Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Aug 1993, p. 20

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Pago 20, Whitby Frou Press, Wednosday. August 11, 1993 HOW TO BOOK VOUR CLASSIFIED AD... ,9 f(CaJI 6686111. Ads placed by ,j4 Fax your ad to us ai Mail your ad to: Whitby Free pf RS'ON Were open 9 arn 105 pm, Monday Monay I non illbe 7~Y'î 68-594 PlaseensrePress, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario, t0 Fniday. Place your ad by Monday pubished that Wednesday. you provide ail pertinent Li N 5S1. Ads should be mailed a ta noon for Wednesday publication. Prepay by 5 pm to save * intormation, and a 1 toarrve by Monday at noon. If your cant make il n duning office VISA car whenpa nthe ad. number where we can You can endlose your paymnent,y hours, we have a mail siot 10 thie left VIAcr hnpaigtea.reachi you, if neoessary. or provide bilng information. of our front door. CAREERS COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS APPLICATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTING, LOTUS 1-2-3, D BASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSING à BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BANKING SERVICES ACCOUNTING CAREERS Mfl~PITAU UT TRAVEL and TOURISM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS SECRETARUAL LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPING, EXECUTIVE, RECEPTIONIST, WORDPROCESSING Financial Assistance May Be A vallable ASK BOT UR* GH CURE 2 Campuses in Durham OSHAWA 0SIIAWA CENTRE f Shops up Top) 723-1163 PICKERING 1450) KINGSTON RI). (Ilwy. 2 at. Valley Farmi Rd. 420-1344 HELP HEL WANTED WNE EARN UP TO $346/week 10 assemble Chrismas and holiday decorations year round, aI home. Work avaitabie across Canada. For more inf o, send a setf-addressed stamped envetope to Magic Christmas, 130 Slter Ste., Ste. 750, ext. 353, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6E2. EARN $350/WEEK from home! Mailing letters, assembting producîs. (416)631-4791. Reference 16B. 24 hours. Canadian Companies. Attention Students JOBS *-JOBS *-JOBS Dckie Dee Ice Cream bicycle routes salespersons required Fui/-pari-lime positions avalable cati Ion. ai 666-9539 UNEMPLOYED OR ON UIC? Earn $500/$700 part-lime working for yoursetf. For delaits send LSAS E 10: CAPA-20 Corp, POB #66129, 1355 Kingston Rd., Pickering, Ont. LlV 6P7. MODEL TYPES NEEDED for fashion, T.V. commercials, movies, film extras. Lots of work avaitable. 404-8233. PERSON who can work bothi sales and office. Fuiltlime position. Good working conditions. Send Resume 10: Bcx 10010, c/o Whilby Free Press, Box 206, Whtby, Ont. LUN 55t. WE'LL PAY YOU 10 type names and addresses from home. $500 per 1,000. Write: Gateway Lisls, DepI. WFP2, #150-1857 West 41h, Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1M4. WANTED. Experienced Dental Receptionist. Must have minimum 2 years dental experience. Computer knowledge an assel. Also Dental Hygienist. To re9ister for immediate & future positions phone Fit-Ins 430-9606. SUBWAY. FutI-time help, night & day.ei oe 'restaurant experience prefere. Hours not suitabte for studenîs. Appiy in person, 2 - 6 B .m. Mnkday - Friday aI 1017 Dundas St reet E. $370/WEEKLY possible, aI home. Simple, easy, pleasant work. Info $2 plus self addressed stamped envelope 10 B. Beeton, 17 Goldring Dr., Whitby, Ont. 1 1119. EARN UP TO $1,O00/WEEK. Incredible new opporlunities. Turn your spare lime mbt cash. Adt now, limited positions available. Free information. Send S.A.S.E. 10 R.D. Herdman, 1615 Dundas St. E., Box 70598, Whitby, Ont. LiN 2K0. $200-$500 WEEKLY! Assemble producs aI home. Easy, no selling You're paid direct. Fui y guaranteed. No experience necessary. Cali (504)641-7778 ext. 142, 24 hours. CAREERS Picture yourself i n a FinancSiaassce m be aalal 1 otsulfe sulet *hl Fa e Asts aCntresre ot stili available 576-9175 125 h~ 03 ONTRIO 8LtNESS COUlJJ< LAMINATE TO PRESERVE and protect your Posters, Certificates, Educational Material, etc. Several film thiçknesses. Also availabte- bookiet making. Cal: 666-2182. EARN $1,000's stuffing enve- topes. For information,- send a sef-addressed, stamped envelope 10: RSB Enterprises, Box 139, Port Perry, Ont. L9L 1A2. GET PAID for compiting names and addresses f rom Phome. $500 per 1000. Send stam ped envetope to: R.D. Herdman, Dept. A, 1615 Dundas St. East, Box 70598, Whtby, Ont. LiN 2K0. SERVICE PICK UP A PEN...and jot Ihis down: Durham Cotiege Continuous Learning Catendar avaitabte and registration beg ms Monday, August 16. For infrmation and to obtain a f ree catendar cati: 721-3052 or toit free 1800-461-1306. To register cati: 721-3000 or loi f ree 1-8007461-3260. n 0 SHAW'A I ODRIVINO. SCHOOL Oshawa . 