Page 2, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, April 21, 1993 NO NEEO TO INSPECTI Beatîlul 3 bedroom home la in desîreble N Whilby, eai-ln kildien wfth SGWO 10 patic balhmooms & main loor tam. rm. wlirepia Close 10 sctiools & park Aslitng $154,90 ROSEMARY BROWN Hall of Fame Centurion 1987, 1988,1989,1990, North 0i, 3 eoe. 00. ROSEMARY'S CHOICE POWER 0F SALE! This eached ralsed bungalow needs some T.L.C. 3 bedrooma up & fli[y finished basement wilh 2 bedrooms down. Huge pie shaped loi. EXCE LLENT VALUE AT $134,900. ROSEMARY'S CHOICE OVER 2600 SQ Fr' VÎery spaclous homneln North Whftby. 4 exceptionafly large bdrcTa., 3 baths, main floor tam. rm. & laundry rm., eatin kit. wfth waikout to bacoeny and an unspoiled walut bsmt. Asdng $21 7,900. Cali Rosemary Brown at 433-2121I A 27-year-old Fieldnest Cr. man faces charges of threatening death, assault with a weapon and weapons dangerous after an argument over driving degenera- ted into a confrontation. The incident, which teok place March 26, started after two moterists "had problems with each other's drivrrng habits and get into an argument," explains Dýurham Regienal Police staff sergeant Jim Adams. jule accused followed the other driver home and threatened to kili him, says Adams. The victim tried te leave but was grabbed by the accused and slammed against his car before he could get In' says Adams. gThe victim was placed in a headloç k and a struggle ensued over a metal bar held by the accused. The fight continued until a bystander intervened and subdued the accused. Police investigated and laid the charges last week. _The e tft spree at Iroquois Someone went on a robbery spree Thursday at Iroquois Park, stealing items from five cars. Police say seme of the vehicles were left unlocked while their ewners were inside the arena playing hockey; four wallets and a totebag were among the items taken. NINEHOLE SCENIC EXECUTIVE PAR 29 GOLF COURSE EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Anyday before 9 a.m. BUY 1 green fee GET 1 FREE GREEN FEES $10 Hy07 (incl. GST) TutnR SPECIAL 7DA YRATEg 655 GOLF -N EWCASTLE GOLF COURSE 2. miles east of Newcastle Village off Hlwy #2 SCENIC 18 1-OLES - PAR 70 PRO SHOP - SNACK BAR SEASOW PASS o PAl AS IQU PLAY( WEEKEND MIDWEEK 18 hales - $23.00 18 ho les - $20.00 9 holes - $1 7.00 9 ho les - $1 5.00 TWILIGHT - 4:30 PM - 9 HOLE RATE WEEKEND TEE TIMES (416) 987-4851 DRESS FOR STYLE & COMFORT ON THE COURSE. NEW GOLF CLOTHES ARR IVING DAILY. WIDE SELECTION FOR MEN & WOMEN. " .............. H.....- . - pin NEVADA BOBS GOLr & KACQUETS il121 Dundas St. E. Whltby 668- 5333 OPEN: Mon. -Fn i10 -9, Sa! 10 -6 INOW, POPEN! PUBLIC WELCOME PAY-AS-YOU-PLAY SENOR PECALS (55 & OVER MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE (Reduced rates until April 301h) Banquet Facllities <Cap. 200) - Teurnaments Welcome PRO SHOP SALE Up o TO30cYoOFF 93 CLUBS, CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES IHWY. #7 DURHAM RD. #23, NORTH 2 MILES EAST ON 428m632~ BRAWLEY RD. ASHBURN. ntedLowest Prices (I \GOLF & IfA\k COUNTRY CLUB Qualiy 18 Hole Course FuIIy Liceniced Club House MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE Pay-as-you-play Book your 1993 <' tou marnent, business meeting. Party orwedding! MIDDLE RD. BOWMAN VILLE 623-2670 FOXRDGE GOLF CLUB If wy, 47,just east of Uxbridge Great Go!f at the Lowest Rates! Annual Membcrship $425.* Weckday Membc-rship $325.* Dafly GreenFees frorn $17. CLIP THS CUPN& R I 25-%off YOTR DAILY GREENfr' I Offo pu %ay3M Cail : (416) 852-7962 Tor. (416) 427-6010 § S~ummer1ea -* Golf Course Executive Par 3, Quick Play Golf Course Weélcday Membership ('Monday to, Friday ~Al Season) e Licensed Snack Bar Pro Shop *Banquet Facilities Available PORT PERRY 985-2760 1 r- L-