Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Apr 1993, p. 16

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Page 16, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, April 21, 1993 mif Trafalgclr Ca'~ *quCstiO'nd *studenl guidî * n1CC1IllefacL SPRING PROGRAMS Spring programs for tots will be offered by the Oshawa YXVCA. 'Gro\v with Baby,'for babies 3 to 12 mionths, includes songs and simple apparatus, while parents listen te a guest speaker, read reseurce materials or chat over coffee. It begins April 27 and continues ever>' Tuesday for eight weeks. Tli me for Tiny Tykes,' for ages 2 and 3, includes story-telling, pup petry snd crafts. It begins April 28 and continues ever>' Wednesday for eight weeks. Feor more informa- tien caîl 576-8880. LIVNG WITII CANCER The Living With Cancer sup- port group for aduits, friends and familv wilI meet on Monda>', April 22, 7 te 9 p.m., at the Ajax Cricket Club (northeast corner of Monarch and Clement avenues). For more information cail Lynn Nazarko at 686-1516. ROTARY CLUB The Rotary' Club of Whitby will hold the 6th anniversar>' dinner, for past and current Rotarians, on Saturda>', May 8, 6:30 p.m. Ouest seaker will be Mark Daley, the Voice of CITY- TV.' Tickets are $90 per couple. For tickets, caîl AI Kent 668- 3468 or Barrie Lennox 668-3800. GENERAL MEETING Big Sisters NOW will hold their annual general meeting on April 28, 6:30 p.m. nt the Whitby Curling Club, 815 Brock St. N., Whitby. Ouest speaker will be Francine Nicholas, a survivor of spousal abuse. Tickets may be purchased at $5 at the Big Sisters office, 179 King St. E., Oshawa. Volunteer recognition will be held in June. FUN FAIR West Lynde Public School will hold their eighth annual Fun Fair on Brida>', May' 7, 5:15 te 9 p.m., 270 Michael Blvd., Whitby. There will be more than 30 games and events, including face painting and barbecue. ORGANIC GROWEIRS Durham Canadian Organic Growers will mecet on April 28, 7:30 p.m., in the Durham Regional Ceurthouse, Rossland Rd., Whitby. Richard Worr will present a slide show illustrating the installation of garden ponds. Everyone welcome. Caîl 434-6231 for more information. CRAFT & BAKE SALE Sunda>', April 25 at Kingside Club House, 537 Tennyson Court (Wilson Md and Dean Ave, ares), from il a.m. te 3 p.m. If interested >in renting a table or' for more information, call 433-8942. Proceeds te the Leukemia Research F'und of Durham Region. r 120 years R CASILESCLO ducational excellene carn mnore about ~tl SitOljoflusat our 4y ri 24 clf aOUo- p'gC foivr fpier', frllt' please cle usatd668p3358 Torfuagar i('asticool 401 Reynolds St., Whitby, Ont. WILLIAM TRENCH VOLUNTE CER RECOGNITION Senior volunteers or volunteers for seniors in Whitby are invited te attend the Community Volunteer Recognition coffee part>' te be held at the Whitby Seniors' Activit>' Centre, 801 Brock St. S. on April 29 at 2 p.m. Whitby councillor Judy Longield, vice-chair of the seniors' advisory comn'ittee, will be the master of ceremonies and Mayor Tom Edwards will ho in attendance te present the first annual Whitby Mayor's Senior Volunteer Award. For more information, caîl the seniors' centre at 668-1424. VOLUNTEER MEETING Sunrise Recreation Youth Group is holding a volunteer meeting on Prida>', April 30, fromn 6:30 te 8:30 p.m. for anyone who is interested in helping eut with the charity this year. Anyone interested in working with development.ally handicaped youths (helping eut at the camps or through fundraising), can attend. The meeting will be held at 1517 Dundas St. E. in Whitby. (Enter at side of the building). For more information cal 668-8761 snd louve a message for Deanna. MENTAL IIEALTH The Oshawa/Whitby- COPE mental heslth progrars, a branch of the Durham Region Commuait>' Care Association, presents 'A Mental Health Awareness Day' on Thursday, April 29, noon te 9 p.m., at Five Points Mail, 285 Taunton Rd. E., Oshawa. Everyone is welcome and admission is free. For further information, caîl Sharon Cechrane at 434-1693. LI]BEILALS' 1'PASTA NIGHT' The Ontario Riding Liberal