Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Jun 1993, p. 21

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Motocross e vent in Uxbrîdge JuIy 3 'Outback Motocross'wili be held at Elgin Park in Uxbridge on Saturday, July 3. The event, or nized by ProMx Race Productions and sanctioned by tho Canadian Motorcycle Association, will feature ail casse of motocross. competitors from ail over Ontario and some from otherprovinces. The Elgin Park track is casified as «natural terrain" for motocross and features such obstacles as 'The Gravity Cavity,' a rolling section of track that will compresa the motorcycle and rider in a large gully from which they leap for a distance of 80 or 90 feet. ProMx Race Productions also has events acheduled at the Markham Fairgrounds for Aug. 8 and 22. One hundred and fifty riders from across Canada are expected te. copete for $6,000 in cash and thousands- of dollars in prizes donated by sponsors. There will be competition in 16 different classes. A drîving vacation FROM PAGE 18 holed uin Graceland. Anp d don't you dmr miss Roanoke, Virginia where a couple without much of a life have dedicated their front yard into an Elvis shrine. It contains a miniature Graceland, miniature Following too closely?" More than 75 par cent of used cars and trucks sold in Ontario are purchased from privete sellers. Experts at the province's consumer iinistry say there are many reasons why car-buyers prefer te deal in the private-sale market. ,"Some people thlnk theKIl pay sas for a car bought crm a privato seller because there are ne overhead cots involved," says Bb Pierce, regastrar of Qntario's Mrotr Vehicle Deaers' Ac. "When they go te a registered dealer, they know that part cf the money spent on the showroomn and staff wages have te be added te the vehicle s price tag." Othier buyera say they prefer deaing with a privae individuel becauae they think mteting the owner cen help themn judge how well the cade been mainteined. Whatever the reeson for deing privately, consumera should bo aware of'two problema they cen prevent before handing over their cash. "Once ou'Ire convincod the car le in goodmechanical shape, and if the owner wont lot Your mochanic examine it, go elsewhero - make sure there ian't a lien agalnst it, aYs Pierce. If there la a lien against a car, thora may b. money owing on it. The unwary buyor cen wekeu om. moning te find a trc towing away the vehicle ho or she just bought. Thor may b. several reasona for a lion against a vehicbe. A garage may have placed a lien on the car for unpaid repair or storagecas. Or it may have been used for collteral teo, tain a boan. The seller may have bowed money te purchase the car, but Tupelo birthpiace and miniature Elvis cars scattered everywhere, along with a miniature Elvis singing his heart eut te a stadium filled with Barbie doils. Don't say we didn't warn you. 0f course, serieus car fans should mark July 9, 10 and 11 for Canats, the Canadian Street lied Nationale hot rod and custom car show in Newrnarket. (This is the sanie show that appeared et Iroquois Park in 1990.) More than 600 cars, 1973 and eider, are coming from acrosa North Aznerica, and the show is open te spectaters Saturday and Sunday. Directions: Take H-ighway 404 te its end (Davis Drive) and turn left. Turn left again at the first lights west Of Yonge Street (Eagle Street) and go four blocks te the recreation complex. For- more information, calI 416-836-2241. net peid it ail back. If the money was borrowed by a provieus owner, the vendor mlght be completely unaware money was owing on the vehicle.- To protect yourself aganst losing your car, check for liens with the minisry's personel e <t' r-.-. proporty registzation branch beoeay money is paid te the seller. To check for liens, the branch needs the correct vehicle information number <VIN) or serial number. The VIN is usually found on a smail metsl plate on the driver's aide of the dashboard, visible through the windshiebd.. If it'a ifferent frein the VIN on the registration slip, you should check which la correct with the Ministry ofTransportation. Whitby Free Press, Weclnesday, June 23, 1993, Page 21 I-y' HONDA MAGNA A cru iser with sport performanoe "'--Glen Konorowsi Over the past few years, the «EHariey look hbas changed the biking scene. Alnianufacturers are making renditions of the V-engined look that H[arley-Davidson has made 50 popular. The latest V-engined bike to corne along this year for Honda is the 750 Magna. Just introduced, the 750 Magna is actually considered a 1994 model. What makes the Magna se unique is that instead of just two cylinders arranged in the V-formation, they have put in four. This V-four arrangement niakes for an exceptionally srnooth engine with plenty of power. I fact, the 750cc, double-overhead cam engine in the Magna produces about 100 hp and 86 lbJft. of torque at 9,000 rpm. Honda likes 'te refer te the Magna as a cruising bike with sport bike performance. Exhaust is a two-into-one pipe Consumers buying used cars from an Ontario-registered dealer have