Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 May 1993, p. 31

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, May 12*. 1993, Page 31 HOW TO BOOK VOUR* CLASSUFIED AD... .. . . . 84 wFOt Call668-6111. Ads placed by Fax your adtIous at Mi or ad to: Whitby Free fir pe r p« fo t.l.. il e1> 6809. las nsr ' (1 . Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario, I- o Friday. Pace y pubished that Wednesday. you provide al pertinent L1N5Sl. Ads shouldbe majied a at noon for Wedn SPrepay by 5 pm to save .. information, and a to arrive by Monday at noon. BB i orcntmk mocney! Or, prepay with your ý nmewrw cn You can endlose your payment, heurs, we have a VISA card when placing the ad. reach you, if necessary. or provide billing information. of our front door. _____ _____ ____ _____ PRO~ SS............OMA .............. .A.........C L L AC A L .UST.....T..H.BY COM PUTERS8 COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS APPLICATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTING, LOTUS 1-2-39 D BASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSING i1 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BANKING SERVICES ACCOUNTINO HOSPITALIT~ TRAVEL and TOURISM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS DEA L h ± iH T!IR-SIDE SECRETARIAL LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOK KEEPING, EXECUTIVE, RECEPTIONIST, WORDPROCESSING Financlal Assistance May Be A valable AS :AOU OR IG* OUSE 2 Campuses in Durham OSHAWA OSHAWA CENTRE (Shops up Top) 723-1163 PICKERING 1450 KINGSTON RD. (Hwy. 2 at Valley Farm Rd. 420-1344 CUSTOM 3-DIMENSIONAL m neic signs. Transform yUr vhceinto a moving adver- tisemont today. Caîl 576-1785. SHAKLEE - Income earning 0pprtunity for werking persons. Build our own business part-time. Excelet benefits, super ret ire- ment plan. Caîl 427-1663. ....... H W .P ............ . EARN UP TO $346/WEEK te assemble Christmas and holiday decorations .y ear- round, at home. Work availabi e across Canada. For more info, send a sef-addressed stamped envelope te Magic Christmas, 130 Slater St., Ste. 750, ext. 353, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6E2. ALASKA JOBS! Earn up te $30,000 in 3 rnonths fishing salmen. Aise construction, *can- neries, oil fiolds, plus morel For immediate response, cal 1-504-646-4513, ext. K142. 24 hrs. UNEMPLOYED OR ON UIC? Earn $500/$700 part-time working foreurself. For details, send SAS te CAPA-20 Corp., P.O. Box 46010, 1725 Kingston Rd., Pickering, Ont., LiV 6P6. WE'LL PAY YOU te type names and addresses f rom home. $500.00 per 1,000. Write: Gateway Lists, Dept. WFP1, #150-1857 West 4th, Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1M4. $200-$500 WEEKLY! Assemble proucts at home. Easy, ne solling. eu'e paid direct. Fui iy guaran- teed.* No oxperienco nocessary. Cail 1-504-641-7778, ext. 142, 24 heurs. AGGRESSIVE MARKETING Ce. seoks enthusiastic individuals for promotion et local golf courses in D urham Rogion. Must be neat in appearance. College students wol- cerne. I-igh commissions. Please caîl Ellenson Enterprises at 666-4796, Gord. or 430-7134, John. EXPERIENCED Uphoîsterer and cutter/sewer for busy upholstery she p. Experience prof erred but quaiif iod students should appiy te 668-1867 or FAX resumo teo 668-0598. STUDENTS!$11.0O TO START. Full timo/part timo, summer or immediately. Flexible heurs and wiii train. Guarantoed starling pay. No experionco necossary. No door-to-deor or tolemarkoting. Cail 725-1845. EARN MONEY reading books' $30,000/year income petential. Details. 1-805-962-8000, ext. CY335. INTERNATIONAL COMPANY now hiring telomarketers, -Hourly wage with bonus, -Paid training, -Experionce net essontial. Cail Keri at 430-7510 betwoon 9:00-12:00 noon and 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. LANOSCAPE GROUP LANDSCAPE FOREPERSON Experience needed -Fuli-timo position -Availablo benefit package -Pension plan Cati ASAF - Ask for Lynida 1-416-655-3331 EDUCATIONAL consultant/ttJtor. Over 20 years' ex perience. B.A., M. Ed., Specialist: Spocial Educa- tion. Elomont ary, secondary, adult. Caîl 668-0851 after 5 p.m. or weekends. Traditional Education Private School Ages 212 - 12 11ONTE&68ODI SCUOOL 301 Byron St. S. 430-8201 ('OSHAWA IODRIVINO Osaa-728-0091 Fui! Drivers Education Courses JUNE 5TH Saturdays. 