iNhitbY f;roe Pross, -Wednosday, August 4.,1993. Page 19 WHITBY resident Steve France in action at the Oshawa Racquet Club. The i 8-year-old has won a tennis scholarship from the University of West Virgînia. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press Whitby student en-nsU.S. uni versity tennis scholarship By Kathryn MeBune Practice paid off o:rSte vo Franco. Tho, 18-year-old Whitby stu- dent recentiy rocoived a tennis scbolarship te the University of West Virginia, Thé Henry Street Higb School graduate began bis tennis career six years ago, «basicalily througb electives in public schooîI." Ho continued te pursue the sport and did very well at com- pétitions such as thé Lake Ontario Secondary Schools Asso- ciation (LOSSA) finals and thé Ontare Federation of Secondary Schools Athletic Association (OFSSA) finals. uLast ,ýear I came eigbtb at OFSAA, says Franoe... Franco bas been training at the Oshawa Racquetbaîi Club witb coach Ken Corsima for four yoars. He plays a gamé every day and bas technical practice two heurs, four days a week with bis coach. Ontario mWjor lacrosse Jty 30 Brooklin uLdy 29 Peterborough Judy 28 Six Nations JMY. 25 Six Nations Judy 23 Branpton 15 Six Nations 12 12 Brawçton il 13 Brookin 17 5 Peerbiorough 12 il Peterborough 7 Final reguiria on stanclings Brripton 15 1 0 237 144 30 Brooldrn 9 7 0 152 13 S Frgs 8 8 0 lm 158 15 PUtertorough 6 9 I14U3 Mg13 Six Nations 114 m 1 :2 24 3 Top 15 ecorers GP G A P JohnTavawa4ýsraw~fl 15 50 40 90 Troy Coftnglsy. Bruaton 15 32 44 76 Bob Horloy.Fergus S5 23 43 68 Darne Kigour. BreaiVon 13 19 39 58 Chris Disc oFrgu5 1B 28 28 58 andy Mearns. BraTWiof 14 22 30 52 Grog Van ScIde Brook8n 12 29 23 51 Benis Downer. PsetWoouh 13 22 26 48 George Bleei. Peter. 13 1 23 41 TMnWegt.Boltf 14 12 27 39 Dua aJckm.Six Nas 0 S t)12 1B 35 Keith Bg.Fer"u 15 10 25 35 KînBiggs. Ptetorfgh 14 17 17 34 2hrlGeorre.Forgus 1 17 1B33 Den Teu. Bmrotow 15 19 12 31 .7., j .. As well, ho often- plays in teurnainents witb thé Ontario Tennis Association. The Universiy o f West Vir- ginia contacted Franoe in Febru- ary te loet him know of their interest in bis tennis talents. "I bad to, send a video (of himself in'action) and thon I went for a visit.» Franco was impressed witb bis trip te the West Virginia campus ans by the people ho met. "I liked it, the peoplo were vory friendly." liesays his parents are aIse impressod with the scbolarship that will pay 75 per cent of bis university costs. Upset by North Toronto in the recont Whitby select soccer tournamont, Whitby's under-9 fier 1 toam came back on July 26 te defeat the same Toronto teain 8-3 in longue play. Paul Kontos scored twice, as did Mike Bowerman and Neil Bull. The best goal came from a sbort corner play by Bowerman te sweeper Bryan Maciünnon whe supplied an excellent cross for Bull te bead homo in toxtbook stylo. Macinnon bimseif scored and Ciaran Thompson rounde& off the scoring witb a weii-placed sbot after a good run from the outside ieft position. David Morgan had a stroag gaine in goal supported by the back lino of Liami Reddox, James Christensen and B.J. Bowles. Two days later, in an exhibition game against Ajax, the score was 8-0 in Whitby's faveur witb two goals eacb from Reddox and Kontos, and singles by Boworman, Thompson, keeper Morgan wbe had a speli at outside rigbt, and Chistenson on a superb incividual effort. Under-13 strek continues Whitby's under-13 select team continues te Iead thé Durham tier 1 soccer beague allier a con- vincinX 6-1 victery over third- The CtbyrenîY.unbeaten in eigbt gaxnes anf witb five straight wins, was led by David Fiiiions who registorod his second three-goai gaine. Cressweil Nyack, Ryan Kurt and Jin Roufos aise, scored for Whitby sponsored by Roy Haines l?irstone, Rossland-Gar- don Conmunity Pharmnacy and Cofféee no(Rossiand-Garden). - Whitby basebal SOUIRT Pliiyolff Teams aze eleTnaed folloing Iwo loeses> July 26 Acculine 14 Whilby Audio 8 Galor Grapics 12 TD Bank 9 Whitb Lions 9 Sales Sup~port 5 oureeman CA 14 Lemox Dnrm 4 J ult 27 Whitby Optimnist 7 Sizzler 6 Spudsters 13 Vlck fInsurance 9 Rotay.riea 21 W.C. Town 10 Whitby Audio 15 Jerys Drug Ware. 2 July 28 KP Copy 10 TD Bank 7 Sales Sup~port 9 Weall & Cullen 8 Grand Uiphobatery 8 Lemnox Drum 5 Sissier 12 Underilils Lndsc. 