Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Jun 1993, p. 24

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Page 24, Whiiby Free Press, Wednesday. Jun ,19 Whitby me' rec slo- pitch Town Funaral HomOe Royal Hotel Gainera Sunoco P'a Restautrn Whkby Wleys R.J. Philrips Bear Auto Dodd &SoSuter Les Brown Escavaling Peaock Sparts K-Mail Roys Entrprises TJ Auto Whitby house league lacrosse MAJOR TYKE May 8 McTeagueElmctrîc 8 Zach Greer 6 Ryan Rraback 2 BrooklirilPringle IGA Il David Arnold 3 Malt Doherty 2 Byron McKinnon 2 Brad Tnschuk 2 Blair Singor Tanner Twiing May 14 Larry Sullivan 8 Colin Baker 2 Devon Brick 2 Ryan Roralaeck 2 Jarad Mutla, Oustin Morrison BroaklinPrisgle ICA 6 David Arnold 3 Brad Taschuk Tanner Twininig Ryan Hnatko May 17 BrooklinlPringla CGA 6 Byron McKinnan 2 David Arnold Brait Taschuk Malt Doherly Tanner Twining McTeague Eleclric 8 Zach Greer 4 Michael Hess 4 Amy McPherson of Whitby was frst in the aged 10 and undor division of the provincial syach- ronized swim age g-oup championshis eI mid ay. MePherson competed against Whitby mixed sto- pitch STANDINGS (etsf aisy 28) W L T PTS Koo Ka Bwaans 4 0 O 8 Durham Squash Ctcb 3 1 O 6 Advantaga a 1 O 6 SkiShoppe 2 2 0 4 Hermetio Service 1 3 0 2 Don Cherrys i 3 0 2 Ato Zone 1 3 0 2 Mr. Transmission 1 3 O 2 Koo Koo Bananas 1-ermetia Service Advantage Durham Squash Ski Shoppe Koo Koo Bananas Mr. Transmission Advantage Koa Koo Bananas Durham Squash 's Durharn SquJash 13 1B Ato Zone 13 I Ayto Zone 2 15 Don Cherrys 10 10 Hermieic Service 5 15 Mr.Transmission 10 V3 Auto Zona 13 9 Hermetic Service 18 19 SkiShoppe 13 13 Don Cherrys 12 May 22 Mitchell Insurance 9 Sandoz tan Brook 3 Eric H-oare 5 Sham nKerr 2 Eric Collins Nicholas MacKinnon Geoftroy Jones Thonm McWhirtar Dans Silverthorn Michael McKedanz Derek Wray MINOR BANTAU May 15 Royal Cdn. Legion Kenny Opase2 Adam La~ Royal Cdn. Lugion 5 Shane Sargent 3 AIex Dimoch Dodd & Sauter Cole Lang Was Suddons LarrySullian 3 Brad Corner 3 Larry Sullian 2 DarnI ie ton 2 Jara Muti 2 A ndrew Shannon Devon Brick Shannon Philipe Royal Cdn. Leglon 5 Cole Lang 4 Alec Dimaech MoTeagua Elactria 4 Zach Grer4 Royal Cdn. Lagion 5 Konn Lang 2 John Daruwala David Hi Aies Dimech Larry Sullivan 5 Dustin Morrison 3 Ryan Rorabeck Jason Marinton MAJOR BANTAMMINOR MIOGET May 21 Norlhern Ameras 14 Innovativa Awards R Death 8 J. Ward 8 S. Death 3 A. Whaley 3 R Unwvin 2 D. Suddons 2 B. Feed B. Harrison Provinclal Signe 5 Whitby Optîmrisi M. Vincent 2 M.OBrien 3 A. Nash D. Watdack M. Voîke S. Edgar W. Richard Mackia Transport 6 ONCU Local M30 M. Denham 2 A. Jones 2 0. Crans P. Shriglay Z.Aitken P. Saliî R Harrla B. Merritt 7 Provincial Signe M. Yorke 2 N. Maynard M. Vncenl A. Cotton G. Practor 8 Whilby Optiris L. McKay 2 M. Orien il OHEU Local 130 G. Proi 3 P. Wcb2 J. Johnson A. Jones P. St . Akin MINOR NOVICE gJoeos izzerla Mike rystal?2 Kyle Percewicz Kutis Wagar Rurhem Re. Police Mike Longo 4 Botty Schlitt 3 PhillipGreenn Chrla Vine Kyle lmria May 12 Durhamn Reg. Police 3 Sanmy Scheepars 2 Mika