Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Apr 1993, p. 26

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Page 26, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Apni 28, 1993 Skaci lt lu ê WaVUlo Jennifer Caukwell and Andrea McCron of the Whitby Roller Skating Club had first-place finishes at a Skate of the Month competitien in Waterloo April 24. .In junior olympic events% Caukwell was first infigures and solo dance and secondin free- style. McCron was first in free- style and second in figures. Kristin McCron was second ini solo dance, third ia figures and fourth in freestyle. Four local menibers of the Durham Pony Club had a first- place finish at the Central Ontario Region Quiz in Napanee April 17. The D level team of Tennille Matthews, Dawn Dawson, Sarah Vanderloo and Andrea Smith was first ini group project on equine feeding. Group projects are similar to science fair pro- jects. The teain was fifth in the oral uno fthe quiz, a comrtition lÏat tests club members 'horse sense'in three parts --indepen- dent written test, visual test and oral test. Darcie Solomon was third in freestyle and solo dance and fourth in figures. In beginner events, level B, Kristen Nakamnura was third in freestyle and fifth in figures. In level A, Sandra Caukwell was fourth in figures and fifth in feestyle Jessie Caird was sixth infges and eighth in freestyle. Megan Wagneil was eighth in figures. Co-ops form slo-pitch league A new softball league wiii begin play May 9. The Durham Co-op Basebali Asqsociation includes 13 teayns from eight heusing ce-eps in Oshawa and Whitby. Whitby teams in the mixed sio-pitch league are from the Pringle Creek, Athol-Green and East Whitby ce-eps. Garnes are on Sunday nights at Rolling Acres park near Thick- son Road and Dryden Boule- vard., and at Eastview Park in Oshawa. Junior golf tournament -May 8 The Whitby Optiniist Club will once again sponsor a junior golf tournament at Winchester Golf club. The tournament will be held on Saturday, May 8 starting at il a.m. The cost of entering the am underway The Durham Ontario Senior Games are being held until June. Anyone aged 55 and over is welcome te compete in any of a large number of gaines and sports. For more information cail Joan at 668-1882. COSTEEL 40LASCOI tournament will be $10. Prizes and a barbecue lunch will be effered at the conclusion of the day. The top two Io* gress scores in the age 12- 13, 14-15 and 16-17 groups will be entered in the central Ontario championships te be played at the Chedoke Golf Club in Hamilton on June 25. Those goifers who have net reached their l8th birthday by July 30 can enter the tournament by calling Wat Seetens at 668-8460 anytime in the evening. Entries will be restricted te the first 60 golfers. Entries close May 4. Precision Summer Skate' Mondays The Ajax masters precision skating teani is looking for anyone aged 21 or eider te 'Summer Skate' on Monday nights. A qualifled coach wil ]end people through basic skills and preison sils. Thge first session is on May 3 at Whitby's Ir'queis Park arena. Most of the etner sessions will ba at Ajax arena. If interested, contact Sandy Cassidy at 427-1970 (home) or 420-3016 (business). There wili be a lumit of about 50 skaters. Alex Trendos, a memnber of the 8th Whidtby group, took first prize over the weekend in the Whitby District Scouts air rifle cornpetition. Aaron Keast, 9th Whitby Scouts, and Glenn I-cks, lst -Whitby Scouts, finished second and third. In'ttal, 115 youth and 19 adult leaders took. part in the annual event Med Saturday and Sunday at the Jamnp Sama rifle range la Oshawa. Each Scout was marked on his ability' te shoot closest te the bullseye with 10 shots, fired fromn pellet rifles in the prone position. In preparatien for the toumnament, aduit leaders would take the individuai Scout groups te Camp Samnac on their meeting nights for target Practice. Cardwell leads Michigan team to U.S.junior final Altheugh his Markham teain made an early exit in the Ontario Junior B hockey playoffs, Justin Cardwel wil stil have >fond memories ef the 1993 season. The 19-year-old frein Whitby jeined the Kalamazee, Mich. team fer the U.S. junior A playeffs and led the squad te, the national final. He was namned mest valuable player in the nationais won by Diýbuque, 9-7, ever Kala- mazo in the* final. Cardwell, ehi- gibNe te play fr Kaaiazo be- cause he has U.S.