Page 28, WNhy Free Press, Wednesday, July 7,1993 1916 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY ZCb (Northeast corner of Dundlas & Garrard) N DUNDAS o o 0 H WY 401 435,.0808 ccm Hoursi:.Mon.-FrI. 9-9.-Sat. 9-Sun. 11-.- - *~~~~es eaytodiv ndpr *aerodynamic design *FUEL EFFECIENT " practical as a second car " comfortable seating for four while driving *avallable in Dodge or Chevrolet lt's a Motor Homel " full standing hetght " front seats convert to two single beds V " dinette converts to 6'X52" double bed " other floor plans offer twin beds or king-size bed (upto 6'4"X') " closet doors extend to make privacy area " marine toilet and dual waste tanks " op tional shower and tub S3 cu. ft. 3-way fridge and microwave " optional built-in 110Ã"V air conditioner or generator " cari*qualffy forincome tax savîngs as a second home - 3,YEAR/60,000 KM MOTOR HOME WARRANTYI J190- VERSATILE, OTHER MODELS AVAILABLE. #i ~mn~i tiorm ~mertcan I AROGdit~k® oiass "ex' m~tor llQn v 169 1696 ASt.,ST.ickChequ Opn,n.-W e . -, u s s. S .100- I OPS UNDA 12ts' LODSTANE C*LCs *C - HOE *DES A * sT OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN INC, w rBv. (~4~) Exeriencethe OWaçsFeeling. . _____ Proven taserveyou BEST since%172.II I An *1 CAREand CAA award wlnner. IOWACOIZR S aies, service, leasing«, body sio p, ailm0kes. (~~~~) Renias in Canada, USA and Eopeers dlivery. N 145Dundas St. East, -Whitby H 0 686-641035 MINUTES 686-6410EAST FROM dOWACObTOP DOLLAR FOR DOWNTOWN VOUR TRADE! TO RONT - - - - - 1*..,-*..k..**...-,,,