BEST AVAI LAB LE Lu - - - - ---- -- . -th- î------ - rî7îï;weêffsaaî75T W. 1-. ýge 27 - mAczimr-mUT DKIrNMf -3 bedrooms. Top FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $80 weekly. Share bathroomn & kitchen. Student or worker prof erred. Walk Io ail amenities. Cali 666-3776 after 6 p.m. DOWNTOWN WHITBY, excep- tional, clean, quiet, furnished room with kitchen use, parking, television on cable. Suit mature maie. $85/week, firstllast. 668-3640. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ten minutes from Whitby, between BrooklinlPort Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms available for rent. Low weekly rates. Calil 655-5308. BROOKLIN - 1 LARGE'ROOM. Close to ail amenities. Couid be furnished. Available now. Cali 655-5539. HOUSE, APARTMENT FOR RENT? Il you had adverised here, i1.000s like you would be reading this now. Calil6684111 PERSON TO SHARE 3-bedroom townhouse. Nice neig hbourhood. Garden/Dundas area. $400/month plus V.2 utilties. Appliances ncluded. Availabie immediately. 668-1831 after 6 p.m. WHITBY, SMALL ROOM in 4-bedroom house to share with 3 others. Washer, dryer, utilities included. Mature people only. $300/month. Cali 430-7103. AFFORDABLE LUXURY: Whitby - Rossiand/Gardofl, two- bedroom condo. S/W viow, 2 ful baths, fridge, stove, dishwashor, washor, dryer ail in unit. Carpet, 2 U/G parkingsocurity, pool, sauna and much more for ýonly $1,150/ month, inclusive (nogotiabie). Availabie June 1. Cali to vîew, 723-7510. ment apartment, N/W Whitby. Private entrance. Parking available. Colour TV inciuded. $450/month; includes utilitiès. Phone 668-1406. BROOKLIN, LARGE one- bedroom apartment for rent. Fridge, stove, parking. Cali 655-4544, or 655-8989. CENTRAL WHITBY: Very large two-bedroom. Bright & clean. Broadloom throughout. Dish- washer. Covered parking. $750/ month. Available May 1. A iso, larg e 3-bedroom, same description. $800/month. Availabie June 1. 668-4643, ONE-BEDROOM CONDO plus solarium, 711 Rossland. Coc facilities, including pool & exorcise room, etc. Close 10 GO station. Custom-made blinds. Parking inciuded. Available May 3 $750/month. ContactZo (416) 975-9123 or 927-7717 (days), (416) 590-8975 (ovonings>. aparment. Available immediately. Larg iving room, kitchen. Fridge, stove, utilties included. Close to schooi, shopping. $625. First & last. 610 Stewart St., Whitby, 668-0629. TWO- LARGE- BEDROOM APT. Fridge, stove. $679/month, ail includied. Dufferin St., near ail amenities. 263-4104. OSHAWA/WHITBY BORDER: 3-bedroom, main fioor of house. Carpet & stove. Patio. $850 + utilities. Also, 1-bedroomn basement apartment, $550 + utilities. 725-7474, 1 to 3 p.m. TWO-BEDROOM APT. for rent. Kitchen, living room & f ull bath, fridge & stove included. Cal 655-3281. LARGE 2-BEDROOM basomont apartment. Walk-out to backyard. Laundry facilities & cablo included. 11n new home. $800 per month. Availabie May 12.430-f944. TWO-BEDROOM APT. Evory- thing inciudod - $650. 