4 week course JUNE 8TH Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course INQUIRE ABOUT OUR 4 DA Y SUMMER COURSES BEGINNING JUNE 24 TH! *PRIVATE LESSONS - REGISTEP.EO à APPROVEO 8V 1THE ONTAPJO SAFETY LEAGUE Tôrionto School lof Busm*ess GREEN CLEANING by Grandrna's Company off ors "knock your socks off" service for al residontial homneowners and their pro perties. We are flexible peeple and our services extend te evens, fridges, walis, iaundry. & irening. Al cleanors are police securi4ý checked. Bonded, insure Chamber member. 725-9177 (24-heur answering). COMPUTER custom pregramming. Aflordable proogramming, taiiorod te fit your neds. Business, home off ice, personal. AIse tutoring. Software installation & hardware. 721-2509. HANDYMAN - Remove or move, clean yards, basernents, cut trees rep airs, T.V. Towers rem1ovod. Cali 655-3004. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-upholstery et antiques. Al kinds et reovering. Your fabric or mine. Free estimates. Over 40 yearsy oxperience. 430-7568, Whitby. AVEUNO'S Handymnan Services. Home improvernent, general carpentry e roc rooms basement . windows & doors* sheds & docks - coramic tiling drywall & pantg Reasenabfe rates CINDY'S ALTERATIONS has meved - still in Pearson Lanes, 133 Byron St. W., upstairs. Come see us for ail your sewing needs. 33 y oars ex perienco betweon US. T ues. te Fni. 10 - 5:30, Sat. 10 - 3. 430-6550. A.W.O. QUALITY Reovation, speciaiizing in additions, sun- rooms, also replacement doors, windows, siding and finished basements. Ploase caîl for free ostirnates, 619-1214. PROFESSIONAL PAINTING - Interior/extorier. Free ostimat es. Cal 430-3701 anytime after 6 p.m. REDECORATING? Wallpaper removal and installation, painting, drywall ropairs. New develop- ments. Reasonable rates. 430-3514. CUSTOM TILLING - Roto-tiliing service fer now or eld gardons. 6th season in business. Special Seniors' rate. Cali 432-7773 (leave message>. R1VIES, PINE HILL - Speciaity Advertisinc - Business Cards - Cas-)alendars - Keytags - Magniets - Matches - Pens - Truck Signs and much more. Diane Merchand, 428-1244. BUSINESS CARDS - $36. Raised Thermog raphic 1Letering NO EXTRA COST. Letterheads & envelopes available. Cal Don ai 666-9930. Professional European dress- maker/tailor with years of exporience. Wedding gowns, bridesmaids, ovening gewns, suits and ext raordinary outtits for the entortainment industry. For an exclusive design, tailorod te your figure, caîl Regny, 728-1420. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY. Your wedding day. creates many precieus rmemerios. -Preserve those special moments with the help et Bernan Photography. 668-5527. CUSTOM DESIGN and dress- making. Wedding and evening gowns, bridoesmaid s & grads, suits, etc. Renovatien and alteratien. Garments aIse made f rom a picture. 723-3259. ESSENTIAL HAIR DESIGN - Why do your colour at home? Prof ossienai colour, $20, NO TAX. IHopkins Plaza, 430-7070. CARPENTRY & ROOFING. Free estimates. Framing, additions, decks, trim, deors, re-roof, roof repairs. 427-6212, Bill. NAILS B& KATHY *EXTRA SPECIAL lN\IITATION* No drilling. damage. Try one acrylic naïf application on the housol No purchase nocessaryl ALSO, new effering waxing, pedicure and nail art. .2locations te serve you. Cal now for your f ree nail. 430-7127 :::::C IILD C RE. BROOKWOOD AREA, close te schools & park. Loving Icare available in my home, ages 2 & Up. lunch, snacks & receipts. 666-9382. LOVING MOM and 2-year aid son would like tei share their weekdays (art-time) with another toddlr. Smoke-free homo, fenced yard with swing set. Available from 8 a.m. 666-4314. We [7Watch. Priime Home Dai Care The systemn that provides.. " Unschecluled home vîsits ensure quality caro for your child " Fuliy trained providers recoive ongoing Agency support " Reliable local back-up covers Provider iness or " Compete insurance coverage " Income tax recelIs " Chîldron six we=k and up " Full or part tirne For more information call: 686-3995 alIcensed Agency

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