Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, June 9. 1993, Page 29 1 ARTILES BFURSA ICSARIk jjAUTO$I AIR CONDITIONER, 10,000 B.T.U. Good condition. Stili under warranty. Cal ater 8 p.m. 430-9407. 4 TIRES ln excellent condition. P235-75R15 on white Ranger rims. $300 o.b.o. Cali 430-6740 ater 6 P.m. OPENING A BUSINESS? For sale ... best off er: Meridian Norstar telephone systemn for business. 2 phone sets, conferencing, hands- f ree speakers, headset interface, alternate language capabîlities, speed dial, message centre, and many more features. For furiher info, cal (416) 666-8083. HANDSOME DINING SUITE, table, 6 chairs, server, $1,000. Working balloon curtains, $400/pair. Rose sofa, loveseat, $500. Pine table, $40. Inquire 668-4095. KING SIZE WATERBED, bookcase headboard, 6-drawer pedestal, cushioned siderails, $250. Cloth vertical blinds, aîmond, valance, 72" L x 84" W, $25. CaliI 430-1876. ATTENTION Beer & Wine Makers - 54 litre glass carboys $10 each. Exercise bike, $25. Caî1l 668-6554. ELECTRIC SCOOTER, rear wheel drive, dual batteries. Dynamic rogenorative brakos. Adjustable seat. 3 yoars old. Compete with battery charger, $1,000. Ater 6 p.m., 668-4017. SOLID DARK PINE dining rooem set. Hutch, cabinet, table and 4 chairs. Excellent condition. Asking $850. Caîl after 6 p.m. 668-1835. MATTRESSES and boxsprings at hait price. Mokeen Furnituro. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. THE BARN YARD - Used turniture, colloctiblos and antiques. Clarke 8th Line, east ef Hwy. 115, orono. Open Saturday 9-5, Sunday 12-5. 983-5926. SOLO-FLEX body-buildig machine, cost $2,000, excellent condition, asking $750. 430-0222. LEGA.......A. . FRESH COOKED LOBSTERS $45.00 Doz. 3/4 lb. Delivery date Saturday, June 19. Order no later than Thurs., June 17. a Caîl Ken or Donna at 579-9167 - MOVING OUT 0F COUNTRY. Must seli everythingl Country style solid wood hand made furniture, Micro even, freezer, VCR, steree, T.V.sp lus over 100 other items for sale. A Iso, car goed for parts. If interested please phone E.J. atter 1 p.m. at 668- 8956. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F DOROTHY MAY HILL (ALSO KNOWN AS DOROTHY MAY MARCHUK), DECEASED AI! dlaims against the Estateot DOROTHY MAY HILL (also knewn as DQROTHY MAY MARCHUK), late of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Munioipality et Durham, Retired Bookkeeper, decoasod, who died on or about the 3rd day ot January, 1993, must bo filed with the undersigned personal representatives on or befere June 3th. 1993; thoreatter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard enly te the dlai ms the n f iled. Dated at Whitby, Ontario this 25th day et May, 1993. WILLIAM J.R. LIVINGSTON, Executer, c/o COATH, LIVINGSTONE, 128 Byron St. North, P.O. Box 327 Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S4 1512NR NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of LOUIS GIRARD, PENSIONEP, DECEASED AIl persans havin g daims as croditors against t ho estate et the abovo mentioned, late et the Town of Whitby in tho Regional Municipaîity et Durhamn who died at the said Town of Whitby on tho Sth day etf[Aarch, 1990, are req uired te file preet et same wit h the undersig ned on er beforo the 26 th day of J uly, 1993. After that date the Public trustee will proeod te distributo tho estato, having reogard only to the dlaims et which ho thon shahl have had notice. DA TED orotothis 3Ird CHESTERFIELD - 3 seater, taupe in color. Excellent condition. Asking $500. Cal 655-8863. YOUNG MAN'S SUJIT, black, size 36" jacket. Pants 29" waist. Worn twice. $75. Phone 686-2698 after 6 p.m. IBM P52 mod. 50 with mouse/DOS 4.0/L-otus 1-2-3, roI. 3. $600. Caîl (416)448-3361 or (416)721-2710 (home) - Decio. FILTER QUEEN VACUUM. Like niew condition. Just complotely serviced. $300. 428-1659. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less than haIt p ice. Large select ion. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAVI JUNE il AT 6 P.M. 3 MILES EAST 0F LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 Refinished antique dressers - Inglis side by side refrigerator - blanket box - piano stool - modern drossers & chosts et drawers- odd wooden chairs - trumpet& trombone - bridge Iamps - dining extension tables - crocks - day bed - chrome kitchen suite - 15 cu. ft. freezer - co-oil lamps - wooden rocking chairs - washstand - pine drop beat table.