Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, August 11, 1993, Page 9 New downtown- newspaper published by DBIA By Mark Reesor A new monthly newspaper aims te prornote downtown businesses te the residents of Whitb, but has created contre- versyby how itis funded. 'Your Downtown' is published by the Whitby Downtown Busi- ness Im provement Area (DBIA) board oef management. The flirst issue had a total pressrun of 18,000 and was delivered te Whitby residents -enriier this month. DBIA president Sean Hegue says the Whitby 'Merchants' Association, fermed earlier this year te promote the interests of businesses based in the down- tewn core, ap proached the board with the idea for the paper. "The concept of the paper is te ofTer the downtewn membership, and members only ... relatively inexpensive advertising by low costs on production of t he paper, better visibility, net circulated wit any other paper, that kînd ef thing.» Hogue says there's been a geed respense "so far' te the paper, boh froni the public and adverti- sers. He stresses that it's net up aýgint ther Whitby papers. "is is a select group; ît's meînberships only... I don't think we're in direct cempetition at ail, and if I feit we were, I prebably weuld have -- or the board pro- babiy would have --said net te do HoVue says the paper is "basi- cally'. self-supperting, with advertising paying fer more than two-thirds of the publicatien's cost, and DBIA money cevering the rest. "We're just, allecating BIA funds that were promisedf te the membership in the advertising secter. That's where we're aile- cating those budget monies from. T'he were already established (and) in the budget and that's what we did with them.» Whitby Free Press publisher Deug Anderson has sent a letter tedeÃŽlwntewn businesses and Whitby councillors slamming the new paper. "T'he BIA has gene into busi- ness in direct competition with the Whitby Free Press and is using your tax dollars te, unfairly subsidize their product,» Ander- son charges. $"Is it right that approximately $35,000 in tax revenue collected frem mainiy nen-retail businesses is being used te sub- sidize the advertising ef a srnall minorit ï of downtown mer- Anderson says he doesn't have a problemn with the idea of a downtown newspaper, but "I have a severe preblem with it beinq subsidized with tax dol- The F'ree Press was asked te, tender on the publication, Ander- son writes, and ."we proposed a Phony $50 bills passed More than 50 counterfeit Canadian $50 bills have turned up in Durham Region se far the sunimer. The buis, iikely reproduoed on a colour photocopier, have turned up from «Bowmanville te Picker- ing; right across the region,» according te Durham Regionai Police Sergeant Gordon MeKech- nie. The buis can be difficuit te spot. McKechnie suggests look- ing for the planchettes - little green dots -- which are'used on ail genuine Canadian currency. "On a real bull they're remov- fable,'» says McIUecnie. "On a fake bill, they're net.» The dot can be completeiy remnoved with a knife and wiil leave a white circle on a réal bill, ho says. The other methed of spotting counterfeit mioney is te hoid it up te an ultraviolet iight. A bogus bill wili glow and appear trans- parent while little higt con ho seen through thé real bill. McKechnie says the iights can be bought for under $50 - «less thon t he cost of your first fake I' package which would have given them the best circulation that any other paper or even the Post Office could ofl'er, exceptional standards of creativity and the high level of readership that only cornes when the first two are in place... at a better. price than they are currently paying.N Instead, Anderson say the DBIA opted for separate delivery of a stand-alone publication. "We refused te quote on separate delivery because we regarded-it as a waste of your money,» writes Anderson, who adds both The Free Press and Oshawa-Whitby This Week adv- ised against it. The contract was awarded te Oshawa-Whitby This Week (The Oshawa Imes aise tendered on the preject) at an extra charge ef $3,345 per issue for separate de ivery -- "for this kind of inoney thepaper should coe To cope with stress One of the best ways to cope with stress la te taik abiout it - and Distres Centre Durham will provide a listening ear. Distress Centre vlunteers can heip. The centre hms 22 yearu of experience. .Cail 433-1121. EXTRA! -TRAI IGRL IC STI CKSi -PIZZA STICKS.a with a gold ribbori around it,» comments Anderson. Hogue responds that the board 'flt it was critical" that the p aper be delivered separately se 'it doesn't gt mixed (or) mashéd with any other flyer or advertise- ment that will ha discarded; they wanted the prierity that people would pick it up and expect te get it... «These are merchants and niembers who have been dealing in advertising for years, so I arn not one te criticize nor tell themn what they don't need- they're the experts (and) they Ied us this is what we want." Hogue says he appreciated Anderson's recemmendations «but when we went back anâ snid this is what we want, you uote on what the person wants. Te're the custemer, net him... yeu can't say this is not what the customner wants, this is what hie sheuld have.» Anderson says the DBIA has been "taken te, the cleaners1 with the deal. "The fact that I didn't meet the, quota, tender terms, was because I felt it was a waste of everybody's meney... "I really didn't think they were ging te go ahead with this thing. I teld them 'lisen; you go ahead with this and I I have te regard it as competition and I wili treat it as cempetition and it wili be my objective te put it eut of business; but "They didn't take it seriously, se here we are.» The board decided te go with Oshawa-Whitbyv This Week because of dehivery. and price, says Doîstra. Ho feels downtewn businesses are happy with the newspaper and says ho's heard ne negative comment on it frem "4anybody ether than Deug Andterson himself.» Doistra was planning te meet with the UBIA board last night te, discuse the issue. Man mjured when iron load spils A 23-year-eld Toronto man was hurt Friday afterneon when angle iron ha was delivering te, Co-Steel Lasco fell on hini. Police say the ioad shifted dur- ing the trip te the steel plant and when he uniatched the rear deers, they hit him in the face. Then 20 or 25 pieces of steel rasting against the deors fell on ~'he driver's left leg was broken and his face was cut. He was taken to Oshawa General Hospital and then transferred te Wellesley Hospital in Toronte fer surgery. Police say the injuries, espe- cially te his ieg, were severe but net life threatening. Were pleSe<l yourcè report1 Here's' we feel wc For irnoi (416)668. YO Na~. cating n aiet Comuijats lcrl ad Peucoywih arnt ahih1yaUsÃfe ~and dcat< tf n to mpcm nt d cst r m en o cmn card? treth~e nam«ai e b tais of e.g c at c Tafalgar Ca tientlSscoljna 401~~~ RcaodsS. 9hib n t 68338e iyshutefoiWubG xo I M S@Re. 6/1.99* Limit 3 dozen per customer L wlth this coupon Offer expires Tudy August 17,19 r RAI SIN BREADI .m. CINN.WN. RAISIN M OR FRUIT BREAD OnIy t59 ~ ~ 1 Loaf Limit 2 boaves per customer L with this coupon Oer expires Tuesday August 171 j - -ý : OPE SAY Bum MSer 1380 Hopkis Street Wlity 666-1 177, V ' -------- " Days, Evenings & Saturday Appointments Available " Emergency Calis Accepted (during off ice hours> 701 ROSSLAND RD. E. SUITE 207 (Rossland Garden Plaza) WHITBY ROSSLAND RD. EAST mDUNOAS ST. <IfWY. r4> 666-0 4 % I 1 HWY.'iOî EIEVATOR ENTRANCE BESIDE COMMUNITY PHARMACV .*. . GET A RESUME THAT GETS NOTICED! RESUMES PROM $20.0O PROFESSIONALLY WRITI7EN, QUICK TURNAROUND, EXCELLENT SERVICE, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED B.T.A. BUSINESS SERVICES 723-1404