Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Apr 1993, p. 33

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..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---AW P iM7a 1993; Pagê 33è 33 Spanish fun camps offered this Witby Free Press 668-0594 Office Hours: Monday to Frday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm * Fax 668-0594 siie SO LONG! This is my last week at The Whitby Free Press until November, as I'm taking maternity leave. Replacing me is SUSAN KERR. Thanks to ail my regular customers for their kind wishes and continued patronage. See you soon! Tamara Charman Receptionist/Classirieds Ï ....T CLEARWATER, FLORIDA- 3-bedroom, fully furnished, air conditioned mobile homes. Pools, hot tubs, beaches, attractions. Children welcome. $275 weekly. Photos. 683-5503. CEDAR VALLEY RESORT. Seasonal trailer camping, $912 yearly. Beautifuil 7 km. east of Orono/Hwy. 115, Concession Line 5. 1-416-786-2562. "LEAVE VOUR CARES at home with us.w Professional p'et/hom sitters are fully bonded& insured. Custom Homewatch International. 666-5353. UCENSED TECHNICIAN at Errol's Appliance Repair. Al major appliances, including gas appli- ances. We buy usedl Al parts guaranteed one year. Monday 10 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE 0F BETHEA CARSWELL AGG Ail persons having claims against the estate of Bethea Carswoîî Agg, commonly known as Betty Agg, deceased, lae of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the l9th day of January 1993, are hereby notified to send them 10o the undersigned, duly vorified, on or before the 14t h day of May, 1993. After such date the assoIs of the above-named estato wili be distributed among tho persons entitled thoreto, having regard only 10 dlaims of which the executrix shal then have notice. DATED at Whitby this 3th-day of March, 1993'. SCHILLING, EVANS Barristors and Solicitors 330 Byron Street South Whitby, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix PROFESSIONAL PARALEGAL SERVICES LET US SOLVE VOUR LEGAL PROBLEMS: " Civil & Criminal Law " Divorce/Custady/Support " Landlord & Tenant " Immigration " Traffic Tickets " Small Cîaims/ Debt Recovery " Mortgage Referrals " Legal Aid Certs. Accepted Tel: 1 (416) 721-27701 I I PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the placria' go when your bank says "NO." Serving Whitby sinco 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMVENTS. 1ST & 2ND MORTGAGES, financing t0 95% of property value. Lower rates. No f e. transf ors. Easy quaiferprgrm.HOMEFUNO CORP (46) 66-966,cail coîlect. FFinancic-d Corporation ÙMORTGAGES 1lst & 2nd's Io 95% * Debt Consoidatons Prime Rates - Pre4>.ualîfying 571-2880 or 68&-2936 (Tor. ine) BAHA'I1 FAITH: Ho will discover in ail things the mysteries of Divine Revetation, and the evidences of an everlasting Manifestation. For information, cafl 668-8665. SINGLES WORLD DANCES in Durham Rogion on Easter weokend: Good Friday, Saturday night & Eastor Sunday. Make new friends & renew oîd acquaintances. Ail single & unattached persons welcome. For locations, dross codes & admission costs, caîl (416) 623-7007. LADIES: TIRED 0F telling him 10 take back his beer emplies? Teach him a lessonl CalI Ian, 668-7575. FACELIFT WITHOUT surgory. For_ appointment, caîl Dawn at 430-1328. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours received. Ma y the Sacred Heart of -Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preservod throughout the world now and forevor. Oh Sacred I-bart of Jesus pray for us, St. Judo workor of miracles pray for us, St. Judo helper of the hopoless pray for us. Say thîs prayor nine times a day. By the eiglit h day your pFrayer wviIl be answerod rgdless of how hopeîess your ituation seems. Publication mnust be promised. AW. SUNDAY AUCTION THIS SUNDAVI APRIL il 12 NOON - PREVIEW 11:30 A.M. AT THE KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS CLUB 133 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY (HWY. 12) Cherry bonnet chest, oak hall seat, oak press-skirt extension table w/4 beaves, window mhirrors, pine f lat- to-waIl dry sink, bow-front carved walnut china cabinet, Persian & Oriental carpets, hand-made quits, q uilt racks, 4-pc. camel- back sofa set, bedroom ste., pine benches,'glass, china, press-back rocker, pine & other linon boxes, dining rm. ste., open & other washstands, pine curio shelves, pine 6' harvest table w/6 chairs, prits, pictures, country drop-leaf table, oak low-boy dresser, bokcases, high-back sideboard w/mirror, oak roll-top desk wl gallery, cherry entertainment centre for Ig. TV, bunk beds, vanity, parlour & occas. tables & chairs, loveseat, stools, small hand tools, oak office desk, freight cart, peg- eg stretcher-baso harvest table, plus ýmuch more. Terms: Cash, choque (Visa, M/C 3%). Snack bar. Deîivery. AUCTIONS UNLIMITED 519-345-2082 519-345-2426 THANKS TO ýiT JUDE for job favour grantei Ma ythe Sacred Heart of Jesus be ado red, g lorified, Ioved and presered throughout tho worîd now and forever. May the Sacred Hea:t of Jesus pray for us forever. St. Judo workor of miracles, pray for us. St. Judo helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say nine times a day for eight days. DG. PERSONAL LOANS from $1,000 and up for any purpose. Ouick approvals. 