Association will hold 'Pasta Night' at St. George's Anglican Church Hall, Randal sud Kingston ronds, 'in Pickering Village, 6:30 te 10 p.m. on Brida>', Apnil 23. T1hose attending can meet and talk te federal Liberal candidate for Ontario riding, Dan McTeague. Tickets are available at $15 per person, $25 per couple, $5prfamil>' of four, with additional members nt $5 each. Cash bar. For tickets caîl Shirley at 831-1956, or Terry at 428-3201. STOIIYTELLING The Durham Folklore Societ> will meet on Thursday, Apýril 22, 7:30 p.m., at the Michael Starr Building, Oshawa. New members and guests are welcome. For more information cali Carolyn Hart 434-1975. CLUB CARIEB The regular general meeting of Club Carib of Oshawa Inc. will be held on Sunday, April 25, 7:30 I.m., at Sunnyside Park club- ouse, Stacey/McKim avenues, Oshawa. Ail welcome. For more information caîl 728-4293 or 432- 8828. ONE PARENT FAhMIES Oshawa One Parent Families Association will meet for coffee, cards and conversation on Tuesday, April 27, 8 p.m., at Simcoe Hall Settlemeat House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. New members and guests are welcome. For more information, cal 436-5089. GROW WITII1 BABY The Oshawa YWCA is offering a 'Grow with Baby' program for moms and tots sged three te 12 months. Classes will be be held Tuesday mornings beginning April 27. Movement, songs and simple apparatus appeal te -this stage in baby's developmfent. Guest speakers will discuss topics such as breastfeeding, importance of pisay, speech development and fostering self-esteem. For more information or to register, cali 576-8880. OP3EN HOUSE The Grandview Rehabilitation & Treatment Centre, 600 Townline Rd. S., Oshawa will hold an open bouse te meet the staff and learni about the services offered on Wednesday, April 28, noon te, 7 p.m. Ail are welcome. Refreshments will be served. SENIORS' DANCE The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre will hold a members' dance at the centre, 801 Brock St. S. on Saturday, April 24. Doors open ut 7:30 p.m., and DJ Phil James will begin at 8 p.m. Light refreshments and a cash bar will be available. Cost is $4 at the door. For more information, calI the centre ut 668-1424. WATERF OWL VIEWING The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authorit>' (CLOCA) is holding an Earth Day wateî-fowl viewing event on Sunda>', April 25, 1 te, 4 p.m., at Lynde Shores Conservation Area. CLOCA staff will be on hand te assist nature watehers in identifying a variet>' of waterfowl species. A spetting telescope will be available and binoculars, field guides and cameras may come in handy. Dress accordingly. Admission is free. Lynde Shores Conservation Area is located on the south side of Victoria Street approximately 2.5 km west of Highway 12. WALKING PItOGRAM The Whitby Seniors' Activit>' Centre, 801 Brock St. S. will resume the walking program on Monda>', April 26, 8:30 a.m., and WORKSIIOP The AIDS Comrnittee of Durham will hold a 'Safer Sex' workshop for women on Thursday, April 22. For time and location, cal! the Committee at 723-8201. LEGCAL CLINIC Durham Community Legva Clinie will hold a forum for the public and service providers on 'How to Apply for Criminal Injuries Compensation' on Thursday, April 22, 1 p.m., at the Robert McLaughlin Art Gallery in Oshawa. The forum will take place following the clinic's annual general meeting. A representative from Simcoe Legal Services and Stephanie Ball and Cathy Duignan from the clinic will be guest speakers. CLOTHINO SALE The Durham Region Parents of Multiple Births Association will hold a spring clothing, toy and baby equipment sale on Saturday, April 24, 9 a.m. te noon, at Kingsview United Church, 505 Adelaide St. E., Oshawa. Cash sales only. Snacks, baked goods and drinks will be available. Due te lack of space, strollers will net be allowed in the church. For more information, calI 686-5456. MEFTING The Preveption Development Projeet'of the Children's Services Council (Durham) Inc. will meet on Wednesday, April 28, 1 te 2:30 p.m., at the Church of the