Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Jun 1993, p. 30

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Page 30, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, June 2, 1993 1' CO INO j I NNIV ArnE 1 LEG L ......A....k.* E V E N T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.._................._ _ _ 4TH ANNUAL CRAFT SHOW & Sale, Saiurday, June 12 & Sunday. June 13, 10 a.m. te 5 pm., ai the Scugog Arena, non h. side of Reach St. (Durham Rd. 8), tusi west of Port Perry. Free parking. Admission: $2.50/adulis, $1/chiktren f under age 12, free). Rot reshments. For more information, cail (416) 985-7346. 5OTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The family of Bessie and Stafford Cosway invite you te attend an "Open House" in honour of their 5th Wedding Anniversary 10 be held at Brookrin United Church Hall on Saturdlay, J une 5, 1993 f rom 2 - 4 p.m. Besi Wishes onîy please. _ CLEARWATER FLORIDA- GARAGE SALE - Saturday, June 5, siarting ai 9 a.m. 502 C hesinut Street West, Whiiby. Used tiller, household items, etc. Ramn or shine. YARD SALE - Saiurday, June 5 starting ai 8 a.m. - 42 Crosser Avenue, Whitby. Ramn Date Sunday, J une 6. MULTI-FAMILY garage sale. Bargain crafi supplies, baby items, (crib & baby seais), childrens' ioys and cloihes. Someihing for everyone. Saiurday and Sunday June 5 and 6, 9 ar.i- 3 p.m. Catherine Drive, Whitby (Fallingbrook area). YARD SALE - Saturday& Sunday, June 5 & 6, siarting ai 9 a.m. Audley Rd., 3rd enirance on righi, norih of Taunton. Household items, hardwood (red oak & ash> 1" & 2" thickness, etc. GARAGE SALE - 830 White Ash Drive, Whitby. Saturday, June 5 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. ROCK & ROLL Yard Sale. Records, CD's, tapes, posters, sports cards. Lois moire. Sunday, June 6 from il - 4. Ramn or shine. 704 Maria Street, Whiiby. Info. 728-5369. 5 FAMILY Yard Sale. June 5 from 9 a.m. Childrens' clothes, ioys ,1 household items. 49 Drive, Whitby. Saiurday, . 3 p.m. books and Bellwood ANTIQUES, DISHES, cottage furniture, patio stones and stops and much, much more. Saturday, June 5 - 8:30 a.m. Ramn or Shine. 867 White Ash Drive (Rossland/Cochrane area). GARAGE - CRAFT SALE. 12 lngram Court, Whitby. Saturday. June 5, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Sunday, June 6, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. GUTHRIE CRESCENT (Ottor Creek) Annual St reet Sale. Saiurday. June 5. 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. - 30 te 40 homes. Something for everyone. NEIGIIBOURHOOD GARAGE SALE QLJEEN'S COMIMON Saturday, June 5, 9 aim. (ail day) Bain date: Sunday, June 6 Assort.ed items, including toys, baby furniture, bicycles, houschold items, sports cquip. & much more Go to McQuay & Hwy. 2 & follow signs Th ls ad spons.îred by Connie McCann W. Frank R.E. Ltd. Cail 666-4753 for details 3-bedroom, tulliy lurnîsfled, air conditionedâ mobile homes. Pools, hot tubs, beaches, attractions. Chidren welcome. $275 weekly. Photos. 683-5503. "ILEAVE VOUR CARES at home wfth us." Prof essional p et/home sitters are lulIy bonded & insured. Custom Homewaich International. 666-5353. ... .. .... o 2 w r.p e a S CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN CF WHITBY IN TH-E MATER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1990, .01 AND IN iHE MATTER 0F LANDS AND PREMISES AT TE FOLLOWIONG MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN NHE PROVINCE 0F ON TARIO NOTICE 0F INTENT TO DESIGNATE The William Carpenter House 413 Byron Street South, Whitby, Ontario TAKE NOTICE that tho Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intonds 10 designate the property, indluding lands and buildings, at the following municipal address as property of historic and architectural value or interest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. 0. 18. The William Carpenter House 413 Byron Street South WHITBY. Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 413 BYRON STREET SOUTHi WHITiLY HIAIBlRI The subject property was owned by a Mr. William Carpenter when the homo was constructed in 1854. ARCHITECTUERAL The William Carpenter House represents an example of mid-l9th century housing and evolution. The three-bay, storey and a hall, T-lorm, cîapboard house is thought to have been built in 1854, and has been expanded several times sînce, without Ioss of integrity of scale and form. The narrow doorcase is a chief stylistic element, with the delicate two fight transom, boxed comers and symmetrîcal moulcfings of the 1840s. FPenestration is six-over-six sash. The side verandah from the laie l9th century has been screened in and a dormer buili 10 enlarge the south sie of lte T-wing. which has been exiended on the wesi by a shiplap cabin or summer kitchen. Ouibuildings on the nortit odge of the site croate a unilied ensemble. Any person may, before June 26, 1993. send b y registered mail or deliver to the Cîerk et the Town oit Whiiby notice of his or her objection to the proposed