Fuller Construction Co. (1958> Limiteci Pigott Centractors Inc. Elis-Don Construction Ltd. Eastern Construction Company Umited The Jackson-Lewis Company nc. List of Mechanical Subcontractors George A. Kelson Ce. Ltd. Steen Contractors Ltd. Groft & Associates Sayers & Associates Bennett& Wright Contractors Sutherland&aSlchultz Imc. E.S. Fox Limited List of Electuical Subcontractors Ainsworth Electric Ce. Umited The State Group Univex Guild Electric Black & MacDonald Ltd. Ontario Electrical Construction Ltd. Bld documents can be viewed at the following Construction Associations: Toronto Construction Association Ottawa Valley Bid Depository Hamiton Construction Association London & District Construction Association Mississauga Construction Association Orillia Buiders' Exchange Peterborough Ontario construction Association Durham Construction Association Bid Documents will be available at: Custodian of Drawings and Spec ifications Management Board Secretariat 5th Floor, Ferguson Block 77 Wellesley Street West Toronto, Ontario 9:OO'a.m., August17, 1993 Please telephene (416> 327-1990 to conflrm availability. Please request number 036C. A refundable deposit of $1 ,00000 in the form of a certifieci cheque payable to the Minister of Finance wiIl be required for each set of bid documents provided. Sealeci tenders wiII be received until 3:00 p.m. Thursday, October 14, 1993 at the Public Tenders Office, Ma-nagement* board Sec,!etariat, Roomn M-48, Macdonald Bledk, 900 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario M7A i N3, telephone (416) 327-2571 at which tîme they will be opened in public. Bid depository procedures shall be followed b y the mechanical and electrical trades through the Durham Construction Associaton. A mandatory co'nducted site visit for the prequalitled g eneral contractors and subcontraccors will occur on Tuesday, August 31, 1993 at 10:30 a.m. at buildin #1 5 at the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, 700 Gordon Street, Whitby, Ontano. In achieving the goals of employment equi ty, the Ontario Govemment intends that equtable employment practices b e supported in the private sector. âD Ontario NOTICE 0F INTENTION TO DISSOLVE De Future Enterprise Inc. Notice is hereby given that De Future Enterprise I no. intends te dissolve pursuant te the Business Corporations Act. Dateci at Whitby this ,29th day et July 1993. Sidney Hak Kmn Ngai, President. "LEAVE VOUR CARES at home with us.w Profossionalp et/home sitters are f ulIy bonded Ê insured. Custom Homewatch International. 666-5353. o.. ovr ly r AUCTION SALE THURSDAY AUGUST 19 5P M AT ISLAMDER BANQUET* HALL ON SCUGOG ISLAND Coke cooler, side by side fricige f reezer, furniture, antiques, appliancos, linon and excellent olci dîshes. Viewing ftrom 1 p.m. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 12 NOON FOR DEMMER CONSTRUCTION CARPENTER SHOP CONTENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Simcee St. North te Coates Rd. 1 mile north of Raglin andi turn east te Demmers Lane. Carponter machinery, erchard spray or, coment finishers and mucr hmore. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073 MACGREGOR AUCTION ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS & BOAT SUNDAY AUGUST 22, il A.M. (VI kWING 10 A.M.)1 AGRICULTURE BUILDING ORONO FAIRGROUNDS This Sunday's auctien features our usual solection ef antique furniture, dressors & chests ef drawers, olci cupbeards, misc. chairs & rockers, miso. tables (parleur, kitchen, occasional, o etc.). A quaîity selectien of rare & unique coîlectables, misc. pos. of glass & china, limited edition & decorative art werk, oId ceins, Berkîey moat slicer & 14 ft. aîuminum boat, trailer, 9.9 Yamaha, Eaple f ish finder & accessories. This is enly a smaîî portion of this large sale which features articles frem the p ast te the present with something f or everyoe. Come eut & en*0y1 Sunday at the auction. (Caîlfr ail ý our auct ion neecis). Next auct ion unday, August 29. MACGREGOR AUICTIONS MIKE MACGREGOR 416-987-5402 JUNIOR WEST 416-983-5556. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAVI AUGUST 20 AT 6 P.M. 3 MILES EAST 0F LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 New pine corner cupboard, new pine china cabinet, chesterfielci, antique setoe, upright piano, antique dressers & chests of drawers, almenci 15 cu. ft. freezer, beci chesterfielci, oval top trunk, washstands, pine chests ef drawers, ln9plis autematic washer & dr.yors, 30 in. eîectric steve, 7 pce. pine dininq suite, pine round table & 6 chairs, eak recking chair, coffee & endi tables, new pine cupboard, crocks, co-eil Iam p. 3 h.p. Iawnmower, fiat top farm scales, 14 ft. cedar stnip boat, reugh sawed red oak lumber, aise consgned the property of the Lae Herbert Heatue et Lindsay, 20 aýue fhh a pump shot gun, uvncheste r 12 gauge shotgun, Winchester pup 1 gag whihscepe, un cabint, aprox.

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