Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Apr 1993, p. 29

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Wýyhitby rF resP WVe*uesay1Apçl 1,.lPerao9 A SPECIAL THANKS te ail our nelghbours arîd friands who made aur 4th annlvorsary special. Jack & Christ ine Lamors ànd family. THANKS TO DR. G. BAKER& staff on 3A at Whitby Generai for the cars and kindness given te My brother Henry Connors. Christina Collins and family. BAHAI1 FAITH: Farsako ail evîl, hold fast'that whlch"ls goed. For Information, calI 668-8665. FACELIFT WITHOUT surgery. For_ appointment, caîl Dawn at 430-1328. LADIES: TIRED 0F telling him te tako back his beer emrties? Teach him a lessonl Call Ian, 668-7575. MAN, 33, SEEKS WOMAN te sharo geed times and maybe help change the World. 666-9523. PERSONAL LOANS trom $1,000 and up for an y purposa. Quick .approvals. 436-8104. A GENTLEMAN, 30, seeks a slum,,attractive lady who is 20 - 30. romatîc anjoy s movios, dinlng eut, etc., for long-term relation- ship. Reply with photo & p hans te: Box 10,005, c/e Whitby Free Prsss, Box 206, Whitby, Ont., LiN 551. Seriaus replies only. PSYCHIC & SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Joan Monday to Frtday 9 a.M.t 9m. PROFESSIONAL PARALEGAL SERVICES LET US SOLVE VOUR LEGAL PROBLEMS: - Civil & Criminal Law - Divoroe/Custody/Support - Landilord & Tenant - Immigration - Trait ic Tickets - SmalI Claims/ Debt Recovery - Mortgage Referrals - Legal Aid Cents. Accepted Tel: 1 (416) 721-27701 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE 0F BETHEA CARSWELL AGG Ail persons havingf daims against the estate et Bethea Carswell Agg, cemmenly known as Betty Agg, decaase, late of the Town et Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the l9th day et January 1993, ara hereby notified te send them te the undersigned, duli veritied, on or befere the 14tK day et May, 1993. After such date the - assets ef the abeve-namned estate will be distributad amen g the persans entitled thereto, tiaving regard only te dlaims of which the executrix shaîl thon have notice. DATED at Whitby this 3th day et March, 1993. SCHILLING, EVANS Barristers and Solicitors 330 Byron Street South Whitby ,-Ontario LUN 5S1 Solicitors for the Executrix CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY AFRILiS6 AT 6 R. 3 MlLËS EAST 0F LiTrTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 The estate et the late Hareld Wersley of Zion Fenelon plus ethers. Round eak pedestal table, oak buffet, 7 retinshed cameo-back p-back chairs, oak highboy dresser,. pine tabla, antique dressers, piano chair, eak recking chairs, wvhat-not stand, blanket boxes, china cabinet, oval & fiat-tep trunks, washstands, treadle sewing mahine, Finney cookstove, eld tn trucks, oak ha mirror, bookcase, floor lamps, iren beds, oak parleur tables, 4- drawer metal f iling cabinet, 3-pc. medern bedroomn suite, Skil saw, chain hoist, B&D table drill prose, electric drills, cast ireni church pow ends, antique bathtub.'l attached hot ANNUAL SPRING FARM MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SATURDAY APRIL 24 - 1OA.M. ORVAL ik<LEAN AUCTION CENTRE - LINDSAY Now accepting tractors, farm machlnery, construction, shop& woodworklng equipmsnt, RVs1, motorhomes, trailers, beats, riding lawnmowors, cars, trucks, vans, hand & power tools. CAIL NOW TO CONSIGN. Early consignments wiIl be included in advertising. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS ORVAL & BARRY McLEAN, AUCTIONEERS (705) 324-2783 OUTSTANDING AUCTION SALE ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES, ART T0YS, ETC. SUNDAY APRIL 18 - 12 NOON (VIEWING 10:30 A.M.) ORONO TOWN HALL, MAIN ST., ORONO (TAKE 401 TO HWY. 351115& NORTH 10 KM.) Auct ion f eat ures som e outstanding articles f'rem the past & tho present. Partial ist includes washstands, wardrebe, sideoard wl mirror, kitchen cabinet, country day bed, misc. dressers & chests et drawers (pine, oak, Eastlake, etc.), secrotary & luft-top desks, deacon's bench, cannonball bed, set et 4 p-back chairs plus misc. chairs & rockers, misc. tables (kitchen, parleur, pine, etc.), blanket boxes, wood boxes & sterage trunks, floor model radio, ceffee milI, Singer sawing machina (eld), cast tracter seat, Ieaded glass table lamps, several named milk bettles (Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whitby, etc.), medicino