Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Jun 1993, p. 24

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Page 24. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, June 16.,1993 MARK RAINEY was recentiy elected president of the student counicil at Anderson CVI for the 1993I-94 sohool year. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Froc Pres Bt te M rce * IN 70*OSAN D .,MIB * Min adG renPaa MII $49 1003 Du WHITBY IRY QUEEN indas St. E. 668-5342 Cheryl-Ann MacKean ANDERSON C.V.I. Schcol's over and there's nothing left but ... the Ve'wcrd. But Iet's net talk about that. Last week I had a vision. I figured that since it's the end of the 1992-93 school year, stu- dents shouid get in the last word. Students need te voice their opinions, be heard ... say what's on their minds cencerning top high schooi issues. So,I1 asked them. Anderson's 1992-93 student council president, Bob Halpin Grade 12, feels that «TMe schO was fiiled welI beyond its capa- city. And it aise took a lot of knowledge respect and indivi- dualismlor -the students te remain calm se that situations (racial, violent and pressured) cculd be resolved in a swift manner.» A number ef students aise feit a need te comment on racisrn and violence -- two important Anderson schocl issues. "There's toc much violence with racism and gangs, more than lest year. The probiem is grewing» -- Cheryl Stegios, "miner niner.) 'Tou can't get rid of racism with the students until you get rid cf racism with the teachers" -- Marshia Boid, OAC. "It seems like there are more vioent incidents than in other years. I think there needs te be more understanding" -- Leuite Miller, Grade 12. "The racism in this school is strong>' -- Claudia (Pauia) (Dia) Fuller, Grade 12. "Racial tension is more (apparent) this ye ar than in oter ycars» -- Peter Svistvnovs, OAC. "There is stili a lot of racisrn on ail parties" -- Darin Keeler, Grade 12. "It's worse than last year" -- Andrea Kirk, Grade 10. "Wherever there is change from tradition, conflict result and people aiways try te find a scapegoat. Therefore, as fer racism at Anderson, a lot of ignorance about ether cultures, a lot cf who people aren't used to it become (racist) --. Sereya Camp- bell Grade 12. «lÏ think that there is more racism this year because there are more new people et the schooi» -- Jacki Ailen, Grade 12. "We're sitting o. i a time bcmb!» Zbyqxt (pronounced Eiayna) Hunter, OAC. There were also comments about schooi spirit. "Schocl spirit is there, but I've never had a lot of pride in Anderson until this year. There is more spirit in extracurricuier activities. I think that there couid be more race integration - we shouid ail cerne tegether» - Catherine Schwartz, Grade 12. "I don't think that student services has enough programns availabie for foreign students" -- Christina Keinlg,.OAC. «I feit that this year's student council elections race was a real race. I believe that the spirit shewn by the seniors at the seheci this year wiii have a (positive) effect on students next year» -- Katherine Piggot, Grade il. "I think that students are a iittie bit mere excited about school events and sports" - Gra- ham Eliiot, Grade 10 "There is a lot of spirit cern- "The music marathon was good and there were a lot of people out for that» - Ashley Richards, Grade 9. "Schocl spirit needs jackin' up!" Jeel Gregie Grade 12. "I think that it shouId be up te the student council te do some- thing about school spirit. This year's student coundcil tried, but wvhat cen they do with toc many students te centend with7' -- Krista Cernish, Grade 12. "I think that there is an atti- tude at our schooi. A lot of people are self-centered. I believe that seniors deserve a littie respect (from jniors)» -- Kim Miller, Grade 12. «It was the best cf times; it was the worst cf times; but mest of ail, it was the good times" -- hDrew (the 'h' is sulent) Myers, OAC. There were aise cemments ab"We'r geing te kick butt at LOSSA next year!» -- Saiey Peel, Grade 12. "Basketball -- it was amazing" -- Jean Ellis, OAC. "The Anderson wcmen's field lacrosse