Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Apr 1993, p. 31

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-----------------. '.' Whitby FredfPbss. WeWslé8 April 7. 1993, Page 31 I APM~TMENT~ APARTUENTSI FOR RENTI ~~FOfl flENT<I LOVING & RELIABLE day care FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $80 in my home with other children. weekly. Share bathroomn & kitchen. Stimulating environment. Lots of Student or worker preferred. Waik outings. AIl ages welcome. to ail amrenities. Caîl 666-3776 References if needed. 430-6799. after 6 p.m. DAY CARE AVAILAIBLE. Play- mate wanted for active 2-year-old. Play room, fenced yard, crafts & YPACE outings. Fuli-time pre- ferred (3-day minimum). If you need a ptaymate, pIease cail my mom at 430-7179 & leave a message. COMING EVENTS Cali 668-611il "kon*ucdon fr Hom, md Bushmns kIGtchens *Cu8ten blm 'Docks -eGazebos *Addlions, etc. *kiteoilng atone *Decloe .hrtedwickIu<StOo 9-Fcas,,Lgadapig acarpMty 985-0412 66-56 I ~ rr~r r~1I 30~ Alla s on VantnngWa Highoid Vnn & Stege FRE E C EOMAIIVSTEtME evol:g ug -the iceSm 579-5593 4 ysT DOWNTOWN WHITBY, excep- tional, clean, quiet, furnished roomn with kitchen use, parking, television on cable. Suit mature maie. $85/week, f irst/iast. 668-3640. BROOKLIN - 1 LARGE ROOM. Close to ail amenities. Could be furnished. Available now. Cal 655-5539. WHITBY: CLEAN & QUIET one-bedroom apartment in century home. Includes private parking, laundry facilities & yard. Available April 1. Cal Ron at 668-3011 ( message) or 666-3883 (evenings aweekends). BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ten minutes from Whitby, between Brooklin/Port Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms availabf e for rent. Low weekly rates. Cal 655-5308. IF *Ï*. c A -'4 ,5 ..c .>- î*L f, 965 Dundas Street West, Suite 200, Whitby, Ontario LII 18 1 (416) 430-36361 WE DELI VER FLYERS The Whitby Free Press 668-611il PROPERTY ]NMNANCE " Special Spring Clean-up " Seasonal Grass Mowing *rEavestrough Clean-out *Garden Maintenance Tree Removal eRoto-tilling 10% Disoeunt for Senijor Cilùzens (416) 668-8344 Authorlzed Servlcentre For Most Major Brand VCR's " Camoorders - lYs " VORs - Stands and " Mcrowaves Accessories Siroe1982 723-4373 SHWROM 1300 King St. E, Oshawa >eCOMPLETE INCOME TAX SERVICE Professonal Tax Preparation Same Day Service Day & Evening Appointments avallable From $20.00 to $100. maximum 108R Bronek St. S. Whitby 430-1986 .aWIIIIIUIIIIMflBUUIIMUI8INIUIUIMI E i = E E = E E E E E E E L. MuAk,. FITZGERALD CARPENTRY WHITBY LTD. GenersJ CarpentiyAdditions Home .bnpmveen t Ceramic Tiing R.ecRooms DywalJAndP&inting 18 Years 1in Durham Regio-ea Cali: 668-4686 ---- E j p,~j The Mutuai Group HERB TRAN caMilfotrquotation i :I I ±f l i JhIf ONE-BEDROOM BASEMENT aatent. Available immediately. Largemlivinp; room, kitchen. Fridge, stove, utilfties included. Close to sohool, shopping. $625. First & last. 610 Sewart St., Whitby, 668-0629. OSHAWA/WHITBY BORDER: 3-bedroom, main floor of house. Carpet & stove. Patio. $850 + utilities. Also, 1-bedroom basement apartment, $550 + utilities. 