Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Jul 1993, p. 25

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Whitby Frea pres. Wecfresdlay. July 7.1993. Page 25 SE __ _____ ___ _____ ____ ontan dn~m , -,ji WHITBY - 3 bedroom townhouse. NOULD YOU LIKE to drop your1 chiid off at daycare and know in your heart that he/she is ioved and weIi taken care of? If so, this mother of 2 is availabie. Please cali 723-6765. Thickson/Rossiafld area, near St. Mark's. Before and ater schooi children weicome. LOVING DAYCARE in my home. Mothar of 2-yaar aid. Country satting. Non-smokar. Ashburn are&. ferences. Recaipts availabe. Cail 655-8802. Day Cire Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-9476 WHITBY. Available immediately. Roammate wanted to share 4 bedroom housa. Laundry facilities. Utilities inciuded. $350/month. Mlature, quiet e Oonly. Faimaie preferred. Cati130-7103, leave message. MATURE FEMALE ta share spaclous, fumished, 2 bedroom apartmant with same. Avaliabie now. Facilities incîuded. Close ta 5 Points Mail & buses. $350/month. Referanceï preferred. 725-5896 after 5 p.m . ............. WHITBY - Staraga avalable for colectar car, boat, van. $75/monthly. Frst/last.- Available immediately 668-3640. Leave message p ease. DOWNTON WHITBY. Clean, quiet, furnished room. Available immediately. Includes parking, cable and kitchen use. Suit mature maie. $85/weekly. First/last. 668-3640. Leave message please. FURNISHED ROOM in executive home. Kitchen and laundry facilties,epring. $10/week. First and last. Cail Dabbeat 666-0200. ALL SPACIOUS & LARGE, located ln Whitby. Utilties Inciuded. WVasher, dryer. garage. $300-$350. Mature students walcame. 282-6360 or 740-9854. MAIN FLOOR- 3 badraom apartment. Mature, stable famîily preferred. No pets. Avalabte Aug ust 1. Rent reasanable. Refeirences. First and Last. Evenings, Whitby 430-7298, Days, Toranto Pager 337-3455. A MUST SEE. Bright, 2 bedroomn basement apartment. Quiet, centrai Whtby. Fridge, stove, carpet, air. Utilities included. $700/month. Avaliable August 1. 666-0264 OR 420-9752. 2 - 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. Avallable Aug ust 1. $4.82/month + hydro. Available September 1. $57/month + hydro. Alsa, Triplex, 2 bedroom. $Go2lmonth + g as & hydro. Close tà shopping & bus Unes. Cati 668-7196. WHITBY - 3 bedroom luxury apartment. 2 baths, centrai air, prk 4 PIiacs. Avalable BOBCAYGEON - Retire ta 2 bedroom unit in a 2 storeyý 4 plex. Immaculate, spaciaus, balcony laundry cioset, broadloom. Suiabe for mature adufts. $529/month + utilities. Cal 1-416-728-4140 or 1-705-738-4637. VITE AND SKELLY CONTRACURS Oid and Deteriorating Ceramic Showers Rebuit with Quality Woriderboard (TM) COMPLETE CARPENTRY SERVICE Cai an experienoed professional TONY VETERE 668-7484, PAGER 376-6259 BRIAN SKELLY 430-1250 Certury BuikIn Suitab1 for single morkng ý n-sokerpreferred $475/mnorth. Caol 668-3011 daes and 666-3883 evening and weeends. WHITBY - 1 BEDROOM apart- ment available Juiy 1. $49lmonthy. includes heat, parking far 1cr fridga and stave. Phone 668-0556 between 9 amn. and il amn. ar leava massage. WHITBY. 2' Large badroam apartment. Frldge, stove, parking. Close ta ail amenitles. Avaiiabe immediateiy., $679/month. Cal 263-4104. BROOKUN. 1 & 2 bedraom aplartments. Frdge, stve, parking. Hydro extra. Close to ail arnenities. Cal 655-4544 days, 655-8989 evanlngs. "SUNNY 0ONE BEDROOM; waik out ta patio; four appliances, kitchen prius private shower. Waik to GO. Non-smoker no pets. First and iast; $550 incfudes utiîitles.0 Cal 666-9412. ONE BEDROOM basament apartment availabie after Juiy 31. Large living room, kien, frndg e, stove. AUl utilties included pilus hydro. Close ta school, shopping. $595. First & last. 668-0629. NORTH OSHAWA.. Aboya average, one bedroom basament apartment. Separate yard. $595 inclusive. Dave 666-0635. WHITBY. Huge 1 bedroomn apartmant. Ground floor. Immaculata condition. Available August 1. $565/month. 