better protection against lien probleras than those who purchese fr-om privete sellers. By law, dealers must clear any liens against vehicles before sales are final. If they feu te do so, they are responsible for settling outstanding debta. However, as of April 1, 1993, new legislation required the private seller of a useci vehicle te pucase a vehicle trensfer package and give it te the buyer before transfer of the vehicle registrato.i takes place., That package will contein information on any outstanding liens against the vehicle. It will aiso includqi a list of the caes previous owners. "This list is very important te, consumers because it'll let theni know right away if they're dealing with a curbsider," says Pierce. Curbsiders are people who soul cars for à living without a licence. When buying froni a curbside dealer, the consumer has ne way of knowing the truth about a vehicle's registration histery. At present, consumers who buy privately, but want te avoid curbeiders, cen check the registration histery of a vehicle with the Mfiistry cf Transportation. If a car has been traded very recently, they may ho dealing with a curbsider. On a more positive note, checlcing on previeus owners cen aise confirn the seller's honesty. As with a lien search, the ministry office must have the correct VIN te find information on the right car. For more information -on affair, giving the appearance of a two-cylinder rather than the four it is. Unlike the Harley-Davidson, the Magna is a very quiet bike with just a littie roar te the exhaust. Braking cornes in the formn of a 316mm disc brake in the front and a drum in the rear. During ray te.-ting, this combination of brakes worked well, giving the bike good stopping power' The Magna cornes in just two colours -- red and black -- with another bright colour on the way. Seating is either for one or two, ,,, by means of a two-piece seat. In the short time I had the bike for testing, I reaily enjoyed the conifortable ride of this long, wel.based bike. Over the years, I feel the Magna shouid gain a strong following as it is enjoyabie te, ride. Prices start at around $9,200, and the bike is now available. ........a..p.r Forty seconds of your time and a plastic key in your weiiet means you'll neyer be iocked out of your vehicie again, according te the Canadian Automobile Association. CAA's Toronto-area members can now drop into any of the club's 18 reteil centres te receive buying a car, including contracte and trade-ins, write for a copy of the ministry's free brochure, «Tips on Buying a Car and Rust Inhibition!' It is aveilable fromn the Consumer Information Centre, 555 Yonge St., main floor, Toronto, Ont. M7A 2H6. To request a lien search, consumerashould write or visit the Personal Property Security Registration Branch, third floir, 393 University Ave., Toronto, Ont. M7A 2H66. Consumers could aise conduet searches * et some land registry offices. For the location of the land registry office in your area, .look in the blue pages of the telephone directory under Government of Ontario, Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. The fee for a report is $6. Mfinistry of Transportation Offices et 2680 Keele St., east building, Downsview, Ont. M3M 3E6 and meny driver- exemination centres acroas the province will provide a vehicle-ownership search fer a small fee. a free plastic copy of their vehicie key, for use in the event of a 'lock-out.' According teO, AA. Toronto records, lock-outs have increased in frequency in recent years as car manufacturers strove te, make automobile locking systems more theft deterrent. Today, lock-outs account for nearly 15 per cent of CAA ToronWes emergency road service cails --t more than 82,500 calis annualljk et a cost te the association of $20 te $100 per, cali. The keys are cut in under a minute by trained operaters at any of the club's retail locations. Contained in a credit-cerd sized holder, the key fits easily into a purse or waliet. It is made of an unbreakable plastic cailed duralin, and has a steel pin inside. In the event of a lock-out, it wiil open the car door, but cannot stert the vehicie's ignition; should a driver attempt te use it te start the vehicle, the steel pin will prevent the key frorn snapping. The ke ad cutting machine are man actured by a U.S. firm, Axxess, and distributed in Canada by Cardinal Concepts hIc. of Egbert, Ont. There are 27 different key blanks and several permutations for each blank. Plastic keys cen be cut for 95 te 97 per cent of vehicles on the market. Keyzers implemented the key programn after mnonitoring its success with two auto clubs in California, whose membership tetals more than ail of CAA's 3.5 million Canadien memnbers. I one year, 30 per cent of the membership had emergency keys cut, and lock-out calis were reduced by 20 per cent. Ai CondtÏf :1 Isectin 78 INLUE Chek e: erto yemwh maniol..auOs MMDC 2 -detector Checkcomp eor cl se: 59D na s St. g ea- 6 -81 ltExercise caution Private dealingse before buying

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