-Canada citizenship, '0ied the teain aftr Markham, second- pglace finishers during js* arwUv the regularsa son was swept earjfy in the piayoffs. Cardweli a right winger who was tle secend-ieadmng scorer in the Ontario Junior B league, will be liivn in Kalamazo when hie begns a four-year business prograin at Western Michigan in September. Mscered seven goals and n os clnin ù Tryouts for the Whitby senior base bail team wiIl continue on Saturday, May 1, 4 p.m. and Sunday, May 2, 8 a.m., at E.A. Fairmman Public School. Those aged 21 and over, with previous experience, are invited to try out. For more information cail Gary Shearer at 571-5771 (after 5 p.m.) or Doug McCorkell at 668- 9675 (after 3 p.m.). added seven assists as Kaiaxnazoo won three best-of-three playoff series, ndeeated, te win the Aenican Junior Hockey Leapue (Michigan) playoffChampxonship. The nationals April 7-11 in Indianapolis featured several close, thrilling contests. Kalamazoo the top seed from the I4orth Amhercan league, lest their opening geaine 5-4 te Des moines in over- turne. Cardwell had a goal and an assist. Kalamazo over Qinaha, ranked number one in the U.S., after four over- turne perieds - Cardwell assis- ted on the flrst h fs Mp mrdKaiamazoo goal land then scored the tying and winning goals. He scored two more geais in a 5-4 win over Dubuque. In the senti- final, he scored two goal1s in a 3-2 win over Des Moines and had twe goals in the 9-7 loss in the final. "It was a lot of fun," said Cardwell, an Anderson CVI graduate. Whitby men's hockey APRIL 22 Oold cvisfon CustomuAto ë6 1 1 Atterstey Tire 42 2 2 C. Ato Radio 3 3 21 Ouem's Motet -0 7 11 'Silver iviuon 6 1 1 35 la 13 6 2 0 27 1212 2 60 1B8S24 1 611 a3 Bronze civilion 6 1 1 45 27 13 5 3 0 45 38 1V 3 6 0 31 34 6 1 61 3254 3 pIayof Reue Gold civiulon Custom Ato Radio Joe Ferry 2 Ray Noble Attersley Tire Jim Srnth 2 Mke Mackey 2 Don Wendhera 2 Jim M4clioy Silver civielon NrýrseChev-elds Pet Sheehan 2 Peter Van Aston 2 John Stoagenga Barry Attum Brothers Pizza J im Sinpson Enzo inatdi Reid Unwin Peter Grnrott Bronze civiulon NRS Reaity Anthony Lober 3 Eugone Antier 2 George Lober Murray Robins Roys Entorprise Grog Cartwright 3 Tom Schroer 2 Doug Wlbtur Leadng Scorers G A PTS Jim Smith, Atteraley Tire 55 47 M2 Ross Browrvidge. Custom Ato 36 41 77 Bob Mowat. National Trusi 37 36 72 Don Fr.nch. C.KAuo 41 3D 71 Marshll Thoarpsoet. J. Oavidson 29 41 70 Mik. Mack.y. Attersley Tire 36 31 67 Anthony leber. NRS Reaiy 31 m0 64 George Lober. NRS ReMly 24 40 64 Enzo inaldi. Brohers Pizza 32 30 62 Wayne Cokmnt. JmDavidsoel 25 34 59 Terry radimore. C.K. Auto 27 30 57 Pal Stroehan. Nurse Chev-Olds 30 24 54 Doug Wbur. Roys Enterprise 26 28 64 Tom Schroer. Roys Erterprse 24 29 51 Jon Patio, Royal Woods 21 32 53 Mark Mllrw. NRtS Reany 23 29 52 Rarmdy GaRas. Jim Oavidson 28 21 49 Bucky Crouch. National Trut 25 24 49 Gary Burgess. Roy* Erterprise 20 29 49 Sleve Sandford. Dodd &Souler 21 27 48 G. Mwsedlrr% Oeens Motel 21 27 48 SctFhel.CJCAAo 15 31 47 JF ryCLatom Atto 21 24 à5 MA. Foster. Attersley Tre 13 32 45 JnfàilgDodd &Sot w 2081E 44 Nwsée Chev-Olds Brothers Pizza Dodd à Souter National Trust Roys Eniterprse Jim Davideo Royal Woods NRS Reaity 3 C<. Auto Body Scott Flegel 7 Queon's Motel Ed Przybyul Marry Uwmn 6 National Triat Buc¶y Croucb Bob Thurler Craig Firdtayson 4 Dodd àSouter Mowio Moe J in Daéorg 7 Jim navidson Wayne Cotonb Matsha Thorpeon 6 Royal Woods Doug, Taylor Jirn hilpi The rifle range gives the yeuth, aged il te, 15, an opportunity te, test their ekilis in a well supervised, safety conscieus setting. Patience, eye-ceordination and discipline are the most important kidlis learned la the activity. Fourth through seventh best scores were by Robert McKeown, 6th Whitby; John Ferbes, Sth Whitby; Jason Helpel, 6th Whitby; and Michael Pillip, 7th Whitby Scouts. Ail participants on the weekend competitien received an embroidered crest for their efforts. For more information about how te join the scouting pregram in Whidtby, cail Dave Smith at 725-6473. Angling contest May i The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority will be hosting its fourth annual 'Angling Contest and Prize Day' at Heber Down Conservation Area on May 1, 9a. nte3 p.m. The event is designed for the experienced and novice angier. First-, second- and third-place gieswil ha awarded for the eaist rainbew trout, with randomn draws being held for al registered participants. There is ne entrance fee. However, al entrants must be registered at tihe event. In addition, any angiers over age 18 must posSes a vaiid Ontario fishing licence. Heber Down Conservation Area is located one concession north of Taunton Rond at Country Lane Road. Registration wvill ha held in the picnic area paring lot. Refreshenints wiil be sold on the grounds. The Durham Region Angiers Association wiii ha on hand to, demonstrate varieus fishlng techniques and to answer any questions throughout the day. The avent wili run ramn or saime. For more information, ea' 579-0411. Trendos captures air rife titie First there was a Blizzard! .LIZZARD 11E Graham Cracker-crust filled S with one of our large ~?selection of BLIZZARD flavours such as ~Smarties, Crispy Crunch, Oreo Cookie, Rocky Road, ~ Tropical and any, many more... $3,OOFaBlizzardwPie : bWhitby Location OnIy 100 D U unoas bi. L. - O;rI-À;A92 r I wr~. - - - - - - - --- - - --- Da"Irq Queen lm

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