666-5056. . CO.T.T....A.G......... .... 70 ACRES, 5 ACRES. Hydro, phone, school bus. Build home, cottage. Near several lakes. Southwest of Burks Falls. VTB. 1-705-636-0426. by i ne ivensity . ret kgwls - wood fencing & decks FREE COMPET177VE ES7PM4 TES Written Guarantee 666-9690 I Derek Dutka Specialîzîng in tax & retirement planningsince 1986 CAIL 666-RRSP FOR AN APPOINTMENT. WMM_"Fiaca round floor. Backyardci o pts. ~vailable immediately. efera es. First and Last. Days, Toro to Pager 337-3455, evenings, Wh#tby 430-7298. WHITBY. 3 bedroomn housa *ith finished basament. Includes frk ge, stova, washer, dryer, fencedciyy rd. Quiet, mature ne! ghbourh od. Walk toalal amanities. $99 + utlte.Lry 655-3047 (home) or 698-2589 (Bus.) 1BRADLEY ZSTATE$ Whitby Townhouses 10 Basset BIvd. (Brock StiManning Rd.) - 3 Bedrooms - 11/2 Baths - 5 Appliances - *Central Air *Garage *Paved Driveway *3 Models -'On Site Management " Easy Access ta "GO" " Rents Start at $1 ,000 par month 668-1389 K. C. McCaII Praperty Management 666-5794 * 924-1100 centrai air. Includes window coverings. Close to GO & 401. $114,90Ã". 666-2807. NORTH OSHAWA. Buglw $2,500 down, take over mortgage. Dave 666-0635. MOBILE HOME. Near 4otfCabourg. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, frdge, stove, washer, dryer & freezer. Central air and vac. 3 years old. Drapes lncluded. Must slI. Immiediate possession. 416-439-8448. MEDICALIPROFESSIONAL OFFICE. 625 sq. ft., downtown Whltby. Ground floor, -loads of parking, private entrance and washroom. 666-3833. RETAIL SPACE FOR 'LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown WVhitby. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - IT'S EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL OOES IT ALI. 1e COMING* EVENTS BUILDINGS: Manueacturers ROCK BOTTOMî WOOD SHIOW August 6-8. Wldest varlety PRICES. 20x30 $2.577.00, 25x36 $3.382.00, woodworking tacts. custommnade wnoden cratts 30x4O $4,688.00, 35x<44 $4.531 .00, 40x5O & turnishings. Free seminara & clilîdrens $6,944.00, 44x60 $7988.00. Straight.sided and workshop. For brochure: Wood Show, Box 920. elso arch style. PIONEER 1-800-668-5422. Duram - nt -- - (51)-69692. - STEEL BUILDINGS. AAAA - Prices are golng Up. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Dotasca has totd us. We heve good inveniory et LAID OFF? OUT 0F WORK? Have a greai aid Prices. Fîrst corne, iraI servedi. Cati Future 1- business Ides? Contact Fot Frances Economic 800-668-8653. Development, Box 38, Fort Frances, Ont. P9A 3M5. 807) 274-5323. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Easy la ____________-erect alisteel & wood/steet buildings, CCSBI BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES certilied, Iarm, resîdential, Industriel, large or WANTEDI 1867 CONFEDERATION LOG smail. contraciing avaitabte. 24 hoursa. 1-800-561 - tHOMES aIl across Canada! DeaIers required. To 2200. dlaim your reward, cati Richard Whitney (705) 738-5131. Fax: (705) 738-5283. R.A. 43, Box 9, HEALTH 1 MEDICAL Bobcaygeon, Ontario KOM 1IAo. NEW HELP FOR ANXIETY, STRESS and panic allac. FREE cassettefin.,trmarionn Package. Cati basemenl or garage. Odoiless operalion. Law investment. Market guarantead! Free information. Early Bird Ecotogy, R.R.itI, SmiIhvilIe, Onario, LOR 2A0, (416) 643-4252. WORM GROWERS WANTED. Complets worm Wowing packages. Environmenaly rendy. Raterences avartabte. Nia gara Bail & Ecotogy. 