Holy Trinity, 91 ings Ores., Ajax. Guestspeakers John Clarke and Merle Terlesky of the Onitario Coalition 'Against .Poverty (OCAP), political activists- and media spokespersons, willdiýcuss the poverty situation in Canada and Ontarie and how changsin gevernment policiés and strate- gies can reduce the problem. Register at least one week prior te the date. Admission is free. AIl are welcome. For more information or- toregister,-"call 433-4100. PRE-SCHOOL PLAY Roots & Wings Play Group has three openings for the spring and summer program. Crafts, stories, songs, garc-es Monday te Friday, 9 te 1.1 ail. Melody Mochano, 668-1928. LEAIINING DISABILITIES The- Learning Disabilities Association, Oshawa Chapter will hold a monthly meeting on Thursday, April 22, 7 p.m., at Grandview Treatmeat Centre, Oshnwa. Annette Dukszta, national ce-ordinator for the Tourettes Syndrome Foundation of Canada, will discuss Tourettes and learaing disabilities. This a parent support group and al are welcome. Admission is free. For more information, caîl 436-7706. ILERB GARDEN 'Starting your own Herb Garden' for children aged 5 to 9 will be held at the Whitby Public Library on Wednesday, April 28, 4 te 5 p.m. For more information, call the library at 668-6531 or FUNDRAISING DINNER The Reforra Part>' of Canada Ontario Riding will hold a fundraising dinuer on Brida>', Apnil 23 at Annandale Golf & Country Club. Meet Don Sullivan, Reformn Part>' candidate, and William Trench, author of ' OuI> You Can Save Canada,' at 6:30 p.m. A hot and cold buffet dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m. Cash bar. Tickets ($30 per person) should be purchased at least one week before the dinner and are availàble at the Reform Part>' office, 235 Bayly St., Ajax, telephone 686-1885 or 686-0278. SPRING TEA A 'Spring Tes' wilI be held at Perry Terrace, 220 Perry St., on Saturda>', April 24, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. Something for everyone. OPEN HOUSE To recognize the Sth ai- versar>' of the 'Battle of the Atlantic,' the Oshawa.. Naval Veterans Club, 320 Viola St., will host an open house from April 25 te May2. 'Nav Week' will kick off with a chui-c parade on April 25 and- end with the annual memorial, te be held this year at the Oshawa lakefront. For more information cal 723-807 1. COMEDY NIGIIT Kinsmen Comedy Night, fea- turing Yuk Yuks comedy tr-io, will be held b>' the Kinsmen Club of Whitby on Brida>', June 4, 8 pM.,at Heydenshore Pavilion. idnight buffet sud dance fol- lowing the show. Cest is $25 per persen. For reservations, cal 430-7499 or 668-5206. DIABETES The spring general meeting of the Durham Region branch of the Canadian Diabetes Associa- tion will be held on Wednesday, April 28, 7 p.m., at Glen Stewart Park Hall, 201 Cabot St., Osh- awa. Guest spenker will be Dr. Ian Blumer whe wil discuss 'WVhat the dcctor checks for in people with disbetes sud why,' and 'What y'eu should tell your doctor sud whiy.' The annual meting will a;so be held. For more information caîl Art Tru- deau at 683-6970 or Wendy' Swinden, 725-9314. SUMIER CAMIPS Sunrise recreational youth group will hold three camps this summer for developmentally handicapped youths aged 15 te 21, with a ratio of one camper te one peer helper. Two day camps will be held, one in dune, the other in Jul>'. A residential camp will be held in August. Volunteers welcome. For more information, caîl 668-8761 and leave message. OPEN IIOUSE The Caregiver Relief adult day program for frai], elderl>' aud disabled adults will hold an open house Monda>', April 26, 10 s.m. to noon, 2 te 4 p.m. sud 6 te 8 p.m., ut 487 Westney Rd. S., units 19 sud 20, Ajax. Al are welcome. Refreshiments wilI ho served. For more information, cal! 427-2315. A Good Education is not'a Privilege. It is a Decisioné acknowleging past abuse (physical, sexutl (or rmnoti onal>. The eigh t- wee(k progni ni wi H begin Monida>', April 26, 7 p.mi., at the outreach AbJuse Prevention Cenftre, 205 Bond St. E., Oshawa. Cal! 432-7821 te register.

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