725-7474, 1 to 3 p.m. AFFORDABLE LUXURY: Whitby - Rossland/Garden, two- bedroom condo. S/W view, 2 ful baths, fridge, stove, d ishwasher, washer, dryer ail in unit. Carpet, 2 U/G parking, security, pool, sauna and much more for only $1,150/ month, inclusive (negotiable). Availabie June 1. Cail to view, 723-7510. BROOKLIN ONE-BEDROOM apart ment. ôlose to ail amenities. Could be f urnished. Available now. Caîl 655-5539. WHITBY, SMALL ROOM in 4-bedroom house to share with 3 others. Washer, dryer, utilities included. Mature people only. $300/month. Caîl 430-7103. CENTRAL WHITBY - one- bedroom basement apartment for rent. Parking, separate entrance, separate laundry facilities for tenants' use. Central air. $525/ month, includes utilities. No pets. Non-smoker. Waiking distance to everything. 430-6739. TWO- LARGE- BEDROOM APT. Fridge, stove. $679/month, ail included. Dufferin St., near ail amenities. 263-4104. LARGE, 3-BEDROOM - Central Whitby. Clean & bright. Broadloom throughout. Appliances including dishwasher. $825/month. Available June 1V93.668-4643. FURNISHED BACHELOR base- ment apartment, N/W Whitby. Private ent rance. Parking available. Colour TV included. $450/month; includes utilities. Phone 668-1406. LARGE 2-IBEDROOM basement rartment. Walk-out to backyard. Laundry facilities & cable included. In new home. $800 per month. Available May 12.430-7944. ONE-BEDROOM CONDO p lus solarium, 711 Rossland. Rec facilities, including pool & exercise room, etc. Close to GO station. Custom-made blinds. Parking included. Available May 13. $750/month. Contact Zoe (416) 975-9123 or 927-7717 (days), (416) 590-8975 (evenings). CROSS CANADA MARKETPL ITS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE cALL, ONE BILL DOES IT AIL. COMINGEVENTS 1OH O OO TOYSHOW SL.Sno pi 10TH TO4 tRNTaO l Centre&.SAE.6900 AiroiRoi, 18is0.Itena.30toantiqe, 600 colltbe ops. Aditisa. 50rorls, 5ntioue&(6-16) -t Bdngthes vitole tamilyl STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS. A cheop Building citeor@ no tîeoibility. may even coil mot. mronoy. The. onoweor e Ouatity, lntegtlty & Service- FUTURE S1EEL. Thousantis aI peope cant b.e wrorsu. Colt 1.800 668. 8653. quonset - 32x54 $7.744: 40a72 $11,690; 50.90 $16.622; 60.128 $25,375 - othor izes avoulable-1 Final yeaetend clearance - Ponugon - 24 Hours 1.1 800-263-11499. STEEL BUILDINGS: ONTARIO FACTORY OUILET DIRECT. Huge sasings. apeciat ias enty: 20x30. 25x36. 30x42. 35x46, 37x48. 40x64, 44n56, 46x86. From $2,998.00 to $9.678.00. Pioneer 1-800-668- 5422. FINANCE EAFIN EXTRA MONEY. Incomne tax or Booikaaeping courses by correspondance. Frue Brochures. No obligation. U & RI Tex Services Ltd. 1345 Pambina Hlghwoy, Winnipeg, Manitoba. R3T 2B6, 1-800.665- 51 44. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING et the Southwestarn SchoîaIf Auctionaarlng. Next Clase: Juty 17-23. Inormaton, contact: Southweastarit Ontaro Schocrl et Auctioneeanng. R.R. 05. Woodstock. Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 5372115. FOR LEASE MEDICAL CLINIC - London nemI Victoria Hospital, graund levai. wheiachaîr accua.. frai parking. examinotiors rooms,. laos washromrs. large racaption. Caiti Kelly Laughton (519) 472-5801 or (416) 961- 4840. BUSINESS FOR SALE MINI DIVISION FOR SALE. Wropping papet, ribboris. borts. Ouellty producî inctuderow motoris, in. goods. machine as neer. Excellent potasni, national distributionir. inancing avaitebte. Mr. t 'vinstone (416) 977-6424. VACATIONÎTRAVEL CRUISE CANADAS CALM RIVERS ln axquislto comtort oboord a modemn, elegant rrrpiciro stata. Outstonding scanary. worddass etitsctions. From $839. Fr,. brochure I1.800.267-7ff8 IMMACULATE HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES. sand beach. bouts. Hallsi Lake, hwy. 