Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Aug 1993, p. 22

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Page 22, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. August il. 1993 ARTICLES ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE ARTICLES BRHSWNE F OOA ER___________________________________________S__ ______________________________E_______________ MATTRESSES and boxsprings at hait price. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. FIREWOOD. Exoeitert quaiity hardwood, seasoned, very dry, Split, honest measurement, summer prices, f ree delivery. We cars for your heat. 416-753-2246. NEW PT LUMBER for sale. 97 pcs. 4"x4x8', 160 pcs. 4"x4"xlO', 43 pcs. 4"x4"x14'. 400 ft. et mixed tumber. Total price $ 1,400 o.b.o. 655-3004. HARDTOP TENT TRAILER. Sieeps six, f ridge. steve, furnace. 110 converter. $2,200. Aise, weight bench - excellent condition, $80. Calil 430-0898. ANTI-AGING needs distrWuors. Chinese herbs/personaî cars produts. Unlimited earning fotential. Exceptional epportunity. Pi sase caîl Anti-Agi ng 969-0606, beave message. ELNA KNITTING MACHINE. Like new, hardiy used. Valued over $1,000, wiIl sell fer $400, many extras. Cardboard barreis, very st rong. Geod fer storage or movn.Various sizes. $10-$20 each. 1430-1080. FOR SALE - Steam carpet cîsaner, round kitchen table + 2 chairs, micrewave. Pets & pans and other kitchen items. Dressers, wail unit, dining roem - country style. Matching love-seat & sofa. Lawn chairs, space heaters, face tanning tamp. asyg ider. E.M.S. stimutater. Gali 668-8956. The Lifesaver course is designed to teach essentiai ifesaving first aid skiils to people of al ages. Three and a hall hours of vour tine could save a ife. Cali Si. John .tmhulance tor détails. e 668-9006 FOR SALE. 1986 GMC V/2 ton truck. 86,000 k.m.'s. tn 9oed condition. $5,500 f irm certitied. Cati 668-1336 or 668-8265. 1980 CHEV CITATION. Fair conditien. Needs exhaust. Best offer. 655-4035. MUDFLAPS for dual wheei truck. New, nover used. $25/pair. 430-2075. 1980 E150 FORD Econotine van. 6 cyindler autematie. Short box. Many new p arts. $800 e.b.e. uncertified. Caîl 433-0332. Need a car - Credit problems? beas, ta ownaymka or moal " Cash for trad.Ciinaw forklm quotas LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING 683-6230 - Jeff PIN BALL MACHINES for sale and wanted. Vintage penny arcade machines wanted. Days 430-1727, evenings 721-2446. ARTHRITIS SUFFERERS - Have y ou tried Chinese Herbs? Ming te now available. $37.95 plus tax + postage. Cai 969-0606 Anti-aging for information. RANGE AND NEW TWIN BED for sale. CatI 576-1774. Sewing Machine Repairs Complets Tune-up $39.95 Reconditioned Sewing Machines t j rom $59.0 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE e 0571-1385 400 King St. W. Oshawa CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less than haîf price. Large setection. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simce St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. MARSHALL 50 watt head and 100 watt cabinet. $1,000. Phono Mike at 697-2943. GOLD KENMORE steve and portable dishwasher. Excellent condition. $150 sach or $250/pair. Horizontal air conditioner, good condition,. $65. 723-2871. LAWN TRACTOR, turf trac, 12 h.p. /38" eut. New battery, muffler. Cati 427-2170. 14" ELECTROHOME cotour T.V. Goed working condition. $100 o.b.e. 23 wine botties & caps for the home wine maker. $10 o.b.e. 668-3640. TAN DEEP whiîe you SLEEP. Avoid the sun's harmifuî UV rays and the skin-damag e from tanninig beds. Breakthrough, self-tanning lotion gives you a naturai-Iooking, brown tan - safely and sasityl Cati 969-0606 Anti-aging. 1979 BMW, 2 door. 60,000 k.rn.s on rebuift metor. New clutch, pressure plate & retease bearing. Sun root. Body in goed condition. Asking $1,800 certitied or witi seIi as is. 433-0775. U.S. GOVERNMENT SURPLUS Fantastic Auctien Bargiains! Buyers Guide. Cati (1) 805-962-8000 Ext. CS-335. 1980 CHEV MALIBU, V-6. New battery & starter. Rluns good. Needs trans. $300 as is. Cali 725-7474. AIl sizes. Installation and Computer Balancing aise avaitable Wl-IITBV TIRE 103 Dundas St. E. ai oemeciHw". 12 & H".2)~ Phone 430-8900 FOR SALE. Gold fridge -and steve, $250 o.b.o. CatI 668-5367. 17 CUBIC FT. FRIOGE, butter softener, juice holder, $600. 3 years old, almond. Self cleaning steve, $450. 3 years otd. Both in good condition. Ping Pong table $75. 430-9427. GIANT MOVING SALE. Thousands of VHS tapes. New and p reiously viewed. $7.99 and up. West Lynde Video, 273 Michael Blvd., Whit by (acress f rom seheel). Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. STOP Dont throw It eut. Someene may want It. Try the Classifiecis. Cali The Whltby Free Press 668-6111 ODDS & ENDS FLEAMARKET. Durham's targest garage sale. 1910 Dundas St. E., WhîtIby. Every Saturday and Sunday. Space avaiiable. Table supptied. 