Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Apr 1993, p. 25

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Whitby Free Press. Wednesday, April 28. 1993, Page 25 Sean on a senior's bumper stickr: *1 may be slow, but i'm ahead of yu Did you know that a digital angine control unit processes sansor signais & handies ail the V8 quattros control > functions wiih pracision & reiiabiliiiy? Exeiec h 0.asofclgq lI st .m yn ic 92 Peewees win select league finalIs The Whitby major peewee selects ended the season on a high note Iast weekend by winning the finals of the North York Hockey League. The Whitby teain, sponsored by Blades Custom Skate Care, met a strong teami from Vaughan in the championship round and it took ail three gaines of the r Bump on the Head You bwnp your head and think, "Aw, uts net serieus - just a bump on the head." Bumps on the head are serieus. If, after you bump your head, you suffer either dizziness. headache, nausea, blurred vision, memory Ioss, abnormal breathing and/or a change in body temperawre, get medical aid immediately. Any of these sigas and symptoms, even if they seem miner. can indicate a serious ife-threatening injwry. S 668-9006 st. John Aînbulance best-of-tbrae toewin the title. The first gaina of the series saw a tired Whitby teain lese by a score of 1-0. Whitby had just won the Shamrock teurnamant the saine day, and could net keep up te Vaughan. Goaltenders Brent Johnson and Jonathon Clancy kept Whitby in the gaina, which want into the third period bafora Vaughan scored. The second gaine saw Whitby coeeout flying, scoring three quick goals. Brady Blakaly started the scoring on a pass frein Cbad McKenzie and Ryan Peaceeke. Bian Crilly and. Stephen Coray then scorad once aach. Derak Powers and Stephan Maca botb picked up assists on Crilly's goal on a nica passing effort. Whitby let Vaughani back into the gaine in the third period, take fiva penalties, and Vaughan scorad two goals. In the third period, strong defensive play by Ryan McCarron, Joshua Williams and Wayne Richard helr't off Vaughan bafore Jey Simrntta icad the gaine with a iote goal for a 4-2 wi n. The final was another fast-paced, hard-hitting gaine. Crilly opened the scoring, stuiffing home a rebound on a biast frein Lars Clay, but Vaughan fought back and tied the gaine late in the flrst period. Derek Van Egmnoad scered the winaing goal aarly in the second period on a nice sole effort. With Vaughan pressing late in the gaine, Blakely finishad the scoring with assiste geing te Van Egmond and JoeI Gingras as Whitby won 3-1. Net playing, but cheering on the teain was injured player Marc Chiasson. Coaching staff mambers wara Stewart Mace, Deug Peacocke, Strong on 'Excellence' poster Lori Strong of Whitby is oe of aight femala gymnasts chosen for the Ontario Gymnastic Fada- ration's 'Portraits of Excellence' pester saxies. 'Portraits' is a commemorative set of 10 fulI-colour posters of famale gymnasts whe, have achievad international clebrity standing. "Many alita famale gymnnasts go unneticed fer a variaty of reasens," says faderation exacu- tive diractor Joe Rabel. "The priinary purposa of this sarias is te acknowladge thosa woinan who have achiavad axcap- tional results whila at the saine turne provida rola models for those athletas whe aspire te sirnilar levais of excellence." AIl procaeds frein sales of the posters will go into the fade- ration's prograi n edownient fund that wilI provida financial assistance for future gyinnasts. The 10 posters are 18 inches by 24 inches, and feature the gymnasts in action. Each poster is autographed and includes the career highlights of each gym- nast. Strong is dascribed as 'Female Artistic Gymnast of the Decada.' Larissa Lowing cf Pickering, for- merly of Whitby, is recognized for h er balance beam perfor- mances. For more information caîl the faderation at 416-495-4110. traîner Dave Blakely and manager George Clay. Affilated players were Jason Johnston, Stevan Race, Chad Parrsh and Dani Torranca. ck~GoM The Ontario March of Dunes GoGoîf' Passport is availabla for $40. The passport permits-- the golfar te play at leat oe gaine of golf at over 100 different golf courses throughout Ontario. Thera are 177 opportunities to play 19 holes of golf. In addition, you can practica your swing and putting at 16 driving ranges and 10 midni-putts. The 1993 passport alse bas a new resort package with 10-20 par cent off 19 resorts in Canada and tha United States. Proceeds frein the