Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Jun 1993, p. 11

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, June 16, 1993, Page il Proteet pets from warm weather hazards With the arrivai of summer, pets become exposed te vaieus potentialiy harmfui situations. Heat stroke, poisonous substances and run-ins with other animais (both domestic and wild) are just a few of the things that can prove hazardous for pets. Heat stroke Each year numerous pets become iii or die as a resuit of1 beat stroke. Many of these animais sufer from the beat when they are left in bot, poorly ventilated areas -- especially if they are ieft witbout water. Two common situations where4 pets, usually dogs, suifer from heat stroke are when they are ieft in parked vehicies (the temperature inside a parked, peorly ventiiated vebicie can rapidly reach weii ever 100 degrees Fahrenheit on a mild day) and when they are tied up in a shadeless area for extended periods (remember, a pet may initially be in a shaded area, but be in.dýrect sunlight later). Animais sufering from heat stroke show some of the foiiowing signs: exaggerated pantîng, increased puise rate, anxious or staring expression, sahivating, weakness, iack of co-ordination or even convulsions. Vomiting ie aise commori. Pets suspected «( suffering from heat stroke -shouid be immediateiy remoçed from their bot surroundings. The anima's temperature can be -iowered by applying coid water te the skin. Aliow the animal te rest in a cool place with sosie drinking water. Seek immediate veterinary attention. Whiie knowing wbat te de if an animai is suffering from beat stroke is important, obviously it is preferable net te aiiow your pet te get into a situation where it could suifer, and even die, from the heat. Pets shouid aiways have adequate ventilation, protection frm the sun and plenty of fresb water in a non-spiliable container. Finaiiy, be aware that pets that have access te water and shade can stili sufer from the heat. Take the appropriate precautiens to ensure that your pet does net suifer from heat streke. Poisonous plants and toxic substances Warmer weatber brings with it severai potentiel bazarda te pets. The emergence of peisonous plants can pose a danger te animais. Buttercups, rhodo- dendrons and rhuberb are tbree cemmon poisoneus plants. Summer is synonymous with barbecues, gardening and paintýng and these activities invoi'>e tbe use of barsiful chemicals. Often, tbese substanoes, sucb as herbicides and pesticides, are net necessary and sboulde avoided. Ail toxic materiai shouid be iocked away wben net in use. Harsiful substances that bave been spiiled should be immediateiy and thoroughly cieaned up. 'If'a-pet'h-- been piso-nedit is veterinarian (inciuding tbeir emergency number) nearby. If an animai bas, or appears te have, been poisoned, cail your veterinarian immediately for advice. Minutes cen make tbe difi'erence between life and deatb. Have the neme of the active ingredient of tbe poison or the plant et hand and, if possible, a rough idea of the amount of poison involved. Animais suspected of baving ingested, ebsorbed tbrougb the skin or inbaied a toxic substance may show one or more of the foilowing signs: vomiting, diarrbea, staggering, inco- ordination, breathing difficulties, convulsions, colapse, death. For more information regarding poisonous plants and other texic substances, cali the poison control centre in our area. It is a good idea te have this phone number readiiy accessible as well. Vaccinations and canine heartworm disease Pets require protection frosi disease. Aiways ensure that yeur companion animais are kept up-to-date witb their vaccinations. As well, canine heartworm disease is a serieus ailment that is caused by the filariai worm and spread by mosquitos. Talk te your veterinarian about how te protect your dog from this disease. Pets in cottage country Pets who accompany their families te the cottage often face varieus hazards that tbey are net normaily exposed te. Many pet owners ailow their pets te mun et large at the cottage. Unfortunateiy, many pets ailowed te mrn et large become lest, bit by cars, get into figbts with other animais, etc. Dogs and cats shouid be safely confined te their owner's property and be equipped with effective identification that can be easily traced (iLe. personaiized tag, including cottage and home phone numbers arnd area codes). It is advisable te have the phone number (including the emergency number) of e locai veterinarian wbere you are vacaE-oning. If you take yotur pet in a boat, ensure that it cannot jump or be thrown eut of the boat. It is a good idea te equip your pet with a life jacket. There are flotatien devices available that bave been designed for pets of different sizes. The cottage is a wonderful place te spend the summer. Learning about the potentiai bazards your pet couid be exposed te, and making sure that your four:-legged famiiy member is kept eut of barm's way is an important step towards ensuring an enjoyabie holiday in cottage country for the wbele.family. Free publications available If you would like any of the following free educational materiai -- 'Pets in Cottage Country,"'<Pets and Poisons,' 'Heat Stroke Warning' -- send a self-addressed, stamped envelope (business size) te the Publications department, Ontario SPCA, 16640 Yenge St., Newmarket, Ont. L3Y 4V8. lOth AMNVERSARY Above ground pols include: High grade filter, heavy duty pump, telescop c pole, test kit, leaf skimmer, vacuum hose and head, plus many more extras! AUXTOEXPERIENCE! 'f Mon. Tues. Wed. 9-6 OOLIMI-Thurs. & Fri. 9-8 133 Taunton Rd. W. 5. I 7 Saturday 9-5 (Just West of Simee> 7 0 8 MIDURHAM'S LARGEST SHOWROOM! Geraniumns ~ Serving You For 39 Years 4" Pot $1.17565 4411 >ésts0' ofHwy12 HangingThickson Rd. Itersection Hlangts Open 7 days a week Plats8 am to 9pm SHREDDED TOPSOIL TRIPLE MIX SAND-SCRE EN INGS-G RAVEL FINE GRADING EXCAVATING- r427mO4niu

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