Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Apr 1993, p. 3

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Apnil 28, 1993, Page 3 G;roup wants Easy Access Items from WVhitby Council, agenda(s) Monday, April 26, 1993 Recommenda- tions from the Planning and Development Committee That the Ontaria Ministry af Enviranment be advised that Whitby has no abjection ta the waiving of a hearing underthe Environmental Pratectian Act for a-waste processing site at 2000 Wentworth Street (e separate story). Carried That a 11Brew on Premlses' f acility proposed for a shopping plaza on the northeast corner 0f Garrard Road and Dundas Street East be denied (see separate stary). Carrled That rezonlng and officiai plan amendment applications fram King East Developments for a 6.1 -acre site on the southwest corner of Thickson Raad South and consumners Drive be approVed. The develaper lntends ta build a 22.000-sq. ft. White Rose outiet on the site, along wth a 27,000-sq. ft. office building and a 4,800-sq. ft. restaurant. Carried Recommenda- tions from the Op erations Commilttee That the low tender et $83.995 tram Bannerman Contracting of Kîncardine for the crushlng and stockplllng of 60,000 tonnes et gravel be accepted. Carried That the 10w tender of $41.996 t rom VQuip Imc. ot Burlington for the supply of a sweeper/scrubber be accepted. VQulp's prîce for the machine, which wlll be used te dlean the Tewn's new operations centre, was almost $7.000 less than that et the only other bidder. Carried That the low tender of $245,375 frem Gerry Macera Contractinfg Lt. et Missis- sauga for reconstruction work on Athol Street be approved. The project wiIl include paving, installation of cuits and gutters, storm sewers and sidewalks. Carried That the Pringle creek Community School and Bellwood Community School advisory committees be permitted ta hold f ireworks displays at Pringle Creek Park and Krby Park on Victoria Da. That the low tender et J.H. Ryder Machinery Ltd. af Scarborough for supply of a 1 0,000-lb. pneumatic tire ftork lift truck be approved. Carried By Lucie Rochette Whitby residents with disabili- ties are fed up with the laclc of accessibility in local public facili- ties, accerding te a newffly establ- ished association in Whitby. People in wheelchairs h ve a bard time gettin g around because of inaccessibility, and because of inconsiderate people parking in clearly marked hand- icapped zones, they say. Lyle Condy, spokesperson fer the Whitby Easy Access Associa- tien (WEAA), ie a victim of mul- tiple eclerosis and is in a wheel- chair. Coady has three children who are active in sports and other events, but because of the in- accessibility, he is unable te watch them play or perform. Ceady also has trouble with the supermailbox system. In the winter, when the area le covered. in snow, Coady can't reach the maiîbox, making it difficult for hlm te get his mail. Also, should he receive a pack- age, he can't reach the slet te return the key. It's the same if he wants ta put a letter in the mailbox. According to Coady, the solu- tion is simple -- just lower the mail slot on the mailboxes. AIse, durin g the winter season, the Tewn of Whitby has a bylaw for plowing te snew in public parkinglots. Unfortunately, according te the association, the bylaw is for snow lowing, and not snew They say the plowed snow is often piled in handicapped park- ing spaces, which means that they cannot be used. Another of the group's con- cerne le inconsiderate drivers who park in handicapped spaces. Carole . Bail, another spokes- persaný for WEAA, says that the greup is "working te make people aware of the fact that thinge aren't as accessible as they should be. "A lot of (disabled) people are depresasdBea. they can't go The greup believes that if the fines for parking in handicapped spaces were enforced more eften, it could generate a lot of money R( Er Er At ci Bi LYLE COADY of th e Whitby Easy Access Association (WEAA) holds a photo showing handicapped parking spaces blocked by snow at Thickson Plaza. The group wants better access for the handicapped to public facilities and increased fines and tighter enforcement to discourage those who park in handicapped zones. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press Heathcouncil seeks. new members The Durham Region District Health Council seeks region residents to serve as council members ta assist in the planning of health and health care services. The district health council le a voluntary planning body, comprised of 18 members appointed by an Order-in-Council to advise the Ontario Minister of Health on the health needs of Durham residents. The council provides a forum fer co-operative planning and the development of health services iu the regien. Council ensures that the views of aIl partners in health are considered and that balanced decisions are made te improve the health status of region residents. Residents are being sought who have board or committee exerence, as wvell as skille 7i nplnnng and group procese. An interest li asmn leadrslu rol in achieving engeing improvement in health and health care throughout- the. regien is aIse important. For applications . forme and further information, contact the health couneil office at 433-4262. for the Town of Whitby. WEAA meets on. Tuesday, May 4, at 2:30 at the Swiss Chalet on Dundas Street East in Whitby -- the restaurant ie wheelchair accessible, and has handicapped washrooms. WEAA is loeking for an area te start a drop-in centre where people with disabilities can corne ,n for support. The location has te be wheel- chair-accessible, and have hand- icapped washroom facilities. A-RBOR WEK Friday, April 3Oth --' Sunday, May 9th Plant A Tree During This Week AndSave. 1Srze Reg. Prioe Sale Price loyal Red Maple 1 2' 99.00 85.00 merald Queen Maple 12' 89.00 74.50 merald Queen Maple 81 69.00 55.00 utumn Blaze Red Maple 10' 99.00 85.00 lump White Birch 12' 65.00 49.50 frh White Single Stem, 12' 65.00 49.50 FREE SHOVEL with shade tree purchase Limft one shovel per Iamily. White quantities Iast. ....... FETGRE GUD Apri....Ma...199 ..s..e.a.0...., arnps eabra . ens. et.e.n..dshs..he.gea.egrdn ....... Feilzeyurtres.veg.ee san..renal ..t Fetlz Reove te ulchtrmyorses andlittie a a Urne R1Visit Vandermeer Nurseries for friendly service and heloful advice. controîs over 100Ospecies -of lawn weeds. -mý1 kgReg$41 .00 PE:RENNIAL PROFILE FORGET-ME-NOT ::Few flowers can match the true blue of Forget-Me-Not. Their long display combinsey nicely with mayo h pigblom bulbs and perennials. Plant in rlcb garden soul in partial shade. Also cornes in pink and white. * ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT 990 EACH. Perennial catalogues now avullabla. VANDERMIEER NIESERY 401 -- "Where Great Gardens Begin" AA AWWTI Corner of Bayly & Lakeridge Ajax 4272525 I3arl '.E OPEN SUNDAY - Sale prices effective untlSunday. May Mt193 or while quantities lui. PREMUUM PLUS 3 WEED AND FEED e 217.7 __- - - .un M - wUM-b lLa m o Warmer weather is on its way. Savet Time to replace or repair your Up To $5 broken windshield. Our technicians use an incredible new process to repair ON YOUR INSU RANCE windshield stone chips. DEDUCTIBLEWITH THIS AD* M9 " 1 V VI qq- -II - . . ,

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