passport are used te, purchasa assistiva devices, such as wheelchairs, articificial limbs and envireamental aida, for adults with physical disabilities. For more information about the passport or te, purchase one cali 853-0383 or 434-5280. Lacrosse author gets down to 'Fundamentals' By Cheryl-Ann Macean Juin Hiaikson of Whitby bas v'ritten a second book about lacrossa. His nawest book, te ba availabia in bookstoras naxt week, outiinas diffrent aquipinant styles and offers expert coacing for situations that arise wvithin a gaina sucb as loose bail strategies and physical contact. When writing 'lacrosse Fundainentals,' Hi-nkson approacbed 18 cf the best lacrosse playars in Canada te get thair feadback on the skifl of the gaine cf lacrossa. Hinkson's first book, 'Box Lacresse: The Fastest Gaina On Two Fet ' was a general description cf the rules and skills naaâad for playing iacrosse. "'My ethar book was the only book aver written on box lacressa in Canada. "This book ("Lacrosse Fundatnentals' is much more datailed," says Hiakson, noting it deals strictly wvith the technical aspects cf the gaine. It's a fundaniental bock about team con- cepts,"* says Hinkson. The skills-devlopment -' bock includas individual play aspects such as cradling, catcbing, pas- siag, loose baIl strategies, individual offence, shoot- ing,- individuai defence. faceof techniques and goaltending. Coniplrnentiuig expia- nations ara detaled diagrains and phbotes (takan at Soccer City in Whitby). TimnWasthead, head of the English departinent at Stevea Leacock CVI in Scarborough where H-inkson is a teacher, helpad edit thae oc chapter by chaptar. inksoa, who once coached the lacrossa and basketball teains at Steven Leacock, now W ITBY AUTHOR Ji teaches math an second book on taci guidance. Photos show Derek mentais,' which wi Keenan cf Oshawa and John Fusco of Brooklin, both former members of the Brooklin Radman teai that won several Mann Cup championships in racent years. Keanan aise played p ro lacrosse in the U.S. racaatly, leading bis teani, Buffalo, te tha championsbip. The introduction is wxitten by fermer Xhitby rasidant Mîka Keanan, now coacb of the NHL's New York Rangers, and the book is andorsad by Whîtby native Je Niauwandyk, captain of the NHL's Calgary Flames and a fermer outstanding junior lacrosse pla7er. Loaly saimorn t,"ébad wo says Hnpsoy D'Hmkson s eknimortathe"ebba-nd fo fschpa and bas put it into words,uin instructional pbotographs and diagrains te ompament thein," says Keanan about the bock. '.This bock is designed te beneflit everyoaa: the im Hinkson has written a nationally. He has 30 year. ,rosse, 'Lacrosse Funda- tacrosse as a player, coach il be distributed inter- Photlo by M" R coach, the player, and the spectator." Nieuwendyk says it's "A great book for the deve]opment of young and experienced lacrosse playars, as well as teachers of 'the gane ... Having playad competitve lacrosse for fourteen years, I arn confident that this book completely covers the funda- mentaIs needed te, become a great player of the gaine." Hinkson bas 30 years of experiance playing, coaching and instructing for the Ontario Larosse Association. ,Whan ha was 19 ha was introduced te the gaine by Hall of Famer Jin Bisbop of 'Whitby, whero ha discoverad that lacrosse is a "gaine of tempoand rhythmn with two teaxus running the fleor; yet,like ail sports, it is a gaine mada up of fundamantals.' Once introducad te, the gaine, Hinksen played for 12 years, then coached for - ine. Ha played or coachad t' in 10 Canadian champion- r J~ 4ships, thrae professional championsbips and oe international championship 4 in Australia.' Hinkson also coachad tha Philadelpi Wings one year in the 'Nation'al Lacrossa Leagua, after which ha resumad bis high school teaching career. Hinkson bas played with Philadelpia Wings, natienal -~ lacrosse leagua finaliste in 1974; Windsor Warlocks, Ontario lacresse league, senior Canadian cham- À pions, 1970 (playing coach), 1971 and 1973; University of Western Ontario, rugby, 1969-70 and 1970-71; *Peteberougb Lakars, pprofessienal lacrosse champions, 1969; Detreit Olympics, national lacrosse 6,4 iassociation finaliste, 1968; Broeklîn Redmen, OLA and senior A Canadian champions, 1965; Oshawa Green Gaels, junior A Canadian champions, 1963 's of expenience in and 1964; gealie fer Whitby and instructor. Metro Junior 1965; Ieesoe. WNtby Fr"e Press inducted into the Oshawa Hall of Faine, 1992.

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