teamn won in. the first LOSSA competition this year. It just ges te show you how strong femaie sports are at Anderson CVI" -- Debbie Warren, OAC. The grads aise have a few cemments and pieces of advice te pass along te students. "I am annoyed that university- bound students are paying $35 more,_just te appiy, t han iast year" -- Scott Brooks, OC. "You don't realize until yeu take your OACs just how impor- tant your marks realiy are? -- Joanne Wyatt, OAC. "Prom was good. Next year we shouid have more room at the tables, though" -- Kristina Patte, Grade 12. "It's a shame (about gevern- ment cutbacks on OSAP pro- grams for students appiying te celiege and university.) What are egong te do about our future? Tey are cutting back on the wrong things» -- Sarah Rayfield, Grade 12. "I think that instead of cutting back on education, they should cut back on weifare. I think that education is importantf' --- Judy Choi, OAC. "I 'don't think that they (tea- chers) should be giving tests the firat week before exams" Elena Ignatiou <Fiesta Queen), OAC. uTeachers are teaching the Iast three units during the last week of classes!" -- Dawna McLaren, OAC. "There's toc much pressure on students because universities are cutting back" -- Mike Bavington, Grade 12. uGetting into college was stressful" -- Lisa Lewis, Grade 12. 'm upset because there are no more grants. Now I can't gLo to university. I have te w or Sa year» -- Bukky Okuribide. "Cutbacks aren't helping people. Why de we even have the semester programn? This makes it- se hrfor students te get into university" -- Dee-ann Lama', Grade 12. Se that's it, folks. Just a few last words... Go, Leafs, go... Girls...voiieyba]l... Muscle-man-ia.6. <Keep it te the left ... Rob Hal- pin... Frizzy haired, timotei Grade 9 woman... Low-fat -.perk on the bot- tom...witb live bacterial culture... "It's be n good this year. You can neyer \have enough students invoived. Students were succesa- fui this year in athletics, music and dramna" -- Mr. Lercy, vice- prinipa, Adersen CVI.. PLater McDonald's, *Whitby Transit, Romper Roorn, Bumba, Barley, ROXANNE, Ang., Genie, Hey Judo, Blondie. Lucie Rochette ST, CHARLES GARNIER Bonjour! Well, folks, this is it -- Mmy iast school news column this year. Wait! Don't start cry- ing yet... I plan to keep writing next year, toc. (This is a condensed version of ail my sehoci news coiurnns) As the 1992-93 schooi year cornes te a close, students are reflecting upon the many activi- ties that took place. Remember back in October, when we seniors) were so kind as te, "initiate» the new Grade 9s? Boy, that was fun, making them dress up and stu f (altheugh, they may try te tel you different). We have aise had many non- uniferrn days, both with and without themes. And of course, who couid forget our fantastic exchange program with students form Grande Prairie, Aberta? In November, student achieve- ment awards were handed eut te those hard-working individuals. Also this year, many students (and teachers) foilowed the pro- gress cf the Oshawa Generals throughout the. season, because three Garnier student -- Ste- phane Yelie, Joel Gagnon and Stephane Souliiere -- are players on that junior A hockey team.. Many guest s"akers have corne te our schoi te educate us on varieus tepics. The iist in- ciudes Durham Centre MPP Drummend White and Ontario riding MP Rene Seeten's. Our Garnier-val was -a big success at the beginning of the second semester. There- were niany dances at schooi this year, including a fities and sixties dance (and they were all a biast!). Our students put on a play, written by a Whitby resident. I t wasgreat. 01 course, one of the major days in the schooi year occurred when Garnier students ceuld wear their summer uniferms. Trust me, that was a day that was long-awaited by most of the students. Now, the prom and the gra- duation approach at an aiarming speed, and I'm sure that they wili be very enjoyabie. Well, folks, I gotta fly! Bonne vacance a tous, and have a great summer, toc. A 'annee pro. chaine! ýj4-7 Ill-ýieA 1

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