desig nation, together wth a staiement of reasons for the objection and a Il relevant lacis. Il such notice of objection is recoived, the Councîl ot the Corporation of the Town of Whitby shail refer the matter te the Conservation Review Board for a hearing. DATED ai the Town of Whilby this 26th day et May, 1993. DONALD G. McKAY TOWN CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSIANO ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LiN 2M8 PHONE: (416) 668-5803 PERSONALS PERSONALS LAUGH YOUR WAY TO HEALTH 50 groat one-liners. Be the lii o of the party. Have them rolling in tho aisles. Wonderlul for alier-dinnor speakers, radio, TV, entertain- mont, media, salosmen, psychîa- trists, depressed people, psycho- logisis. etc., $5. Mailed anyhere in the world. Laugh Your Way To Health, Suite 422, 8 Midiown Drive, Oshawa, Ont. LUi 8L2 Introduction V Service A CONFIDEN TIAL WA Y TO MEET Cail Judy 725-5757 or Ruth 1-800-267-1007 ASSIGNATION ORDRE est donné à Jocelyn Crête de comparaitre au greffe de cette Cour. situé au 77 de la rue Principale, salle 1.32, à Granby dans les trente (30) jours de l date de la publication du présent avis dans le journal «Whitby Fre Press," 131 Brock St. North, Whitby, Ontario LIH 4H3; Une copie de la déclaration on divorce a été remise au greffe à votre intention. Granby. le 30 avril 1993. Me Sylvie Desmeules. protonotaire BAHAI'S BELIEVE. The beginning ef magnanimity is when man expendeth his weaih on himself, on his family and on the Soor among his brethren in his ait h. For information caîl 668-8665. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F DOROTHY MAY HILL (ALSO KNOWN AS DOROTHY MAY MARCHUK), DECEASED AIl dlaims against the Esiate of DOROTHY MAY HILL (also known as DOROTHY MAY MARCHUK), laie of the Town of Whiiby, in the Rqginal Municipaliy of Durham, Rpetird Bookkeeper, deceased, who died on or about the 3rd day of January, 1993, must be filed with the undersigned personal represeniatives on or before June 3th, 1993; therealter the undersigned will disiribute the assois of the said ostate having regard only 10 the dlaims thon filed. Dated at Whitby, Ontario ihis 251h day of May, 1993. WILLIAM J.R. LIVINGSTON, Executor, c/o COATH, LIVINGSTONE, 128 B y ron St. North, P.0O. Box 327 Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S4 y ~ CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1990, c. 0.18 AND IN THE MATTER 0F LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ON TARIO NOTICE 0F INTENT TO DESIGNATE The George Gilcrest House 306 Gilbert Street West, Whitby, Ontario TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to designate the property, includîng lands and buildings, at the following municipal address as property of historic and architectural value or interest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. 0. 18. The George Gilcrest House 306 Gilbert Street West WHITBY, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 306 GILBERT STREET WEST. WHITBY HIRIC George Gilcrest buit the home ai 306 Gilbert Street during the year of 1876. The 20-lt. x 30-lt. home has had numerous occupants sinoe its construction, most notably the Emmett and Oke families. ln addition, from 1950 to 1959 il was rented b y the Whitby detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. The OP P put in an oil furnace (1950), constructed a garage (1952) and an addition to the rear of the home in 1953. Over the years of the home transferring ownership, the home has undergone some restoration and ronovations. A replîca side porch was added n 1988. During the construction of the porch, the date 1843 was incorporated into the barge board under the front eaves, however, evidence clearly indicates the construction of the home to be 1876. ARCHITECTURAL The homo displays a good representation of modest housing for the period around 1876. The basic storey and a hall, rough cast form, with its gable end to the street, was popular for inexponsive housing for several decades. With the plain roughcasi surface, it relied on the placement of openings to define its proportionis. and is enlivened by slightly pedimonted lintels on the front bays. Ràstoration has addod the verandah, barge board, bracketed door hood an~d door surrounds. The house also has important streetscape value by contributing to a row of later gable-f ronted houses. Any person may, bolore June 26, 1993, send b y registered mail or deliver te the Clerk of the Town of Whitby notice of1h is or her objection to the proposed desig nation. togeiher with a statemont of reasons for the objection and aàI relevant tacts. If such notice of objection is received, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby shaîl reler the matter 10 the Conservation Review Board for a hearing. DATED ai the Town of Whiiby this 26th day of May, 1993. DONALD G. McKAY TOWN CLERK THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 2M8 PHONE: (416) 668-5803 I

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