Page 32, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, May 5, 1993 Wendy Nickson TRAFALGAR CASTLE Well, it's that tume at Trafalgar when everybody is being extra nice te, each other because we. are in the middle of the decision process for different positions for next year. J.nstead of being interviewed, I finally get te do the interviews this year for the positions of prefect. Likewise, the president and vice-president cf the athletic association aise held interviews for candidates for their positions next year. The process for these positions is easy and painless. Ail it involves is an interview before the present governing body cf girls who ask the prospective candidates questions about their role in schol lie and extra-curricular activities. We explain about the duties and responsibilities of that position and the amount cf free tinie it will take eut cf their lives as they now know it to be, and then We send them on their merry little way te worry for a week and a balf wbether or not their dreanis will corne true. Well, it is a little less dramatie than that, bu t you get the picture. Thî school was bustling *with activities over the last weekend. Thursday and Friday night our school presented two plays, 'Albertine in Five Tues> and 'The Wizard cf Wcnderland! They delighted audiences cf ahl ages as the school bosted parents, students and local school ch1dren froni the Whitby area. The months cf wcrk-- and rehearsal time put inte the productions was well worth the' final product. Special thanks te Edwina Roberts, one cf our GAP' students froin England, and ber crew who, designed and painted the wonderful sets for 'The Wizard cf Wonderland.' This term is our house baseballi terrni and at the beginning cf this week Hare House and Carter House started the season cff with their annual fight 'til the fifth inning. I was luclcy enough to uzpire the occasion and refuse te go into any details about the game. House tennis is underway, as well as our school teain which ia out and about taking other sehools by storm with their abiily oply hesport lte schols track and field teain recently attended the independent indoor track meet and did very well. FInally, the Trafalgar Castie golf teani, under the supervision of Mr. Karncke and Mrs. Mackay, have been spotted on the fairways recently swinging away with the goal to improve as mucb as possible. Frday the school is holding its annual senior dinner in which the students honour the graduating clas. We ing to them and tbey toast us; it is a wonderful evening with many niemories created. And after that, we are pretty much in the clean until exanis begin in the beginning of June. Somehow, that thougbt doesn't make me feel any btter. 'That's the at d'YouviIl ByLucie Rochette That's the ticket' is local play Oiht and Grade 8 teacher E Dion's latest pro*ect Dixon wrote te musical for the intermediate students at Saint Marguerite d'Youville Catbolic School. Set in the 'Roaring Twenties,' the play is about a gangster who ends up in a lot cf trouble wben be attempts te double-cross bis mobster boss. The plot aise contains a love story, as well as some comedy, a lot cf drama, and, cf course, music. Dixon wrote the music bimself. He says that it took him about a month te write tbe play. He writes about one play a year, and he usually writes for the sool1 aTHisNay resents some realy good aram with a Chris- tian mNssage behind it," says Dixon. He says that everyone can enjoy the play, but that it is aise aimed at an, older audience. "I tried te make it se that an aduit could sit down and enjoy the glay, and côme away satis- fied, he says. According te Dixon, the stu- dents are enjoyingthe play. "The kids are Wdyng » h e says entbusiastically2'The re baving a hoot.» 'That's the Ticket' will bopre- sented on May 18, 19 and 29Oat 7:30 p.m. in the sehool gynina- sium. By Cheryl.Ann MacKeafl' Four Whitby students were winners at a science fair hosted by the Durhami Board cf Educa*- tien on April 12.i The ive area students in grades 7 te OAC were bonoured at Oshawa's Eastdale CVI after earning top honours with their proiects. Two girls from Dr. Robert Tbornton Public Scbool in Whitby won witb tbeir science proiect 'Gerbil Genetics.' Karen MéKenzie and Sarah -L! ...L Wilson bred gerbils for a year and a haîf te try and ileterniine if their breeding techniques would affect the outcome cf the rodent's colour. Aise, Henry Street High School student Bryan Thomas won with bis project 'PredictinL A Cbild's Risk For I5evelopingHIeart Dis- ease As An Adult.' Thomas, an OAC student wbo bas previously won science fair awards, investigated the link between the' child wbo suffers from beart disease and the adult who suffers from beart disease. b TUP KPT"He found at least one parent IIC K e wbo bad beart disease and set up I a number cf tests wbicb be deve- I le SC OO led would then assessth Ile s h o o l risk cf heart disease tbrough testing, usually measuring the blood pressure," says Thomas' Tickets are $4 for adults and 4biology teacber. $2.50 for students, and are.avail-, An derson student Scott Stod- able at D'Youville. dard designed a project for bis Loc,,al students ist at science fair ........... ...... ..........grade....2.p.. .ics..cla ...n entered it into the scienice fair. For his design he developed i computer programn which deter mines the, resistance, curren and voltage cf an electrical cir cuit. Open housc for retiring principal!' An open house will be held o Wednesda May 19 at Wei Lynde Pubic Seco to botiot retiring principal Phil Long. Ail present and former tes chers and students are invited 1 attend the open bouse to be bel from 6to8 p.n Those planniing te atton (brin ggoed wishes, netogifts), ai asked te cali the schoo at 661 3354. - ---------- STUDENTS and visitors reaffirm fheir Canadian citzenship at a ceremony, flanked by OPP auxiliary constables Don Netley (left) mock citizenshi court ceremony held recently at Henry Street and Doug Hircock. Reesor, VVhltby Free Press High School. ipudge Walter Borosa (right) presided at the Photo by Mark