Page 22, Whitby Free Press, Weclnesday, Apni 7, 1993 Mayor optimistie, about town's economie fuOture ..... .... .... By MIIce Kowaloki Despite coping witb a reces- sion-ravaged oconemy, Mayor Tom Edwards romains optimistic about the financial bealth of Whitby. In a generally upbeat address, Edwards painted a bright picture cf the town's economic future during bis annual speech te the Whitby Chambnho f Commerce last week. Using the term 'enward and upward' to des,&ib" 1mw Whitby can overcomle fhe financia die,.- culties plu*g both the prvate and publice' secters Edwards refused te d well on l~e negative in bis remr.rks te local business and govern muent officiaIs. «We cou*.d spend the next haif heur or s.> lamenting about the efTects cf ;lie recession whicb bas affected WNhitby like it bas every other crinmunity in Ontario and CanadE " said Edwards. But fiat would only beave bis feeling more unbappy and acconiplisb nothing, Edwards said. Instead, ho pointed te recent developments such as Durham College's planned expansion te Whitby and leng-awaited provin- cial fuinding for a sewer lino te, Brooklin that wiIl help.ignite a local building boom. In fact, even without these and other projects which will soon ho ceming on streain, Edwards said more jobs were created tban lest in Whitby and Durham Region "Th{e act are that in 1992 Durham Regien lest 678 jobs anâ gained 2,338 fer a net growth of ,660 jobs,» said Edwards. For Whitby, the figures were 246 jobs lest and 1,45 created, for a net gain of 1,206 jobs, ho sad. ar tatsod "These aefacÉsts a ho increase a sense of confidence and réassurance about the basic econemic strength of our area,» said Edwards, rather than allow ourselves te ho constantly affec- ted only by the damaging, down- turn that bas takon place." (Edwards told reporters follow- ing bis speech tbat the figures wore supplied by Durham Region's econemic development department. Hlowovor, Edwards did'admit tbat 1992 was net a banner year for building activity within the town as only two-thirds the num- ber of building permits issued the peiu year were pro- eeu "Obviously, it would have been botter to bave à rrived at the same total, but te bave issued some $100 million wortb of b uilding p ermits in 1992 con- pared ith what bas bappened in some cf tbe surrounding cern- munîties, is indeed an achieve- ment » hoe said. Juclging by the value of per- mits issued last montb, Edwards was bopeful that the March figures are an indicator of the IT'S YOIRs FROM $499 PERI MONTH*, FOR 3 YEARS FOR ONLY $1,OOO DowN. HOW'S THAT FOR AUDI INNOVATION? Until April 3th, you can move Up i a sporty new Audi 90 V6 engine, combined with a host of other features for only down. ltts the ideal walk-away, short-term commitment for1 who love innovation on the road. And on paper. Some fumues show,, May be oatu Go3z with a $1000 those *Basedon a36mionth base ofan Audi 90Swlh froe*heeIddand$1OWflpayrmfL tMM'Ti OAC. by VokswaenCedt Canada lm cTaxes, opions, edft.IioensiNg, and dealerM preaDaon, exira. Frst paynent and seaxrhy deposk reqUked. DIeer rnay soU *tr leus OWASCO V0LKSWAGEN INC wryPf Expenence the Owasco Feeling Pro yen ta serveji ou besi since 19D72 WS An «I Care« and CAA award winnet. ~ sales, service, leasing, body shop, ail makes. à , a Rentais in Canada, USA and Europe, o verseas dehivery » 1425 Dundas St. E., Whitby 686-6410 or 1-800-263-2676 35 MINUTES rr~ EASFROM O)WAS~ TOP DOLLAR FOR 'S~VT0 ______YOUR TRADE!TONO e e e months ahead. Ho said $3.5 million of residen- tial poermits and about $4 million for institutional purposes bad been issued, almost twice the value of permits processed in Februaxy. ilo ntttoa The $ ilo ntttoa category is for a refurbisbing cf the former Cadbury chooat factory on Champlain Avenue. The building will ho the homo cf Durham College's new skills training centre which will even- tually bouse 5,000 students. Edwards praised the Ontario government for providing a $20 million grant te fund the project and alec for $6.7 million te ailow water and sewer extension te Brooklin. Edwards said the $29-million .rjet wi11 net only rectify poIlu- tio problemns which bave pla- gudlocal residents for years, but will provide 174 jobs during construction. A major subdivision cf almost =oà = 1,300 units was contingent on the sewer lino being buit. Edwards said the -Sorbara Group, which 15 developinq the Brooklin Meadows subdivision, bas agreed to contribute about $1.2 million to subsidize the cost of extending sowers into the homes of existing Brooklin rosi- dents. Edwards also referred to other proects which wil help stimu- lat the local economy. These include: * an $8-million 143,000 sq. ft. L-oblaw's plaza on the northwost corner of Gardon Street and Rossland Road; *a $1.7-milion 33,000 ft. 'No Frills' food store at TicIson Road and Dryden Boulevard; * anew $25-million headquar- ters for tho Durham Board of Education and adjoining second- arq sohool on Taunton Road; an $800,000 health and SEE PAGE 23 vEEKLY SPECIAL FR E! 1 ÀA SER PluT 0117r (maximum 5 pages per customer) IBMI Word Perfect e Microsoft Word MACINTOSH - Pagemaker Clanis Works FULL SERVICE AND SELF SERVE COPY CENTRE 0 Black and White Photocopies 0 Canon Colour Laser 0 Binding 0 Lamination 0 Drilling And Folding 0 Passport Photos While-U-Wait 0 Overnight Photo- Finishing 0 Macintosh & IBM PC Computer Time Rentai e Macdraw Pro e Microsoft Word . . ae. copyzoeu riqqE. 1614 Dundas St. E., #1 10 Whitby, Ontario Li N 8Y8 TEL: 436-2711 -FAX: 436-2851 Mon. -Fri. 7 amlto,7 Pm Sat. - Sun. 12 noon to 5 pmn Th -OYM Bck W UN-0 HOPPING Hwy. #2 401 - Anyone can fil in the tax forms. 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