436-8104. SEEKING GENTLEMAN betweon 30 and 35. non-smoker, non- drinker, with a senseo0f humour who is warmn, sensitive, caring, honest, and who enjoys nights eut with female of the same nature. Please phono aflernoons or evenings, 430-6992. PSYCHIC & SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Joan Monday to Friday 9 o.m. f0 9pm 430-1326'. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, APRIL 9 - 6 P.M. 3 MILES EAST 0F LITTLE BRITA IN ON COUNTY RD. 4 Round oak pedestal table, Housier kitchen cupboard, 9-pc. dining rm. ste.,. vanity dresser & bench, ref. washstands, wooden icebox, aîmond fridge & 24" electric stove, almond washer & dryer, 'Gono With the Wind' lamp, wicker baby cradîe, brown double b ed- chosterfield, Queen Anne table & 6. chairs, modemn drossers & chests of drawers, Tyco train set, 2 sets of apt.- sized fridges & stoves, ref. buffet, 15 cu. f t. chost freezer, coffee & end tables, Triang train set, 2 cast iron bathtubs, odd wooden kitchen chairs, Winchester 30-30,.22 Magnum w/3 t0 9 by 40 scope, 22 Cooey repoater, 12-gauge Stevens shotgun, 8HP JohÎn D eere riding Iawnmower, Northtrail covered utility trailer, plus a qty. china, glass, household & oletible items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS R.R. #1, LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 .. .. ....... A GENTLEMAN, 30, seeks a sîim, attractive lady who is 20 - 30, roniantic, enjoys -movies, dining out, etc., f or long-term relation- ship. Reply with photo & phono to: Box 10,005, c/o Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ont..,LUN 5S1. Serious replies only. Ameuiomoet Fr u Aa#us. At Gwage Su i & CdCtKIBss HaçW'Ado >Awh.nof e Rut Ho~wua" ApplaicesHoMestaRut Aisd l Si Hoslnai. Atrio/FrbdSla Si. LzdscqanSUem aIWa Legil 9oils& Sis s Lai a Foùnd Bâfias oc4ff a Prtfiai MotcydsMY Cal a touàha*s m Pues Caf c Tw" PwsiSema OCaenas P«S"&sidS&çdS CSn EV Ures aiEat CmuaiSpace PabRed ui m IDooe ui:bm Shard Aowanod"a Edcaoii Suvicu Tudi enoyiusWmhd TruÉig S«"s FauisAag. Tr»wveaIoe Fm Sffin Vaw*s AEqipmst WaMd Durham Regional Police Service POLICE AUCTION BICYCLES and Unclaimed Goods 10:00 a.m. Saturday, April 24, 1993 Terms: Cash/Cheque To be heîd at Property Bureau 845 Farewell Avenue Oshawa (Entranco off Colonel Sam Drive at Farewell Ave.) The Spanish Canadian Cultural Society of Oshawa invites area residents to enrol children in Kids Spanish Summer Fun '93 camps. Prograis are intended te provide fun activities, while students are introduced te the Spanish language and culture.. Programa will include varjous daily activities such as cartoon video, vocalizing, reading, writing and singin. For hands-on activities, HI-spaic, craft and fashion shows will be held. Also, participants will be involved in oudoeý nEmphasis willbeo the oral aspect of the language and everyday vocabulary. The July-August weekly enrichment experiences are designed for boys and girls from age 8 to, 12. Kids Spanish Summer Fun '3 wiIl run Monday to Frday, 9 a.m. te 4 p.m., at Monsignor John Pereyma Secondary School, 316 Conant St., Oshawa for the month of July. The August camps will be offered at St. Bernard Catholic Sehool, 1000 Dryden Blvd., Whitby. Fees- are $74.90 a week (including GST). To enrol, serid a cheque payable te Durhamn Separate School Board, continuing education, 793 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa, Ont. LRH 5L3. Camp registration dates for ids Spanish Summer Fun '93 are April 7, 8, May 6, 20 and June 3 and 10, 7 te 8:30 p.ni., at Moniçor John Pereyma Secondary School in Oshawa. For more information, cali 579-2334 or 666-0713. SPRING CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH FOR ADJLTS Spring conversational Spanish for adults involves peer interaction, practising dialogues, gaines a visual aids. Conversa\ional Spanish for beginner, intermediate and advanced will) be offered at Monipor John Pereyma Secondary Shol in Oshawa. The 10-week beginner course will take p lace on Thursdays, April 15 toJune 17, 6to 8p.m. The 10-week intermediate course will take place on Thursdays, April 15 te JuIne 17, 8 te 10 p.m. The fee is $53.50 (including GST). Registration will take place April 7 and 8, 7 te 8:30 p.m. For further information, cal 579-2334. Communications Mini ster Perrin Beatty recently announced an agreement with Canada Post that will limit postal rate increases for smail community weekly newspapers for the next three years. Under the agreement, their rate increases will be limited te 10 per cent a year for the next three years. Without the agreement, small weeklies and paid-circulation magazines would have faced an

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