3-bedroomn apt. Everything inciuded - $775. Available May 1. Cal Sheila Courrier, Re/Max Executive Reaity Inc., 285-8555. backyard deck, hardwood floors, washer & dryer, fridge, stove. Carpori, storag e shed. W alk 10 GO station. Availabl now. $950 + 2/3 utilities. Caîl 631-8601. 13RADLEY ESTATES Whitby Townhouses 10 Basset BIvd. (Brock St./Manning Rd.) - 3 Bedrooms q'V -.11/2 Baths - 5 Appliances RNA - Central Air NC -rV -Garage - Paved Driveway - 3 Models - On Site Management - Easy Accoss 10 "GO" - Rents Start at $1 ,000 per month 668-1389 K. C. McCalI Property -Managemnent 666-5794 - 924-1100 ONTARIO SMARCH Wh idOF DINES Quail conshrction for Homeand Busksess -Bathroome -Ktchens -*Decks -.Gazebos - AddIio<ns.etc. L* - ntefloclcing atone a~*'s-655-4418 CALL A PRO! FOR WHEN LIFE BRINGS INCOMETAX BLUES? QUALIFIED ]PREPARATION Over 20 Years' Experietce Computerized Calil (416) 430-8261 F.J. MARTIN FINANCIAL CONSULTING 10 ntrO F Ftne rtiin al -wood lencing & docks FREE COMPETi TIVE ESTIMA TES UNIVERSITY WERKS 666-9690 1,l IUU AifflUYtl'Vr~U; apnr SJust check the CALL A PRO section I o!y'1TgI? C I-0412 * 6ai flUti7 andilet the pros do the job' . . 8 - 41 656 yucan comparean choo'e from i Alas Van UndLt FT GE A DM WHITBY LD LICENCEO ASTER PIUMBER _________________ eneral C ntîy dia Residential .-Commercial ,UPERIORSin Everyhing including the kacherl sik R cR 2 years expetene PRO PERTY D fy alAr ant ng ~U eSpecal =Durhain SeilSpring Clean-up Region 25 14 yTs. *Saoa Grass Mowing E Cal eEavestrough Clean-out 668-4686 aGarden Maintenance ,uuiîIuînnîrrmumwL Derek Dutkao Specializing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 CALL 666-RRSP 1FOR AN APPOINTMENT.- Kt The Mtuai Gi HERB TRAN clil for quotatton 725-6564 iroup CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST -I S EASYI ONE CAL, ONE BILL OES I AL. MOTORCYCLES vAcATioN(TRAVEL Sunday Aprl 18, TORONTO Ci ASSIC RIKE TIME-SHARIE RESALES mnd rentais. Vour SHOW. Swap Meet & Aucion. International Canedian connectionrWaflt 10 sei or buy pre- Centre. Ssii your motorcycie $25. Used parts enjoyed tesort-Ilme share or campground booths $50. SUPERI DEALSI Into- (416) 4127. memberehip? %A,<rIdwIde Network! 1.800-565- 4201. Free parking. 3915 or Calgary (AX'3) 255-5650, STEEL BUILDINGS FOR SALE STEEL BUILDINGS. A chestp BuldIng oflers no SAWMILLS Enercîial lers 5 modela of tleslblllty. mey even cost more money. The Bsndsaw mille, Portable Edgsrs end reieted anhwer tor Oueltty, lntegrily & ServIce- equipment. Open Houses Sturday Apil 24, 1993 FUTURE STEEL. Thousenda of people cent be . Ail are welconme - For detlls (705) 7M4-1211. wronq. Celi 1-800-6668153 irQ lIP ATNM)j;s . not quonsel . 32x54 $7,744: 40x72Sf1.,690: 50x90 S16.622; 60x126 $25,375 - other aizes avltable - Final yeer-end clearance - Patagon - 24 Houra 1-800-263-499. STEEL BUILDINGS: ONTARIO FACTORIY OUTLET DIRECT. H-ugoe svînga, apeclal aizea oniy: 20x30. 25x36, 30x42, 35x46. 37x48, 40x64, 44x56, 46x86. From $2.988.00 ta $9,68.00. