BOWMANVILLE'S RON ECCLES, with son Bradle, is shown beside 'Rock Island,' judged 'best of show' in the Art for Earth Sake's exhibition at The Station Gallery. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, June P, 1993, Page il Story Fest on Saturday Admissin is $1 tor-tl -11 Blakedc f The Durham Folklore Society will be holding its second annual Storyfest on Saturday, dune 5 at the Oshawa Arts Resource Centre, Civic Centre, next te City Hall, Oshawa. Storyfest begins at 10:30 a.m. with storytelling workshops, hosted by guest storyteller Dan Yashinsky, teacher of storytelling at Trent University, Peterborough. Folklore Society storytellers begin outdoors at 1:30 p.m. in Civic Square, adjacent to the Arts Centre, with free stories for the entire family until 4 p.m. At 8 p.m., a story concert features nine story vignettes, performed in the Arts Centre theatre, accompanied by harpist Rod Carruthers DuPont Canada sponsorecithe jallerys titrst t iee c'- petition. "This is a sort of mid-career statement about Herngt myseif and the environment," said Eccles, 49, about his Brnt mixed media piece that includes 49 poished rocks and Dtn -r Theatre various "parailels." The exhibit continues until June 6. An exhibit of selections f rom the DuPont collection of Cana-NELS M S dian art begins at the gallery on June 12. Photo by Maurice Pithor, Fros Press .a...o....h. Par U .Prics tart at $28.95 per persofl (includes ail taxes, dinnEr & sow) 2885 Altona Rd., Picekerlng Whitby band Basy Access wil The band pînys top-40 tunes Cali 472-3085 pei-forrn a t MGM Res taurant in and original miater-ial, and con- fo reseçadon & information north Oshawa on dune 4 and 5. ducts a joke-telling contest. workshop, $5 for the evening concert. For information and ticket 579-7149 (Oshawa) and Sher Leetooze at 623-0147 (Bowmanville). Bete M rce et pMo *Poe 70 ROSADR.EWIB *Rsln anMadnPaa 24 HOURS A DAY ON 1993 MODELS 1