Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. June 30, 1993, Page 5 Con er to r rga zqu2Nevembeh s o r turfo Gryadth By Cheryl-Ann Macean Pote Jacobe has a reputation for getting the job done. Th at's why the Whitby rosi- dent organizes concert tours for well-known bande and produc- tions. Jacobs' meet recet projct., 'Magic of the Musicale," involved Engish music veteran Marti Web hailed as 'Queen of the Musicale.' She bas had appearances in 'Stop The World I Want To Gt Of,'Olivor,' Gode- polli,'Evita,' Cats' and a host of others. Jacobe, owner of Independent Concert Productions, organzed the Pan-Canadian tour, with a troupe of 30 members, which ran through March and April of this year. The first performance was at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa and 'Magic of the Musi- cale' aise played the Roy Thomp- son Hall and places euch as Edmonton,' Winnipeg, Victoria, Thunder Bay and Nrth Bay. Another tour organized by Jacobe was for singer Noil Sedaka, who had hits in the sixties and seventies. Sedaka's tour began iast May and the concert was sold eut at n---TaT 14i-%n fers te work with estabiished artiste," aise worked on shows with Dr. Hook. Jacebs says that ho "does abso- iutely everything" when organiz- in g a tour. H je duties include booking the cliente' dates, arranging trans- portation, equipment rentais, accommodation, findin g eut how much that cliqnts wil ho paid, how long that they will stay, obtaining work permite and tour managers. Contacts with foreign artiste have occasionaily proven very frustrating. "Most pole say go awaZ because they think there isnt any market here (in Canada)," saye Jacobs. Moest foreigu artiste bolieve that there are only three places in Canada where there wifl hoa good turnout for productions or conce-.rts: Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Jacobe, who lived juet outeide London, England before ho moved te Canada, made hie first tri p te Canada on January 8, 1988. Ho describes the weather when ho arrived as being rmue 40 degrees Celsius. yIé andmpin tw."I wanted te go back te Lon- Placeand n Otawa.don," says Jacobe. Ho didn't, "]Pm a nice guy, I'm efficient, I however, as ho was erganizing a fet the job doue and people know Canada-wide concert tour for ot»saye Jacobs of hie work. Supertramp. Jacobe aise coordinated a And despote that cold initiation cross-Canada concert tour fer the te Canada, the trip oventually seventies band, Lighthouse. inspired Jacobs te move te Jacobs, who says that ho «pro- Canada in Auguet of 1990 -- «It's a loveiy place." Jacobs addS that ho chose Whitby as hie new home for hie famiiy because of the reasonable access te a major city "with a landscapejuet like home.»m He describes a hectic life in Kenton, England where ho would have te drive 14 miles te work each day. In total, driving took up three heurs of Jacoba' day outside of rush heur and ho decided, "enough ef this rubbish!» Once ho moved te, Canada, Jacoba discovered that ho couidn't find a job. But that's when hie tour managing activity accelerated. In 1991, Jacoba assisted Rod Stewart's tour manager on their European tour. «You have te, know your geo- graphy,» says Jacoba. Jacoba alse set up the first Canadian tour for the band, The Trogs. Jacoba organized a tour, start- ing Oct. 1, for saxophone player David Sanborn at Roy Thomp- son Hall. Jacobs has aise organized the Pacemakers, including a date in Oshawa. 65 aidgVj __ Road South, Ajax Telephone68 ?~1~e ~a ~ a 94~dea ~ 12:3Opm, 2:3 Opm & 5:OO0pm ... Batfle Re-enactments i :Opm-3:OOpm .......".....Summer Song and Dance" 2:OOpm ........................Puppet Show 4:OOpm .......................Chi ldre's Stoiy Time Theatre 7:30pm.,........................Let's go to the Movies" I<'IiVAL0EE )VIR JuIy lst to September 6th i L 300 Taunton Rd. W., Whitby TAUNTON RD. OflIVE EAST1 OF Io= ON :TO 668-66O60 W hitby 401____ Inspection of the guards 2.45pm on front of the Lynde Housc.