5513 Elcho Rd.. FRR #3 Weltandporl, Ontario LOR 2JtJ (416) 386-6661. ___ CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING aI the Southwestern Schooî of Auctioneering. NesI Class: July 17-23. Information, contact: Souîhweslern Ontario School aI Auctioneerin g, R.R. I05, Woodstock, Ontario N45S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. FREE *CAREER OPPORTUNITIES' GUIDE. Train et home tor careers in Accaunting, Air conditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Etectronicx, Law Enlorcement, Medical Secreta ry. Parelegat. Travel, etc. 263 Adealde St. W. (SA) Toronto. 1- 800-950-1 972. SALES HELP WANTED SALES AGENTS. Thousandsalaready sold la campantes, government. tundraisars, etc. Established producer oi unique promotionat item line seeka agents larnitiar with advertisinig sales and specialties. Cal (204) 663-4209. VACATION I TRAVEL RIVER CRUISING. Pamper yoursell. Your awn privates saleroam and 4/5 nights aboard an elegant replica sIeanboaI cruising Carradas calm rivera. From $83900. Free brochure. 1-(800) 267-7868. MYRTIE BEACH RESORT vacation rentaIs - Studios, ans and Iwo bedroom condos. housekeeping provided. Pools, tennis and motet Gaolp cka gas avaitable. Summner ratois lrom k56wet. FR EE BROCHURE: 1-800-448-5653. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not quonsat - 32x54 $7,744'. 40x?2 $11.690; 50x90 $16.622: 60x126 $25.375 - other sizes availabte - Fnal Sprinq clearance - Patagon - 24 Hauts 1-800-263-8499. Lileakitix Reseerch C enter, PO. BOX 22100. Windsor, Ont. N8Rl 2H5. REAL ESTATE 5% DOWN PAYMENT. NEW 3-BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. $29900.00, $1,500.00 down. $254.00 per month. Free dettvery and set-up. A-1 Homes <807) 937-5909. GOT A CAMPGROUND membershtp or tImeshare? Wel tatke it Arnericas largest resate clearinghouse. Cati Resart Sales Internationat. 1. 800-423-5987 (24 hours). BUIDING SUPPLY STORE IN REVELSTOKE B.C. Good, dlean lamity operation averages $600.000. Owner witl train and aller sorne linancing. Negoîiabte. (604) 837-9635. COTTAGES WANTED. RUNDOWN COTTAGE OR LOT. Handyrnan with emaît kids tooking for tlat laketront property within 2 hrx. of Toronto. Must have sandy beach. (416) 883.04001(416) 770- 9210. No agents. FOR SALE CAMPGROUND MEMBERSHIP. CampW Coasita Coast 500 resorts for $1,00 pet night. Lieime merrtershlp. Must salI' Pald $4000.00, asking $695.00. CatI 1-800-955-3998. URINE-ERASE GUARANTEES REMOVAL urine (d og.- . human) stains. odour. Regardless stain aega' Ftea brochure' Rleidetl Chemicals LId.. Box 7500. London. Ont. N5Y 4X8. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN CAMPING TRAILERS, Hardtop- FoIdown, Fillh-wheei, Travel, Park modela, Truckcan-pers-caps, Fibretine & Leer Fibrgass & Aiufrrnum Truck Caps. Parts-Service Iorm maxi makes lnctudlng Bonair-Lionei-Lextra. Royal Traiter & R.V. Centra in Tevioldale. Ont. (519) 343-2122. POETRY POEI HY CONTEST $12.000 in prizes. Possilie publication. Send ansear0glnat poom 20 fines or tess ta: National Ltirary QI Poetry. Box 704-NO. Owings Milta, Md 21117. IndividuxaI province. Space la Limited. so Cati Thts Newspaper odayl 'ro rm*la tdr mwk.t. aAWos.tvroL~m thep egion.Ieneah th Onv w annxan commetyN..A8dtf ai Swi 5 nwspffrss-$160for 25 watd5- rAOno npt«- & fr 2S wods AU Cariada Sn7,W*rfflm .8,1211mor23 Sod, For turther Information please cail the Whltby Fre Press Cassifleds - 668-6111 ?</444 r- Thé MutualGroup HERB TRAN cd f« quotafion 725-6564 RRIFS - AWNUITIES! GICs - RRSPs ý-j 1 m m m r- ........ . ... 1- aXI

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