- hand made quilts - qty. ceramic moulds - 30" electric stoves - sideboard - 16 HP y rdman gardon tracter - 8 HP Massoy Ferguson riding Iawnmower - 1979 Mazda R7 sperts car - plus many more antiques, furniture & household items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS R.R. #1, LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183. ....... ...A CORPORATION OF THE )TOWN 0F WIB IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1990, c. 0.18 AND IN THE MAlTER 0F LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ON TARIO NOTICE 0F INTENT TO DESIGNATE The George Gilcrest House 306 Gilbert Street West, Whitby, Ontario TAKE NOTICE thal the Cauncil eft he Corperation eftihe Tewn et Whitby intends la designate the praperty, including lands and buildings, at the tellowing municipal address as preperty et histaric and architectural value er interesi under Part IV ai the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. 0. 18. The George Gilcresi Houso 306 Gilbert Street West WHITBY, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F »6-G1LRERT STREET WEST, WHITBY George Gilcrest built the home at 306 Gilbert Street during the pear ai 1876. The 20-lt. x 30-lt. homo has had numerous ocupants since ts construction, mast notably the Emmett and Oke tamilis In addition, tram 1950 ta 1959 it was renied b y the Whitby doiachment et the Ontario Provincial Police. The OP P put in an ail furnace (1950>, constructed a garage <1952) and an addition te the rear ai the homo in 1953. Over the years et tho home transterring awnership, the home has undergane some restaralian and renevatians. A replica side porch was addedin 1988. During the canstrucian et the porch, the date 1843 was incerparated inta the barge board undor the front caves, hawever, evidence clearly indicates the constructien ai the home ta be 1876. ARCHITECTURAL The home displays a goad representatian ai madest hausing for the periad areund 1876. The basic siarey and a hall, raugh cast lorm, wilh its gable end ta the sireet, was pepular for inexpensive hausing for several decades. With the plain reughcast surface, it retied on the placement of epenings ta define its proportions, and is enlivened by slightty pedimented tîntels en the front bays. Resieration has added the verandah, barge board. bracketed door hoed and door surreunds. The heuse aIse has important streetscape value by contributing ta a rew ai later gable-franted hauses. Any persan may, befere June 26, 1993, send by registered mail or deliver te the Clark of the Town of Whitby notice et his or her ebîcien te the proposed desîg nation, together with a stalement et reasens for the ebjection and a1 relevant facts. Il such notice et objection is received, the Council of the Carporalien of the Town ai Whitby shal roter the matter te the Conservation Roview Board for a hearing. DATED ai the Town of Whitby this 26th day of May, 1993. DONALD G. MAcKAY TOWN CLERK THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 2M8 PHONE: (416) 668-5803 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY IN TE MAlTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1990, c. 0.18 AND IN THE MATTER 0F LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ON TARIO NOTICE 0F INTENT TO DESIGNATE The William Carpenter House 413 Byron Street South, Whitby, Ontario TAKE NOTICE ihat the Cauncil aifte Corporation et the Town et Whitby intonds te, designate the property, including lands and buildings, ai the tolîowing municipal addross as property of hisiaric and architectural value or interost under Part IV et the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. 0. 18. The William Carpenter Heuse 413 Byron Street South WHITBY, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNAllON 0F 413 BYRON STREET SOUTH. WHITBY HISIORIC The subjeot preperty was owned by a Mr. William Carpenler when the home was censirucied in 1854. ARGHITECUBAL The William Carpenter House represenis an example et mid-l9th century housing and evoluian. The three-bay. siarey and a haIt, T-f orm, clapboard house is thouqhite have been buili in 1854. and has been expanded several imes snce, witheut Ioss et iniegrity ai sab and form. The narrow doorcase is a chiot stylistia element, with the delicato two h g hi transom, boxed cemers and symmetricaî mouîdings eft he 1840s. Fenestraion is six-ovor-six sash. The side verandah trom the laie 19th century has been screened in and a donner builita enlarge the south side of the T-wîng. which has been extended on the wost by a shiplap cabin or summer kîchen. Outbuildings on the north edge eft he site creato a unitîed ensemble. Any person may, betore June 26, 1993. send b y regisiered mail or delivr ta, he CIeu'k et the Tewn et Whitby notice et his or her objection le, the proposed des'gnation. togeltier wiih a statement et reasons for the objection and aIl relevant tacts. If such noioe ai objection is reoeived, the Couril oetihe Corporation et the Town of Whutby shall reter the mater te, the Conservation Review Board for a hoaning. DATED ai the Town of Whitby this 26th day et May. 1993. DONALD G. McKAY TOWN CLERK THE CORPORATION 0F TNE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 2M8 PHONE: 416) 668-5803