Longo 4 Canadian Tire Scott Hobe 2 Nick Owens Brad McNaughton Garret Winder Casey Dupant JeIt Frazer 13 Whitby Trophy Correy Rued 2 Evan Cardwel 2 Ryan llayward ID Singer Centra Eric Carter Jason Hunier Justin Aikan Canadian Tire Brad McNaughtan Carrai Winder Mike H-amilton Scott Hobe Chris Thabor Dodd & Sauter 8 Singer Centra Andrew Shannon 3 Drew Marks 3 Was Suddons 3 Ryan Hickingbotton Dani Witton Eric Carter B rad S. Royal Cdn. Legion 6 Whilby Traphy Mika M. 3 Evan Kitarura Brant Mcrirry 2 Caray Roed James Elie Evan Cardwelt MAJOR MIIGETJUNIOR May 10 Duham Dodge Chrys.2 Rob Fador Shawn Reesor May il Master Print Dave Stabi4 Mika rake Probound Sports Adan Nash 2 Dan S. AtMn 2 Paul Bla-da 6 May 12 Prcbaund Sports Kanry Nash 2 Dan St. Autzn 2 Dustn HoUs 2 Adam Nash Lacrosse Okdimers Steve Hiscox 3 Juil McArthur 3 Alan McLuckie Ryan Ford Jason Jankowski Troy Ban Jererny Killin Sean Hayward Dave Masan Cordia Brown 5 Kinsmaen Club 7 Wayne McNutt 5 Trevor Najbor Craig Jackson 5 Durham DodgeaChrys. g Ja-msCrawlord 3 Rab Fodor 3 Mark Leaiieatar Slave DelotîrnUe 7 Knsrr'an CLL*, 2 Trevor Van Egmand Troy Verge Master Print 2 Lacrossa Oldîriners Day. SI abile Jason Jankawski 4 Darren Nolan Ken Wndat May 18 Lacrasse Oktrners V3 Kinrnen Club Jason Janlawski 3 Wayne M4cNult 3 8 Candi Brown 3 Craig Jackson Ryan Ford 2 Joie"y Kifin Sean Hayward May 20 Probowd Sparts Kerry Nash 3 Kevin tttson 5 Maste Prin MalCardwefl3 Rohan Met ha 3 Brad Cann 2 Chris Cuddy Jeff McArthur Durham DodgeChrys14 Kmnaren Club Jati Lsngly 4 Way-oe McNutt 6 Rab Fodar 5 Shawn Reesor 2 Nck Paacock 2 James Crawford 60 other swimmers in her divi- sion of the championships held at Carleton University in Ottawa.o alstï a o r ftecu' emta McPherson is a member of the Oshawa Synchro Club. She was won a silver medal in the age il and 12 team event. 2 wns for Warriors Whitby Warriors won two games in the past week to im- prove their record to four wins and throe los3;es for the season. Warriors built a 7-0 lead in the first period on their way to an 18-12 decision over Scarboouh on Sunday night. Scott Macdonell scored five goals whilo Jason Croshie scorod three and set up threo others to lead Warriors to their second victory of the season over Scar- borough, last year's junior B champion and ths yoar's new addition to the junior A longue. Jonas Derks had two goalis and three assists, Rick Badowich had two goals and two assists, Jamie Williams scorod twico while Ontario major lacrosse Stanidings (as of May 27) Brampton Fargua Brooklin Six Nations Peterborough Top 10 scorers John Tavares, Brarriton 2 il 8 Troy Cordinoley Brampton 2 5 13 Chris Driscol. iFarus 1 5 3 Greg Van Sickle, rooklin 1 3 5 Berne Dowser. Peterborough 2 4 3 Raridy Müans, Brarritan 2 4 3 Dardis Kilgour. BrarMtpon 2 1 6 Kurt Drury. Peterborough 2 2 4 oat Coyle. Bramrpton 2 1 5 Frank Smith, Six Nations 1 4 1 Redmon scoring <star two gamles) Greg Van Sickle John Fusoc, Larry Downor Jason Richards Mika Mage Steve Dymantd Tom Wreggitt Mika lHarding NoeI Cochrane Gary C rawf