666-5100. NEIGHBOURHOOD GARAGE SALE. Weather permitting. 8 a.m. Saturday, August 14. 18, 20 & 23 Michael BIvd. Ho usehotd iRems, records,. clothes and much mors. LICENSED TECHNîCIAN at Erro's Appliance Repair. Ail major appiiances, inctuding gas appli- ances. We buy usedi Ail parts g uaranteed oesy ear. Monday te Saturday, 432-7734. .................... 1980 CORSAIR 35 ft. traiter, 2 ti pouts, fuît deck, 20 ft. X 8 ft. Flerida roomn, iandscaped lot. Burieigh Falls (Hy. 28). Cati 579-4937 ater 5:30 p.m. for information. 1981 YAMAI-A 400. New Pirelii tires. New battery. Stored for 3 years,' weii maintained. $825 (off ors). Good condition. 666-4696 contact Allen. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Business Closing, Cleari ng Auction Sale et New & Used R.V.s, Camping-Trailers, Truck-Carnpers, Fith'-Whsels, Travet-Trailers, Truck-Caps, Parts & Accessories, Saturday, Aug. 21, 1993 at 10:30 a.m. Royal Trailer & RV. Centre in Teviotdale (519)343-2122. BULLEN: Patti & Chris are pteased to announce the birth of their beautiful daughter, Samantha Taylor on Monday, July 19, 1993, weighing 7 tbs. Il oz. at Ajax Pickering Hospital. Proud grand- p arents are Bob-& Jean Davis of Dorchest er and Bill & Rhoda Bullen of Port Hope. KEMP: Kathleen is overj oyed te announce the birth of her third child Connor Mark weighing in at 6 ibs il 'V2 oz. at 1:30 p.m. on July 29, 1993 at Toronto General Hospital. Brother to Ashley Rachel ad Raymond Chartes. Proud randparents are Chartes and lieanor Kemp, and g reat g randmother May Smith, al et W hitby. Special thanks te Dr. Sermer of Toronto General and the NICU unit at Sick Kids Hospital. STAINED GLASS COURSES begin September 7, 1993. Re ister now. Sundance Glass, 430-177. FREE. KMtens te a geod -home. CatI 430-1599. EXCLUSIVE DOG & CAT GROOMING. Professional, 9entIs cars, ds-mattin fltIa & medicated baths. Call Cristinýa 666-;0765. MORTGAGES as low as 5.75%/ o.a.c. Cati Michael 668-7200. Anubis Investments Ltd. Serving Ontario since 1972. 51-2880 8-65 1r ue stLEAVE VOUR% DCREsoliatihome wirRths us Pro soalip e/hom p5itters80are6fu-645bender.& insued Custom Homewatch International. 666-5353. SUPPLIES I IMSURANCE I PROF & SKEG REPAIRS. Fast service-tibregiass material, boat paints-do it yourseif Vidce & Books-Oshawa Glass Fibre, 341 Durham Court, Oshawa. 579-1433. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE gstting auto insurance because et age, poor driving record or suspension et license? Perhaps we can heîp. Phono 666-2090. STUDENT looking for mornings and aiter sohool ride during weekdays f rom Whitby to George Brown Collle ge in Toronto, or nearby area, like downtown. Will shareg as money. Please cati Belinda 666-8737, teave message. SERVICEMS LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seeding, sodding, Spring ctean- ups. Re novat ions of gardens, rock gardens, planting, f irewood. Free estimates. Dutchway Land- scaping. (416> 649-3183. FOUR SEASONS Landscaping, Gardening services. Fences, decks, soddinq, savestrough cleaning, *fetaining Watts, lawn cutting, tree removal. 10% seniors' discount. Cati (416) 428-1305. TREE CUTTING & trimming. Fully insured. Free estimates. 433-7140, or 725-3609. TOP SOIL, sand, limestons screenings and triple mix for sale. Also, truck and driver for household waste remnoval. Reasonable rates. Cati 668-7829. SPANKYS PROPERTY Main- tenance. Grass cutting te general maintenance. Tree brush, garbage disposaI. Residential/commercl. Phone Jim at 668-6803. mr t im a . - - Now is t prune your orna trees & shrt the imental ibs 1 4392 6UCT e9N7.1 SUNDAY-AUCTION THIS SUNDAY AUGUST 15 12 NOON (PRE\JIEW 11:3 AO i KNIGHTS O F COLUMBUS CLU B 133 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBV 5 pce. 4 poster bedroom suite, 9 pce. carved walnut dining suite, 5 pce. ice cream set, carved rocking horse, 4 pce. "Lancourt* sofa set, wing bak chairs, pine wardrobe, jelly & jamn cupboards, oak bow î lass china cabinet, harvest table 6 chairs, pine benches, 5 pce. oak round table set, prints & pictures, brassware, cast iron pieces, pins telephone table, parlour & occasional tables, pr. vitrine tables, hand made quits, oriental carpets, 5' pins harvest table, 3 pce. coffes & end table set, pressback rocker, pr. end tables, collectibtes, formai wal. china cabinet, china pieces, curie cabinets, milk stool, pin* sot coat tres, wsstac, dressers, chests, bookcases, pie sale, f arm bell crocks, plus much more. Terms: cash, cheque. (Visa. MWC, 30/ prem.). Delivery available. AUCTIONS UNLIMITED 519-345-2082 519-345-2426 Whitb FreePress 668-6111 - Office Hours: Monday to Fricay, 900 arn to 5:00 pm * Fx6809 GARA~...........RAFT AUTOSITRUCK$ AUTO$ITRUCKS I FOR SALE FOR SALE. Fax 668-05 Whitby' Free Pîess 1

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