Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Apr 1993, p. 26

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Page 26, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. Aprd 21, 1993 When you argue with a foot, make sure hes fot loing the same thing. Did y ou know that the V8 quattros sel f-adalptive system continually optimizes settings for the fuel injection, map-type ilg ntion, oxygen sensor control ~self-diagnosics? Exeiec th s c feln ' k It' enpo* nsne17 Almost 2,000 regilstered for miinor basebal Registration for the Whitby Minor Basebail Association is approaching 2,000 for the upcom- in g season. Regstration was more than 1,900 -- 14 per cent more than iast year -- andi there was late registration for the midget- juvenile league. 'We've come a long way since our original four teanis started by the Canadian Legion Branch 112," says association president George Cay. "The success of the Blue Jays bas beightened the awareness of baealthroughout the province but Whitby bas benefited moreso other areas as a resuit of long- range planning by the parks and recreatien department in provid- ing the facilities required for expansion."Y Clay say several new pro- grains wilI be introduced this year. There will be a select teain in the mosquito, peewee and ban- tam age divisions, another alI- star team will be formed, and there wiil be a batting cage constructed at Iroquois Park and rayfr use on opening day, ae* squîrt ieague will intro- duce 'Rookie Bahl' on a trial basis. Rookie Bail, popular in the U.S. and Eastern O ntario, in- volves the use of a pitching machine -- players are given the chance to hit a good pitch. "The younger baIl players will ne longer have a fear of the bal hitting thein due to the wildness of the 8- and 9-year-old pitchers,» says Dave Imeson, the Whitby association's coaching deveiop- ment director. He says 8-year-oids that get hit a few turnes in the eibow or ankie can soon becomne "bail- shy." Rookie Bal provides per- fect pitches, teaches batters the strike zone, and gives themn the confidence to bit the bail. House league director Jini Grieve says there are many new volunteers this year to heip run the league and bring «fresh ideas and eathusiasm." "The expansion of the house lau ytem te 123 teams has meant doubiing-up on the con- vener jobs to handle the in- creased workload," says Ciayas "The increased workl oai ha meant that some conveners have had to schedule one or two week- end games in the earlier part of the season to accommodate a ful schedule. "This is a departure fromi past years but we're sure parents wili support the idea. Knowing that these weekend games take place prior to the peak vacation times in June, July and August wili also help ease parents into the new format." All house league layer should hear from their coaches by May 6. If not, cail Grieve at 430-1284. The opening day parade is on Saturday morning, May 8. The Mayor's Cup Gaines wili be on MaY y15 and 16. he Optimists' Home Run Derby is on June 19 and the Oshawa-Whitby midget tourna- ment isJuly 9 to 11. N. It took 45 years but worth the wait GOLFERS were out on local courses at the first sign of warmer weather. At left, club pro Jerry Nemish gets himself out of the bunker aI Lakeridge Links. At right, Cec Jensen got his season off ta a strong stai, bagging his f irst 'hole-in-one' in 45 years of playing golf. H is ace came on the 121h hale at Cauntry Lane. Jensen, shown celebrating with golfing partners Lee Evans and his g randson Jash, got the ace on apening day aI Cauntry Lane, Aprill13. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Press Brumley, Woodley win in U.S. Jason Br-umley and Adrian Woodley each won a gold medal at a track meet in Mansfield, Ohio over the weekend. Brurnley edged Henry Street HIgh Sch ooi teammate Jason Bacchiochi in the 110-metr-e hur- dies. The one-two finish hclped Henry finish tenth overaîl in the competition that featured 151 high school teams froin six.U.S. states and Canada. Pickering High Schooi was second overail at the meet, the 6lst MansfielctMehock Relays. Woodley, an Anderson CVI student, wok the triple jup and in s0 doing broke t he' meet record. He was also fifth in the 110- metre hurdles. Pacho1zuik, Bayford tops in figures Shayne Bayford of Whitby was secon in men's world class figures at a roller skating cern- pttion in Delanco, New Jersey April 9 to il. l3ayford was fiftb in freestyle. His teammate from the Whitby Roller Skating Club, Stephen Pacholzuk, was first in figures and third in freestyle in the men's open division. Pia Schmidt-Hansen was fifth in ladies sophomore freestyle. Rebecca Woodb ouse was fifth in open loops and sophomore figures and sixth in sophomore ladies freestyle. Bayford and Jennifer Mulgrew are currently in Cuba competing in a Pan-Amn Garnes avent. Novices capture regionalringett tti The Whitby novice C2 ringette teani, sponsored by Provincial Sign Service, finished the season in fine style at the regional miner novice C champienships in Manvers April 9 te 11. Whitby defeated Oshawa in the final to win the championship. Whitby started off the Easter heliday weekend with a coavincing 6-0 win over Oshawa, a team with which Whitby played close games ail season. The second game resulted in Whitby overpowering Ajax 11-1. Saturday's action saw Whitby jump to, an early 4-0 lead over Pickering. Whitby then slowed the pace of the gaine but came back to life in time to earn a 5-2 vctory. With their undefeated record, Whitby finished first in round-robin play to advance Ix> the finals against Oshawa. This gamne was a far cry from. their earlier match. Oshawa overcame a two-goal deficit te lie the gaine at 4-4. But Whitby had the stronger ifinish, the game ending in a 6-4 win. Whitby coaches are Dan Kish, Vince Bligbt and Charlie Peel and manager is Lynne Jobnston. The team's record shows how much they improved over the season. The flirat nine games were losses, but the next 25 matches saw oniy five ii'ore defeats with 19 wins and one tie. As well as capturing the regional championships, the team also finished third in the regular season and were champions in the Ajax tournamnent. Teain members are Danielle Avery, Jade Blight, Krystal Cbartrand, Rebecca Duncan, Ashley Kish, Jennifer Marteli, Julia Mitchell, Heather Peel, Carnie Tully and Megan Yaraskavitch. I r onid.)vu(S eIsfor!LS [SP)r I Swimmer Ashleigb Crowder cf Whitby was a member cf the CanaLdin teani that won a bronze medal in Germany recently. The 14-year-old was part of the the Eigbt Nations international youth swim meet in Dortmund, Several Canadian swimmers won gold and Canada won the overal titie.

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