ord Cody Barîtati Clans Clark Paddy OToola Kirk Evans Simon Bovoars Dave Copuland Dan Ladaceur Rick Mitchell Paul Mocîz Dan Nathan Joe Sullivan Dean Vandarlinde Larry White Joel Wood Whitby men's slo- pitch asci9 Mai 30 BLUE 01% ISION Hughes FHawI5 Hanet Plastics Shewan- Rxpoparl Master Badoom Lab Rats Moviola W L T PTS 300 6 1 0O 1 2 4 12 1 3 12 02 0 3 00 BLUE UGHT DIVISION Accain Heaing &Air 3 1 O Waerbad Castis 2 1 O Ian Baron Motors i 1 O Maiigold Motors 1 1 O Circl axi 1 2 0 Prudrdal tInsuranca O 2 O The Movie Shop O 2 O Scores snd MYPs May 1V Wgded Castia Circla Taxi 4 Mike WaitOn 5 Richard Malin MovioIa 4 Don Navikl Advantage Telecom 5 tan Hutar May 19 Master Badoarn Aucoin Haating & Air May 24 Hughes Hawt, Advantaga Teicom May 25 i, Barr on Mators Circle Taxi 13 Bort Acktord il Craig UcRokt il Ken Clark Il John Bradiey 13 Ch isJameas 7 Richard Marin Shaydon Santos, Wayne Paddick, Steve Taylor and Kevin Lunnie had one each. Goalie Mike Wye had three assists. Jim Brown had four goals and six assists for Scarborough. B.J. Shea had three goals and three assists. Matt Shearer scored four goals and added two assists in a 12-9 win ovor IKitchener-Waterloo last Thursday night. Penalties hurt the K-W team which racked up 73 minutes worth of infractions, compared to 36 for Warriors. Jason Crosbie had five assists for Warriors. Derks had two goals and thiee assists and San- tos had two goals and two ass- ists. Whitby Optimists major ban- tams had two wins and a loss at a recent basobaîl tournament in Brampton. Whitby began with a 6-4 vic- tory over the host toam, last yoar's Ontario champions. David I-oughi allowod four hits while catcher Chris Goriag scored twice for Wh-itby. Aaron Lo, Terry Arges, Mark Sheridan and Wesley Vickory also scored runs for Whitby. Whitby thea defeated East York 5-4. Jamie Turner started on the mound for Whitby, giing way to Darryl Jennings an d thon Goring who got the save. Sheridan's single di-ove in the wianing run that broke up a 4-4 tie. Guelph then came from behind to defeat Whitby 9-8 and prevont the Whitby teani from advancing further ia the tournameat. Whitby had built an 8-5 lead, thanks, in part, to Greg Pomroy's two-run double. But in the final inaing, with two out, Guelph scored four ruas. Ron Hilder and Lo made fine Hoelding pînys in the contest. The coaching staff of Dean Keating, Broadan Power and Brian Bates was also ploasod with the play of rookios M atthew Bakker, Sheridan, David Slute, Wesley Vickery, Hough and Hil- dor. Returniag playors are Argos, Pomroy, Goring, Jeaaiags and Lo. Badowich, Macdonell Jason Pitters and Brad McArtbur also scored for Warriors who bufit a 5-1 lead in the fîrst period. Aaron Gould scored twice for K-W. Warriors will host Toronto on Thursday night, June 3 at Iro- quois Park arena, game time 8 p.m. Warriors then play in Missis- sauga on Friday night. Win, lOSS for peeweesl Whitby and Cobourg split a recent home-and-home series in majr owee baseball. On May 20, Ryan Vopni and Paul Graham pitchod strongly as Whitby