Whitby Free Press. Wedriesday. May,5, 1993, Page 27 iiiiMHocky r e gastraf~1i1 ou '.]ITol iicyfutrates parent~,i To the editor I am writing this letter out of sheer frustration and irritation. I have an 8-year-old who would dearl , love ta play hockey in This spg I kept my ears peeled for any word of regitration and heard from a Prend whose sons now plays that it would be April 17, 9 a.în. Later I discovered it was for registered players only. With this information in mnd I spoke ta, several parents and a coach of a Whitby teani who told me if I was at registration on April 17, they (the association) would probably allow me ta regfister. I went down ta, Iroquois Park at 6 a.m. and waited until approximately 8:45 a.m. when sign-up started. When I reached the registration table, the gentleman infornied me I couid not register xny son until Augrust. When I questioned him and the others about this I was informed -thiat it was the policy and that was that. I asked if there would be any room left by August because I know of 0O plus waiting list last year and was told registration would probably only be two-thirds full. The parents and coach ta whom I spoke earlier were al srrsed as the didn't expect I wudbe derxd'eoes and they didn't know of this policy. Later we called Dennis Fox, the councillor ifor my ward. He told my husband that the Town had no control over the hockey association because they were volunteers but he would make some inquiries and eall us baek. There was no returra calI (I hope he doesn't expect my vote next election). We have been residents of Whitby for 16 years. I have lined up for basebail, swimtning and soccer for many yenrs. I expecli te line up and I am willing ta. I have no delusions of my soin being an NHL star, ail I want is an equal opportunity for him and the $4,000 a year taxes I pay. Carol Parker Whitby YOUR CHEVROLET and PONTIAC DEALERS PRESENT THE GIVE YOD-, ALL THIS.. FEATURES ASTRO CSI AEROS1'AR XL 631A CARAVA SAFARI SLX WITH AEROSPORT- VOYAGER1 WIH iIe PACKAGE Z4TPACI PACKAGE 4.3 Litre %ffi EngineV- Not Avaitable NotAvail 8 Passenger Seating Capacity Not AvailabIe NotA.Mail 4-Whee Aritilock BrakesV Rear Wheel ABS OnIy Extra Cho Air Conditioning VV Cruise ontrolV Extra Charge Extra Cho lift SteeringV Extra Charge' Extra Cho Scotchgardta Fabrc Protector Extra Charge Extra Cho AMIFM Stereo Wilh CassetteV Extra Charge Extra Cho 24 Hour Roadside Assistance VNat fwailable Not Avail Intenor pace (Seats Removed) V 151 8Cu. .I 135.5 cui t. 115.9 ci. FOR THIS. OnIy i with cash back applied 1180Rs ONYAT VOUR CHEVROLET and PONTIACDELR Pucseprîce for Astro CS and Safari SLX equipped as described încfudîg $1.250 cash back. GST inckudodin th cash back. Lease rae basflenw 48 rnonth GMAC fosse and capital costaof Si9W.00. Monthfy psynîent of $339 on a total lease amnount of S16271.52 O.A.C. Freighl <$700;. icence. insfaarce. GST and ather appicable taxasflot ncfuded. Sonm iteage conditionsi appfy. 24 and 36 month con»Mcf ava.iable.Thas" liabtdUa cs0fesm « obe comTibned o ued in combtination wuh anyîoheraftter escept the Coflege GraduaIs Program. Ofers applytIo 1993 new mnusdoé~itao melo& b tatied ro<n del very tram dealer inventory Pnice dosane utreight<$70>.),ei, ifsurafice. afd taxes li. , . ~ S.. your participating dealer for cornpfee details. A Some or ait of these no charge options mnay be avaiabo on competilive vehbctes as standard or option packrage items 5. k NOWWE BRING YOU THE LUXURY EDITIONs PA, ont, CHEVY & Gmc DO IT AGAINm $ 15'0 NO CHARGE OPTION PACKAGE " Captain's Chairs " Two-tonefaînt " Rally Wheels " Deep Tinted Glass