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. BUILDING KITS. SUPPLIED. or tected. Multi. purpose, trait estImaee. engînnered plans wlh buildings. Proudty Canadîan. Cuit Bnadtelgh, Barrie (705> 722-3854 bus.. (705) 424-6580 eveninge. FLAGS SPRING FREE IN 93 FLYING FLAGS National end cusfommade for aIl occesions. Quotae(Ires. Valua, service gueranteed Canadien-made lrom Hous ofFiaga 1.800-668-3202. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING et the Saut hwesf srn School af Auctioneerîng Nexf Ctes.s- Juty f7-23. Information, contact: Southw@stern Ontario Schoot of AucîIoneerlng . R R05. Woodstctk. Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. REAL ESTATE 001 A CAMPGROUNO mnember-,hip or tImreshere7 V/olittesI' Ameices lergest resale cleerînghouse. Cati Rasant Sales International, 1-800-4235967 (24 houra> BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE FUNDRAISING 1001 0F THE 0' Imagine putcheslng cuttrrt cnea.etttss lot S7 47. CD's $14 '45 or LOWIFR No 0Sf nr PST wth Fedoral MusicsProgr@mI n1800 261-1900 type potes. Free dsllvery. Dtstributots wanted. Caîl Neturel lnsect ContraI (416) 382-3904, fex (416) 382-4418. NEEDED. Lose up lo 30 Iba ln 30 deys. Try our new Cellular NutritIon Plogram. CeU (418) 841 - 0977. SAWMîLL MACHINERY. Band.circuler, hendet- Autometic, etectîlc -Diesel. reeewa-PlanOrs. ling squlpmnent. chîppera-Logi, edgers. trimmers. log-Lumber conveore. (705) 496- 4840 anytîie. ____ ____ OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE 501.0 for unpaîd taxes. Crown Land evellsbilty. For Information on both. write: Ploperttea, Dept. CN, Box 5380, Sin. F. Ottawe K2C aJI. ___ EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNÎTIES WORI< AND TRAVEIL oversoes Placements avatleble on larms ln 11 countrles Contact the International Agrlcufturel Exchaenge Association. 1501 - 17 Ave. S.W.. Celgary AB. T2 r0E2. MORTGAGES HOMEOWNERIS. broker he@ $10,000.00Itenmd on e morlgage Psy $13000O monthly Psy off bis, credil cards Cail I.FG. Pealiy Servces tnc toîrs1-800-463-9939. RECREATIONAL VEHIC LES COACHMVEN CAMPING TRAILERS. Hardtop- Foldown. FItth-wheel. Trevel, Park models. Truckcrsmprs-ceps. Fibretsne &Lar Fibergiass & AlumlInum Truck Caps. Parla-Service tonm most makea Includtng Bonalr-LioneI Lextre Rloyal Traitar & Rl V Cmntreib n Tqvlctdnim. ont P F RdrOALSC besemrent or garage Odoleas operetiofi Low unettached ÇhltileflpeoPp>CteOSs Canada for Invastment. Market guerenteedi Fras companioiOhp or mArrlq4W Aqhgrovn,. PO informnation Eeriy Bird Ecology. R.R.Il. Box 205, Chali. B C . V0rjýMO PIsase state Smrthviiie. Orilario. IOR 7A0 (41f;)643-4252 cge Youtudad culd apar ln comrmunlty n.wvpagpf t ln Ontario. o, right acro Canada.or any indis'iduaipmvitice. Space la Llmiad, se Cai This Neapaper4leyl 'CRqS>eS CANADA rUMIARICE--rt: gCeu" To reach a wder Market adve9rJîs rrughoui Ire iregional mmbo~rlp aof1Me Ontano and Canadian Commuruty Newspaper AssociatxwW, . FS fur9wiernkomation pus».=calthe.WNtby Fr.. PreisCbaslles -668-0594 Decksa eInterlocking Stone eFences e L-andwcaplng *Tree Removal eRoto-tilling 10% Discount for Senior Citizens (416) 668-8344 m RRIFs ANNUITIES GiCs - RRSPs 1 1 1 v l 1 Pres ay.:4oý Fr'Way, 9:00 to:.ý., Fax 66S"'y itbý F ree 668..0594 Office ýHours- ýMond