won 6-3. Josh Huether hit a double and a sin gle while Mike Sakata and Mike Feret each hit two-run sin- gles and had a stolen base. Andy Muellor, Vopni, ct Thompson, Jason Dickson Sa ndî Peter Triantafilou oach had a single. Thompson had two stolen bases and Shawn Turner one. John Partlow was solid defen- sively at shortstop and centrefiel- der Joel Cram threw out a rua- ner at home plate. Whitby lost 4-2 in Cobourg on May 25, dospito Whitby outhit- ting the home side. H-uether had a double while Graham and Thompson eachi had a single and run-batted-in. Head coach is Bob Dickson, assisted by John Turner, Tom Partlow and AI Sakata. Bantain As keep roling Whitby continues to dominate the opposition in bantam A lacrosso. Whitby destroyed Toronto Beaches 23-1 in a recent game at Iroquis Park. In four wins in as many games, the powerful Whitby team has scored 83 goals and given up 15. Jason Ward led the onslaught against Beaches with six goals and three assists. Stephen Doath scored three goals and had fîvo assists, Arthur Whaley had four goals and throee assists. Breat Lazary had four goals and an assist. M ike York, Stofan Hewar, Evan Cardwell, Wes Suddons, A.J. Shannon and Adam MacLean each had a goal. I firsts for Ei e i * W'. By Cheryl.Ann Maccean Whitby's Tae Kwon Do Elite studonts had seven first-place finishes at a receat comipetition. The competition, which was held on May 15, took place in Toronto at the Essex Hotel where other schools from ahl over central Ontario, Quebec and Buf- fnlo competed as well. First place sparriag winners, or fighting competitors, fromn Tae Kwon Do Elite were Ev Robin- son, 36, black stripe; Ryan Kolumbus, 8, blue boit; TýyIer Hanson, 10, blue boit; Tony Silipo, 14, rod belt; Leuite Miller, 18. green boit; and Marcel The- berge, 22, blue boît. Robinson, who has been prnc- ticing tae kwon do for about six years, also won a first-place posi- tion in patteras. The school is owned by Whlitby residont Troy White who rccently- achieved a fourtlî degree in b 12k boit. White about the receat competi- tion, "we coasidor it a real accomplishment." Whiite adds that Miller "is a roising studeat. I-e's come a fon' way in a short amouat of time." Thie fighting compotition is controlled and only allows the students light body hits and no contact to the race. On June 5 the schonol will have a comIpetition in Chatham and on September 25 they will com- pote in Ottawa. Wfliite has boon instructing tae kwoa do since 1986, an d in Whitby for the past two and a haîfycars. \Vlîite *was Canadian ight- weiglit champion in 1987, Cana- dian froostyle brenking champion in 1988 and a four-time Ontario black boit teain member. Msy 16 Northem Afmex R. D"ah 5 M. Rawtand S& Deah Mnckie Transport R Hars 3 D. McArthw 2 M. Densharrr Z. Ailkan J. Crystal Inavi" eAwards J. Ward 3 A. Whaiey 3 K. Kirner J. Houston M. Casquerietta D. Torranca S Dolais May 21 Maigoki Lincoln Tyer Ha rison 3 Taon SolorTrofl3 James Barbon Biy Deir Jamnla Cordaon

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