chests, brase f ire extinguishers, oil lamps, old signs, tins,- bottles, advortisements, & toys (tin, banks, dolîs, etc.), beaver sealer, lanternis, misc. jewelry & oId coins, limited editien & decerativo art werk, eil paintings, aiso cash register (Samnsung ER-200) & cash drawer, l1us mn mors quaiity articles. his i ny a vory partial lîst et articles featured in this large sale. Ceme aarly & en 'ey a Sunday at the auctien. Cail for ail your auctien needs. (Naxt auction Sunday, May 2.) MacGREGOR AUCTIONS MIKE MacGREGOR 416-987-5402 JUNIOR WEST 416-983-5556 rHEALTH CARE TIP IMMUNIZATION Immunizatîon is like a suit of armour. It protects you from infectieus diseases as long as it is kept up te date. If' you are making travel plans te some exotic far away land this year. plan to sec your doctor or community health nurse before you go. You may need some extra protection against disease that is country specific. Remember that immuni- zation is just as important in adulthoed as it is in childhood. 668-9006 kêSt. John Amnbulance ~II. Whitby Free Press - 668-0594 office Hou rs: Monday to Friday 9:00 arn to .5:00 pm - Fax 668-0594 Crime 'Stoppers and Durham Regional Police are asking for the publics help in solving an armed robbery that occurred in Oshawa o n Monday Feb. 8. At 9:310 p.m. a one maie entered the Beer Store at 285 Taunton Rd. à!, armed with a double-barrelled, sawed-oft shotgun. The suspect pointed the firearm at the two store employees and thon a t the cash register and stated, 'Take al the money out of the tili and put lit in a bag.'* The victim followed instructions and piaced tihe money into a grey, plastic hand-out bag with orange printing on it. The employee was alsa, forced ta, open the. safe and turn aver the bis but net the change. The. suspect thon left the. store walking backwards out t he door, keeping the shotgun aimed at the victims. The suspect was last seen walking south along the west side of the store. The suspect is described as maie, white, aged 35 to 40, 6-ft. 1-n., 220 lbs., with a stocky build and a fair complexion. He was wearing a green, khaki work coat, green sailor-style toque, a black scarf wrapped around his mout and nase dark pants and black leather gloves. The. suspect aise, wore silver-rimmed glasses. A re-enactmant of the crime will be shown on CITY-TV (channel 57 cable 7) an Thursday, April 15 during the 6 and 10 p.m. news. It will also be shown on CHEX-TV in-PeterborouL h and CKVR-TV in Barrie on Friday, Aprul 16, again duringithe news. If you have any information on this or any other serious crimes, cali Crime Stoppers at 436-8477, that's 436-TIPS. Crim Stppea wll ay up ta $1,000 for information leading to Durifýingcouti. 19sa maibtvclgop f eroneant Gant Ad wegun preai two d abot ie caime. pOn Apriof22, 1970,Ereare Da wbcae ~real0iy.North, AErart TWe e aerad obayisevat - an oporunlittax eflctib on naitns ntabco mea consener ournDuram RgOn Ap rime21, 8:30 a.m .O .mBox atLOa aquetalin Wlutby, n indusril, omrlsnd ntttoa at rLuoirrsmi a inlb e ld. Cisal 668-7721. cylin C uic 4~o On6:0t.maDrig thaim etcompr entingDura nirnc garenig dmntatiNsiwlbetwrk(DN)anfPcenBate en 6:15 a n 30phme n1t960sauditoriu, speae r oldusso camprosngn args anicgnrdeing tewr botsi bApril , 10 a.m. e picdes, pheC ower, ewaerganticus Oishin ta2supporttearhDWoam .rldWllfeFn a jîthe CNay Tower tair lmmb..gba balStuent Aivity C uni SC in PicWkenis puttinetacaleg a nyDrham high hol SA to ie arc ti tpnformation onrom WWF. CaB redctin sminr wllTeac u helC ldr8-721 The etrowhaoto ow av e hforeadiiodrn o -- l 2 4 to,6:30 .m. thatngthe tiearthe omotr. d rgn befal0p..,is the sons auditoauht aers the earth. wishig to sup Ift ten sp di en hegrundcnjinteC Tower stir l theyDu spt on thdenselctvs. oucl SC in ickrig i pttouear chdlestbng t % us; m i schoolSAC t a r e obteop ng tathearth. omW F. TAi hnga re connecte likethe boo hav icuht u ite on am tAil thingare csou onete. Whatever befalis the earth befalis the sons and daugher of the earth. Ifhmenver we otthe webn, 0 e-do ta uelve Bgy Const. Grant Arnold Durham Regional Police NEFO To KNOW SOMETHINO ABOUT YbUR NEW OOMMUNITY? Cal Phone 668,6653 Our hostess wilI bring gifts and greetings. along wîth helptul community information. 6mmmfflý dmýý

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