35. Halburlon oreé. Availabta weetrly May & June tram $195. Glengartian Raesoit (705) 489.3779 01 (416) 283-0473. FRANCHISES CANADIAN WINDOW FRANCHISE FOR SALE - Location major Ontario crly. Corrpatve prodctIilna. Tumkey operatrons. WsII esalîtshed. Senlous buyato ontp (519) 753 0931 Las Teahors. .ACE FRE ORBA SMMNALE PIGSL pi 10. :OOp Boîkepa MEAction Cnre.LEroant.l 10.ting00 pmIOdIllo d utis; 15 1992 .H Hoeiott. Colt (705) 357-3595 tif (705) 458-4842. vondors, tund-7,ýpsers. QueliIy muge. notaeds, greetlng cardle, T-shirts, wrapping papier. stationory. buttons, aalteble 15%.201/. offretait velue. Colt Mns. Loo (416) 977-6424ý NEEDED. baseuUP to 30 lb, in 30 days. Try our new Cellular Nutition Prograem. Col (416) 841-0917. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLO for unpaid taxe,. Crown Land avaitabitity. Fori ntarmetion on bath, rite: Properties. Dept. CH. Box 53M0. Sn. F. Ottawa K2C 3J1. SALES HELP WANTED GOLDEN OPPORITUNITY. Itnernationatlnrarlreting corporation iatiks 2 reiabte individuels ta buitd sald toundation i disptay merchandising. Eapect mrinimum $9W000.commidssion weeklyl Guatîtri eppticrnts. (416) 398.0919.(416) 398-0924. DO VOU LIKE CANOLES? Amiericas la-text growirrg peIy plan. PARTYLITE. has coma ta Canada end reqtdres ConsultantslMgrs. In pour alers. Oulstanding commssions. no invastrneni non deliveries (4 16) 443- 8857. LADIES: EARN POTENTIAL $25.00/FIOUR MINIMUM. L.sding AII.Ceadion Ladies Fashion Company now hiring in the Central Ontario ares.oi Unique lina oI tashiorra old lhrough home sopping service. Find ouI how ta earn springeurruner kil FREE end advnalgess etselling. Patrie tam-5:3Opm weekdays 1.8005653305. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND nrembership or lîmeshare2 We'Il take .11 Amonicos lorgesl ressie clearinghouaa. CaI ReorS Saies International. t,800-423-5967 24 hours). _ _ _ MISCELLANEOUS INTERESTED IN FOFtMING A BUYING CLUB? Order viholossie naturel toods. Support organics & co- oiporotives. Ontario Federalion oI Food Co-ope & Clubs. (416) 588-3230 start-up kit MORTGAGES HOMEOWNERS. braIser hot 610.000 00Io tend on a morigage. Pop $13e.00 morîly. Pay oIl bis. credit carda. Colt I.F.G. Rosîty Serices t.Inctîli fe,1.800. 463-9939. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE FUNDRAISINO TOOL 0F TIIE 90S, Imagine purctsisg cuitnt cas»s fo 1r $747. CD.$14,35 or LOWER. No GST or PST witti Faderai Musicas Prograra 1 -BS-263 1900 LUCRATIVE NETWORK< MARKETIHG businass opootity. Exposve nevi concept in ruvol. Firsl oi iltr kind in Canada. Ho *«Qing Haorrvestno-nt. Iigh res»WIdl rcome. Colt (416) 622 -1810. In d ividue rvic.Sace l mfec o CaffThiaNewpper Tod:;i oran 'CRFCSS CANADA MdAR§IETPLACE99 To r.ach a wrder market. advarfrse ttrrouighom* ltre roegrorra momb.msh aofrtre Ontfarior and Canadian Commun*y Newspaper Asociatsorta Centoral Ontanio 55 nwsaors - $160 for 25 words -AI Ontaro 71 nwsaprs-.$354) or 26dý) M Cuua 57 n~au -$1,121 le 25 uarda For further Information pleacall the Whltby Free Preu Classleds - 668-0594 ___ Hours:~Monday1~FrWay, 9:OQ'am;tQ ~OO pin * ~Fax 668-0594/' j INCOME TAX BLUES? QUALIFIED PREPARATION Over 20 Years' Experience Computerizod Calil (416) 430-8261 F.J. MARTIN FINANCIAL CONSULTING Derëk Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 CALL 666-RRSP FOR AN APPOINTMENT._ Financlai Côncep à J6%p%.p Wpw. - 2 -N -ACE

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