728-0091 Full Drivers Éducaton Courses AUGUST l6th - l9th 4 day course SEPTEMBER 11lth Saturdays 4 week course SEPTEMBER l4th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course -PRIVA TE LESSONS - !,X%. tý CULLA I CAL PROFESSIONAL IPOESOA CINDY'S ALTERATIONS has moved - stili in Pearson Lanes, 133 Byron St. W., upstairs. Come see us for att your sewing needs. 33 >ý ears ex erience belween us. ues. 10 Fr1. 10 - 5:30, Sat. 10 - 3. 430-6550. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-upholstery of antiques. Att kinds of recovering. Your fabric or mine. Free estimates. Over 40 y ears' experience. 430-7568, Whilby. HANDYMAN - Remove or move, dlean yards, basements, cul trees. T.V. Towers removed. CatI 655-3004. EXTERIOR WINDOW CLEANING ont y $25. For fast, prompt service calt 668-0070. Also,, interior q uotes. CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Aterations and repair on draperies aI an affordabte price. For your free m i-home shopping and estimate catI 432-1714 after 5 p.m. or teave message. Customer's fabrics are wetcome. HANDYMAN - Yard ciean-ups, iawn cutting, hedge' trimming, rubbish remnoval, decks, fences, sheds, doors, painting. Cait Doug at 436-0398. CUSTOM DESIGN and dress- making. Wedding and evening gowns, bridesmaid grads, suits, etc. Renovation and alteral ion. Garments aiso made f rom a piclure. 723-3259. GREEN* CLEANING by Grandma's Company off ors "knock your socks off" service for att residentiat homeowners and their properties. We are flexible people adour services extend 10 ovens, fridges, watts, Iaundr & ironing. Att cleaners are poice securil checked. Bonded, insure, Chamber member. 725-9177 (24-hour arntwering>. REDECORATING? Wattpaper removal & installation, painting, drywatî repairs. Newy deveiop- menîs. Reasç,nabte rates. Cati Joe, 430-3514. LARGE MOVING VAN with driver for hure. PrivaI e or business. Phone 430-1080, teave message. FUSSY DUSTER is yu answer 10 more leisure lime f oýr you and your famiIy. House cteaning 10 suit your needs. (416)668-0323. CABINET MAKER/CARPENTER witi make for y ou or f ix watt units, cabinets, shelving, chairs, tables, instail motdings. baseboards and more. Making furniture over 25 years. Cali House of Quatity Desig n & Decor, 723-0117. Also, quaiity painting and design. Rooms painted f rom $49.95. Interior decorating service availabte for co-ordinating a room 10o a fuît house. Certified Interior Designer,* cait House of Ouality Design & Decor, 723-0117. NAILS BY KATHY. Beautifut naturat iooking acrytic nails. Professionatiy appiied in. Iust 1 hour. Impress your speciai man with giamorous naits for onty *$45*, plus first f iti FREE. Cait for your appoint ment today. 430-7127. BIRDS CATERING. Weil estabtished Catering Company, excellent food, reasonabte rates, now accepting booking s for ait occasions. Car30-68. PAINTING - WALLPAPER. Cati Jirn aI 666-1030. 2 MEN wilh 15' cube van wiii do househotd or commercial moves. Short or long distances. Phone 433-0775. PAINTER with 23 years of experience tooking for residentiai work. Cait Clarence. for fre estimale at 668-5562. COMPLET ý KICHENS, bath-. rooms, rec-rooms. Att your dry watt needs plus textured ceitings. Guaranteed workmanship. Cait Dieter, 430-1207. -4 FURNITURE MAKER/CABINET MAKER. Custom designer and builder of f ine furniture. Speciatizing in Earîy Canadian Reproductions, Armoires and Entertainment Centres. Over 15 years experience. Quatity work- manship g uaranlee. References supptied. For a free quotalion cali 'Gary at 666-1913. CLASSIFIED RATES are $6.00 for 20 words prepald, 1Or $825 biiIed.' Oelil now to place your ad. 6684111 EXPERIENCED, RELIABLE DAYCARE avaîtahie in a very. safie home environment. Bus 1t. Matthew Schooî. Fun-fiIted days which inctudes meatls. Manning& Bassetl. Cati 666-5113. RELIABLE, LOVING, home daycare avaîtble. GardeWVFbssand. Ali ag es welcome. Non-smoker. Close 10 schoois. Cati 668-7654. MOTHERCRAFT CAREGIVER speciatizing with infants and pre-schoo fers. Worry-free daycare f or your smatl one in our home. Mary 430-8148. Speciatizing in - Earty Chiidhood- Education. . For Peace of Mnd. Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whttby 668-9476 ý DENTAL CHAIR-SIDE SSISTANT 1

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