4 J uly 29 Whitby Optirrist 6 Rogers Cable TV 4 Galor Graphies 4 Aoccriee 3 July 30 Sizaler 6 Par Esso 3 Whitby Audio il KP Ccpy 9 Rotary Surise 7 Spudsters 3 Durham Dodge 9 Nurse Chev Olds 3 Sales support 6 Grand Lphoistery 5 July 3l Doug Freenman CA, il Whitby Lions 4 Crime Stoppera and Durhamn Regional Police are asling for the publics help in solving a robbery that occurred in Pickering on Thursday, May 20. Just after 8 p.m. a group of young females were dropped off in the area of P1%c Avenue and Dixe Road te, go door te, door, selling almonds te, raise monoy for Teens Against Drunk Drivin One oký the %emales was walking on tho west aide of Bowler Drive, just north of Kitléy Avenue, when she was tappéd on the shouider by a black maie. Thé maie asked the victim if she had a cigaret, but when she said she didn't smoke, the suspect asked her what she was- selllng. The victim toId him; ho thon wanted te know how many she had sold. It was at this time that the suspect became very angry and demandod, "Give me ail of your money." The victiln was scared and thought that he would hurt ber se she * handed ever ber inoney. The suspect then ran westbound into the ravine at thé nortbwost corner of Kitley and Bowler. The suspect is describod as male, black, afed 18 te 22, 5-ft. 11-ms., witb black hair and a skinny buiid. The suspect's hairstyle was shaved on the sides and back but high on the top, going into a cone on the ieft side. Ho had a cigaret over bis ngbht ear. The suspect was wearing a yellow- mustard-coloured T-shirt, black, bag pants (n ped on right leg), a black boit witb a silver bucie and black running shoes. The suspect wore a watch on bis ieft arm. Crime Stoppera is asking anyone with information on this robbe or any other senjous crime te cail 436-8477 (that's 43-s e-) Asea . yuwlno ae oietiyyerfo bave t -g t asur.-cde me :. i e i * e *oyo t Draqueôaf iStopervicerm adwrs ti A terpboroofinsethe Cfmilype By Kathryn McBurney Thé hot ' bumid weatber of summor is a signal te, Canadians that it is tino te get eut and have fun. Everyono wants te et down te tbo beach travol te, thé cottage or *t play in their backyard PYot every summer there are, many tragic water accidents and drownings. Maureen Harrison of Whitby feels that "One (drewning) is tee many.» In 1985 Harrison began ber own- part-tino business cald Auafit Services for thé pulpose of 'waterproofing the famîly. Thé business teaches Red Cross and Royal Lifé Saving les- sons, water fitness classes and water safoty classes. Thé focus is on people who bave a fear of water, trying te build trust and bel p tbem gain confidence as well as safety knowledge. Aquafit Services participants range in age frein six menths te 80. Classes are beld in hotel pools as well as private pools. "'Ne bavé something for al ages, shapes and sizes.»says Har- rison. The instructors are aIl certified with Red Cross and Royal Life Saving skilîs and renew those qualifications annuaily. Courses can bo taken one on one witb instructors, or in groups of four. Harrison says Aquafit bas bel- ped a lot of people and she continues te stress the "impor- tance of swimming lessens and water safety.» Happy Birthday 10 ail its carriers with AUGUST birthdays! Ryan Gannon Bradley Gorus Sami Hussein Keiran Kennedy Claire Kerr Katie Mosey Natasha Pelgrims Melissa Ramassar Matthew Rutledge Warren Senkowski Michael Simonetta Graham Tsui Leo Van Wyk Katrina Van Rhee Joey Walsh By Const. Grant Arnold Durham Régional Police roThe Whitby Free Press woutd like to w'ish Mike Bentz Scott Brownell Trish Candy Jesse Chester Bryan Crawford Robert Fox Candice Fulcher f . 1 ý(ý ýýllt eo