fouh 4 w ved< .ýday june 2 1993 Page 23 Banams defeated nBapotuael'afiill Whitby miner bantams have three wns, four losses and twe tics te start the basebail season. The season kicked off for Whitby on May 15 wvith tbe annual Mayor's Cup game. Wbitby had opening day nerves as they were thurnped 10-0 by the host Ajax squad. Whitby was one strike away from only giving up a single run ia an eventuffl six-run inning for Ajax. Getting the only it for Whitby was Colin Cockburn. Whitby pitcbers were Deug Clarke, Kyle McParlane and Brandon Pigeau. Playing their flrst bague gaine on May 18, the Whitby teain, sponsored by Peacock Sports, downed Little Britain 9-3. Sparking the offence for the winners in this game played at Pringle Park was McFarlane with four bits, including two doubles. Other hits came from the bats of Ryan Crotin, Daniel Besce, Clarke, Cockburn, Sean Donnelly, Ryan Grandie, Daniel Thorne and Lars Clay. Clay, McFarlane and Clarke pitched for Whitby. Sound defensive pînys were turned in by Michael Ovsonka, Ryan, Thorpe, Mark Fitzgerald and Pigeau. At a miner bantarn taurnarnent in Brampton on the May 21 te 23 weekend, Whitby started by going undefeated in their greup by virtue of wins of 7-3 over St. Catharines, 5-4 ever Bloor and a 3-3 tie with Bramnpton. Moving on ta the semi-final game against Kfitchener, the Wbitby bats struggled in a 5-1 Ioss. In the consolation final, Wbitby again experienced the lack ef timely hitting and lest 7-1 te Soutbwest London. Preducing the bits frem the five games were Clarke, Cockburn, Ovsonkn, Therne, Bosco, Crotin, McFarlane, Clay, Grundie and Fitzgerald. Strong defence was provided by Donnelly, Pigenu and Thorpe. Good pitching performnances by McFarlane, Clarke, Clay, Pigenu and Thorpe contributed te the team's fine sbowing in their first tournament of the year. Back home on May 26, the Whitby miriers went up against with t~vo and Clnrke got the bits their major counterparts from Whitby. The minors geot off te a strong start, stumbled in the middle innings and the wheels feUl off' in the eighth as the minors gave up eight runs en route te, an 18-4 loss. Crotin, with two, and McFarlane were the only minors to punch eut bits in this gaine. On May 29, Whitby travelled te Newcastle fer their third gaine in league play. This gaine saw Whitby hold a 5-3 lead in the eighth inning, but again seme weak defensive play led te two unearned runs and allowed the home team ta escape with a 5-5 tie. Crotin with twe, MeFarlane for Whitby. Clay turned in nine solid innings on the hill witb some fine short relief work by McFarlane. Whitby bas the only minor team competing in the Eastern Ontario Baseball Association bantam level. All other teams are a mix of first-year (minor) and second-year (major) players. Head coach Carl McFarlane expects that his team wvill be in for some tough cempetition, but hopes the players can maintain a respectable record and provide good competition in their first year at this le.vel. Other coaches are Larry Cheesman, Adam Clay and George Clay. . - - - il m -- lu-1- ROPE A DEAL ON THE HARDEST WORKIN' PICKUPS ON THE RANGE. WRMqNER e aflti-Iock bDalIW 'lu"".gg e 24-hour Roadside BA Assistance' l e 4.3 litre engine Çevy WT 1500 pick<up UFa laI l STADAiD pOWUIR ~D4TR fO~S»DR >YO~ 1 T ~S LA S0!! Ths vfW many ns e cte r Ad in ~cmtratwwiM ae«ay nofler umPmtOCoMegeGrKAuaYaPlogNo CWf PWo 1993 rsw, uised ordev m M rseSpxeatttl rom fOWvf tOf 107<!000fo a woeo surn f rvo Art29. 1993 È tie W aS LaW tot W dMve '< ies oný GST 6 rf~ed n Ose Cash Badi &WerSon'e mrti"sappy SeDeaW fr ectooW0&"eaa-S"rreCOigm ney ap¶y Sec Dueefo antar I.. 1