Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Aug 1993, p. 20

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page 20, Whîtby Free Press, Wednesday, ýugust 18, 1993 JEDUCATIONAL S ERVICES LAMINATE TO PRESERVE and prtc or Posters, Certificates, Eduat nai Material, etc. Several film thicknesses. Also availabie - bookiet making. Cati: 666-2182. EXPERIENCED TUTOR has two openings for private instruction. Grades K - 8. Fee - $17/hr. Cati 433-0479. CHILD ýCARE, ,SERVICGES FORMER TEACHER & experienced provider in Pringle Creek area wiiI care for your pr-school and/or shool-age child. Near Pringie Creek & St. Trheresa schooi. Please cali 668-9738. 2 RELIABLE neighbourhood mothers working together as a team to give attentive, tender loving care to your child or children. Nutritious meals. Lots of activities and fully fenced yard. Home is located in the Thicson Rd. & Dundas St. area. Reasonable rates & references. IH interested please cali Colleen at 404-1551 or Jackie at 436-7580. MOTHER with E.C.E. experience, will provide good quality daycare for your child. Nutritious meals, outdoor. activities, crafts (age appropriate). A home away f rom home! References available. (E.A. Fairman area). Cati Wendy 668-4125. MY NAME IS Christopher and 1 arn 2 years aid. I1pla in a fenced back yard ànd h ave a specialý playroom with lots of toys. i go out walking with Mommy everyday. 1 live very close to St. Theresa/Pringle Creek schoals. My Momm y is very experienced wit h lots of T LC. Very reasonable rates. Receipts, references. 668-5464. Specializing in Early Childhood For Peace of Mind - Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. CHILD CARE SHARED APRTENS AATET SERVICES ACCOMMODATION FO EIT FRR LOVING MOTHER AVAILABLE ta, do daycare in my home. Nutritious lunch & snack. Fallingbrook & Dryden area. 430-3361. DAYCARE AVAILABLE for kids before and after school. Thickson/Manning area. Cal 721-9886. - MOTHER 0F 2 willing ta provide daycare in home. Near Manning and Bradley. Calil 666-8680. MOTHER 0F TWO, ages 3 & 6 will provide childcare in my home. Tentative care, supervised activities, nutritious meals & snacks are provided. 1 am on the bus route ta, St. Theresa's & within walking distance of Leslie McFarlane & Pring le Creek schools. I will also provide transportation for A.M. kindergarten ta F.M. Heard & Glendu schools. Income tax receipts provided & references. Cali Lynda, 666-1203. Manning/Garden. MOTHERCRAFT CAREGIVER specializing with infants and pre-schoolers. Worry-free daycare f or yo ur small one in our home. Mary 430-8148. FWatch e-Priwite Home Da are The system that provides... *Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your child " FuIIy trained providers receive ongoing Agency support " Retiable local back-up covers Provider illness or holidays " Com plete insurance coverage " Incarne tax receit ps -Children six weeks and up " Full or part-time For more Information cati: 686-3995 FEMALE ta share a 2 bedroomn partially furnished basement apart- ment. Non-smoker. $85/weekly. Phone 430-2984. ROOMMATEý WANTED. Large house, north Whitby. Private V/2 bath, laundry, parking. Quiet area. Ron or Dave at 723-3074. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Roommate wanted ta share 4 bedroomn house. Laundry facilities. Female preferred. $300/month. Utilities included. Mature, quiet working people only please. Cati 430-7103, leave message. STUDENT ta share 4 bedroom house with 2 other students. Laundry, parking. Available September 1. $250/month inclusive. First & last. 721-8348. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. Parking, iaundry, cable, phone. Use ofkichen. $10 weekiy. Starr & Byron St. 430-2598. FURNISHED ROOM in executive home. Kitchen and Iaundry facilities, parking. $100/week. First and last. CaIl Debloe at 666-0200. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street locat ion, downtown Whitby. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. MEDICAL/PROFESSIONAL OFFICE. 625 sq. ft., downtown Whitby. Ground floor, ioads of parking, private entrance and washroom. 666-3833. BROOKUN. 365 sq. ft. commercial space. Let us discuss your need. Cati 655-5539. [129 Perry St., Whitby 68-9476 [ - a icensed Agency ...... ?i'4es èo........... WHITBY. Attached garage CALA ~ I~ I~1 suitable for storage. Available C A L FP., 1 1 1 Se-Ptembér 1. Cati anytime BRUANS Lawnmower Rep~air 721-2844 - 725-8709 ILFree Pic Up & Delivey LAWN MOWER SPECIAL TUNE UP OnIy The Mutual Group HERB TRAN cail for quotation 725-6564 inteiling itone& retirnintal pla ning & ec986 CA666-90 7 MORTAEI MORTGAGES as low as 5.751/o o.a.c. Caîl Michael 668-7200. Anubis lnvestments Ltd. Serving Ontario since 1972. 571-2880 or 686-6450 (Tor. line> ONE BEDROOM basement apartment available after July 31. Large living room, kitchen, fridg e, stove. Alil utilities included plus hydro. Close ta school, shopping. $595. First & last. 668-0629. DOWNTOWN WHITBY. 1 bedroomn apartment. $625/month, includes hydro, heat & water plus 1 paringspace Fridge & stove. 1. Cati 728-.9679. rOcoe LARGE 2 BEDROOM apartment in triplex. 1,100 sq. ft . Cable & laundy facilities included. Avaiile end of August. $850/month. 430-7944. 1 BEDROOM APARTMVENT. Newly renovated. Large yard, parking, f idg e, heat, hydro included. $47 monthly. Cati 668-0648. ROSSLAND-THICKSON. Furnished 1 bedroomn apartment. New home. Mature persan. Non-smoker. Private entrance, parking, c/a. $120/week. Includes utilities. First/last. Cati 430-6727. ANDERSON/DUNDAS. 1 bed- room, private ent rance, pool laundry, parking. Non-smoker. References. $550 inclusive. 668-5464. 1 SMALL 2 BEDROOM apart- ment. Available Sept. 1. $602 + hydro & gas. 1 - 2 bedroom apartment. Available Oct. 1. $602 + hydro &g as. 1 -3bedroom a9 artment. Available October 1. $748 + hydro. Close ta, ail amenities. Cai 668-7196. WHITBY. Large 3 bedroom apartment in Triplex. $750 plus utilities. Available September 1. No pets. Ron Barsi, 436-0990. Sutton Group Status Realty Inc. WHITBY. 1 bedroom apartment. Fridge, stove, 4 pce. bath, parking. $450 monthiy. Frst & last. Suitabie for single person. Available immediateiy. Cati 623-4782. WHITBY. 4 bedroom house. Air conditioned, large backyard onto park. Appliances negotiable. $1,200fmonth + utilities. 666-3478. WEST LYNDE TOWNHO USE. 3 bedrooms, garage, playground, backs onto g reen space. Schools, shopping, buses. $920/month. First/last. References. Application 723-2871. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASYI OiNE CAL, ONE BILL DOES T AIL. AUCTIONS EXTRA INCOME' Grow baitworms in yaur BIG CURVE ACRES FARM 51h Annuai HORSE basement or garage. Odorless operalion. Low AUCTION, Thurs. SEPT. 2nd, 7.OOpm (705) 487- investment. Markt guaranteed' Free information. 2000. Hwy #11 between Barrie and Orillia. Early Bird Ecalogy, R.R.III. Srrihville, Ontario. Spiection of our own Horses and Ponies. LOR 2A0. (416) 6434252. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES BUSINESS CLOSING. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of New & Used R.V.s. Camping-Tralers. Truci-Campers, rilth.wheets, Travel-Trailers. Trur.k-Caps. Paris & Accessories, Saturday, Aug. 21, 1993 at 10.3Oam. Royal Traiter & R V. Centre n Tevioldate (519) 343 2122ý PERSONALS PEN PALS from 40 countries. Friendship / Love Contacts. Correspondance Inil, P0 Boa 1080, Edmnnton, AR. TSJ 2M2. WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond wilh unatlnched Chrintian people across Canada for companionship or marriage? S A.S E. Free information Stale sgt. Ashgrove. PO, Bot 205, Chase, BOC . VOE 1Mo. REGAIN the vlalîty and reshness of le thal you thougl was buried boraver, Bîîy and read Clear Body. Clear Mind. (416) 925.2145ý 700 Yonga Sti, Tronto, M4Y 2A7. HEALTH/1 MEDICAL NATIONAL AUTO LEAGUE - 38 years in Business providea HEALTH PAC lor any trips UP ta 180 DAYS, SINGLE & FAMII.Y RATES under aga 73. Si million coveraga - DIRECT CLAIM PAYMENT Ibom S49 to $1440. CALL 1-800-265- 1657...SALES AGENTS IN VOIR AREA NEEDED. VACATION 1 TRAVEL MYRTLE BEACH RESORI Vacation RentaIs Fully Iurnshed condos. Pools. tennis and motet Golf packiages/ wînter rentais avattabie. Eall ratas trom S327/week. FREE BROCHURE: 1-800448- 5653. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUNO membership or timeshare'? Well laite il Americas iaîgast resale ctearinghouse. Cati Resoti Sales Itnernational. 1- 800-423-5967 (24 hauts) HELP WANTED TIRED 0F BEING UNEMPLOYED? Why not watt in beautiful Haliburton Highlands ai Wigamog Inn Wail and Bar Staff required bo starn September 1. 1993.(705) 457-2000. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE RIGHT COMPANY, the right producîs. the right marketing plan, Malte your lîniancial dreams a reality Dsttîbutoshps avaîlabte Training ptavided CuIt todati (519) 752-5998 gam.Spm. 6 8pm growing packages. Environmentaily frlendiy. References availabia. Niagara Bail & Ecotogy. 5513 Elcho Rd, RR #3 Weiiandpsrl. Ontario LOR 2J0 (416) 386-6661. BULi< F000 BUSINESS, about 3,000 sq. il., excellent saies. serving over 6 tawns Owner is retiringý For mota inormation cati (519) 733- 5666. Tuasdays. Asktlot Joan. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERIING ai the Sauthwestarn Schooi ai Auctioneering. Nexl Class: Noverobar 20-26. Information, contact: Saîîthwestern Ontario Schoai aI Auctionearing. R.R.#5, Woods;tock. Ontario N4S 7V9ý (519) 537-2115. EARN A LIVING PREPARING TAX RETURNS. Basic and Computer Courses by self -study. Frea brochute, Cati 1.800-563-EARN; Fax (204) 254- 61 72; Write: Jackts Instituta. 902-167 Lombard Avenue. Winnipeg, Manitoba,.F13B OW1. EARN EXTRA MONEY. Incama Tax or Booktiaeping courses by correspondance. Free Brochures. No obligation. U & R Tax Services Ltd.. 1345 Pembina Hlwy. Winnipeg. Manitoba. R3T 2B6. 1.800 665-5144. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ARE YOU BETWEEN the ages ai 18-307 Enjoy travelling and farm Ide? Contact the International Agricuitural Exchange Association. 1501-17 Avenue S.W. Calgary. Alberta, T2T 0E2. 1-800- 263-1827. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel SIrattwal Type . nat quanset - 32x54 $7,744; 40x72 $11.690: 50x90 $16,622: 60xl26 $25.375 - other sizes availabia Final Summner clearance- Patagon 24 Hauts 1-800 263 8499ý MUST SELL: 6 Ail Steel Buildings Go Factary Direct. Gel up ta 40% DISCOUNTS. Many sizes, FatI/Spring deiivery, Ideailfot ail uses. PIONEER 1-800-668-5422 STEEL BUILDINGS, A cheap Building ottars na flexibitity. May even cast more money. The answer for Ouality. Integrity & Service- FUTURE STEEL. Thousands af people cant be wrong, CatI 1-800 668-8651, Vour ad udapper ncommrunîfy newspapera In Onar,.or ght *cross Cnada, or any Indivduelprovnce.Space a Lmled. go Cali This Newopaper TodayI "'CROSS CýANADA MARKETrPLACE' To rch' a wrdr maret. aoWvrrs. thmuoi he h re gonal membesihp ot the Ontaro andc Cariaian Communy etlwsrpqa.er Associatio.. Central Ontario 55 newsopers - 160 Wo 25 words - AU Ontario nwsppers - 350 for 25 words Ail Canada 572 newspapers - $1,121 for 25 words For turther Information please cailithe Whtby Free Press Classlfleds - 6684111 Whtb FeePrss* 68611 Office Hours: *Moônday to F-ricay, 9.-,00 amn to 5:00 prn Fax 668-0594 r- Whitby Free Press a 668- 61--l lý;,

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