According to a recent study, tourism is one of Durham Region's leading, but unrecognized, industries ... generating in excess of $3(X) million annually in revenue and employing close to 30,000 people. Patrick Olive, commissioner of economie development says, "We have always recognized tourismn as an important componient in tie cconomy of Durham Region and this study proves unequivocally it is one of major significance. 'We know this indust.ry has unlimited potential and scrious attention nceds to bc directed to the recommendations contained in the study." The findings are based on a Durham Region tourism-operator survey and focus groups, and are corrobor-atcd by three independent sources. The study, bascd on research over the past nine months, was conducted by Dan Boreweek, an independent consultant ami instructor in hospitality management at Durham College. The Durham Region Economic Devclopment Dcpartment sponsored the study and has long felt that tourism plays a much larger part in the regional economy t.han is commonly accepted. The study shows that while Durham has not yet developed a reputation as a destination market, it can certainlv take advantage of ils geographic position to become a day trip~ and opportunity market for residents of the Toronto area. According to Norm Leigh, manager of business development for the Region and special advisor to the Tourist Association of Durham Region (TADR), "One of our prime marketing objectives has to be to educate the people within Durham Region as to what they have in their own backyard. "AIl too often local residents feel they have to Icave this area to find good recreational and leisure fiacilities. "This couldn't bc further from the truth. There is a wealth of natural and man-made attractions in Durham, something for everyone, for every season of the year." Let U S nmake the I)essert! Dairy Queen lias a perfectly deliejous wvay to add ,zewflavour t our next summiiier get-together..â Dairy Queen Cakes i * Deliclous taste at an easy to swallow price! * * VYour next Dairy Queen Cake WHITBY DAIRY QUEEN: * I -1003 Dundas St. E. :>r-yc 668-5342 FREE DINNERý lut kBUY one Greek entree&geonFRE of equal or lesser value from dinner menu. *Valid Mon. to Sun. titi Aug. 31, 1993, Not to be used with other specials. SPECIALIZING IN GREEK CUISINE! J---------------------------------------------- ----------------- Day Trips & Weekend Getaways 13 Tourism: Durham' s $300-million industry