Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Apr 1993, p. 21

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.Whitby Free press, Wednepcday. April 7. *993. Page2l Tender awarded for demolition of Pool By Mark Reesor The end is near for the Kins- men outdoor pool. Town eperations cornmittee recommended Monday riight that council acce pt a tender of $16,400 from George H. Harding Construction Ce.;, a local contrac- ter for tbe "demolition, disposal ancà site rehabilitation» of the large col, the wading pool, changehousWwashroom and the pumpbouse/off'ice building. Thle treasury department is allowi'ng a $4,000 contingency te «provide for any unforeseen cir- cumstanoes that may be encoun- tered due te the deniolit ion of the pocol and the deptb of the pool footings," and $2,000 te relocate the electrical service. Hardling's tender tban $7,000 below lowest bid, from a was more 1demotit-on-t-rm.- tem t- e poo 1r trA1e construc&t.ion * tbe next Pickering Harding told the Town be plans te use the bulk -of material of anotber project, dramatically reducing disposai costs. 'Gusto' enjoyable for ail ages By Lucieflochette 'Gusto,' a Durham Shoestring Performers' 'world premiere' that began last Friday 15 a mix of drama, comedy and music that can be enjoyed by Iids of ail ages. Written by Ken Bond of Wbitby, the play's central character is Gus Toe, a young boy who bas a great love for life, wbich expIainshis unusual name. With the help of four puppets, Gus gets tbrough bard times. The sitory is very easy te follow. It 19 kept simple, so the audience doesn't have to try to look everywhere at once. Altbough the playis mainly directed toward kids, adults will also enjoy thîs play, because of tbe humour. The musical score, written by Carol McGratb, sets the mood in the different soones. All of tbe performers sing beautifully. The audience truly takes notice of TPyler Uprichard's (Gus) fabulous voice. The puppets are four différent personalities complementing eacb other. The pulppets and Gus work well together and it really seerns tbat they are aIl the best of friends. The Puppet Maker is played by Bryan Stanish of Whitby. Stanish plays his character weIl, making the Puppet Maker come te life and adding just the rigbt touch of mystery to the 'A~e 'new puppet,' Leech, adds an element of fear te tbe play. Gus and bis puppets must work together and rid Leecli of bis evil ways. 'Gusto' will continue April 9, 7:30 p.m., and April 10, 2 p.m., at the Arts Resource Centre in Osbawa. ickets for $6, are available at Walters Music Centres, Oshawa dentre and Information Osbawa. Canadian Baha'is condemn Iran's secret blueprint to destroy the Bahai Commiunity U.N. report reveals contidential Iranlan document A Unted Nations report reîeased in Geneva on February 22 provides startling new evidence that the Iranian govemment, despite a long history et denials, has established a secret plIan approved by Iran's highest-ranKing officiaIs te oppress and persecute the 350,000-member Baha'i Community in Iran. *'The- Iranlan gevemrment! has circulated a detalled blueprint cesigned te destroy thie Baha'i community,' said Reginald Newkirk, secretary-general et the Canadian Baha'i Community. In his report te, the U.N. Commission on Humai Rights, special representative professer Galindo Pohl points eut that the Iranian plan speclically states that 'the-Progress and development et thie Bahals shail be bîocked,' that »employment shail ho retused te perons identifying themseîves as 1aWs that 'university studies are beyend their reacri and they are denied access te public office.' The plan indicates that Baha'is are te be expelled from schoels 'if they identity themselves as Baha'is. The new UN report cites several recent officiaI Iranian documents which showe specific examples et such discrimination against individual Baha'is. Durigte aigrities more than 200 Baais were executed in an atept ipte decapitate the ledrship oet thie Baha'i Community, Iran's largest religious minority. Attempts te elimninate the Baha'i Community threugh* widespread contiscation et propertes, ban*on ail Conrimunity activities and expulsio-r-et- Bahais frem: public sector faledin rtbecause trie internatioinal cmrfnnty became- awae of the -systemnatio persecud6of etBaJhal.-' 'Tie ntended ~effe t rs nem policy appears te ho ta create an environmrrent where thie Baha'i Cemmunity et Iran cari ho stoly stranged without arouSIf international attention.& si Techeste Ahderom, senior representative te tdmeUnited Nations for &e Balial International Cemmunity. Speakingin Toronto, Newkirk pe intedg eut that 'this recently evealed plan flot onîy codifies the oppresv actions which the .ranian gvmment has taken against Bhais since 1979, but it .sounds ane and ominous note.' Newkirk noted renewed executions and confiscation et preperty during- the -past year atter some easing et t he syste madec persecutions, in the late.eightdes. The text ef the Iranian %government document states that the officiailpoicy 'regarding the Baha'i question' was wnitten by the Ieading body responsible for assunng doctrinal purity, and was approved ba bth president 1-&sherni Ratsanjani and Ayatollah Ali Khamenie, Khomneinis successor as supreme leader. Of immediate conoem te Baha'is in Canada is the tact that the Iranian govemrment document calis for a plan 'te cenfront and destroy' the Baha'i 'cultural meots' outsidle Iran. Newkirk peinted eut that 0-while this may be difficult sinco thee Baha7i Community is now established in more counitries of the world than ail other religions except Christianity, the 25,000 Canacfian Baha'is wiII obviously be concermed.0 -There has, in tact, been a recent upsurge in attacks on Baha'is in Persian-language papers published eutside Iran. Newkirk deplored the tact that Bahis in Iran could net receive passports in erder te beave Iran and attend the gathering et close te 30,000 Bahais in New York City in Novernber. nBaha'i is a religion known for its teachNngs on thie oneness etftthe Iluiàln race.t 4i~e-ttb pretudice. the equality et .he sexes ade heessentiai hrrofet altr and reason. 'The ive m* in Baha',s around the'Wodd Islove Iran, the country of thie refigion's bhrtr. >It . aIred that in trie homne eto is blirt tdmeBahal religion - even as h, teaches obédence to government aid respect for Islam along with the world's other great religions - faces such systamfatic repression frorm the'govmment et the Ilamk;Re bioeci Iran' corrmentad Newlwk. "PLANNING FOR AN EMERGENCY" HANDBOOK HAVE You RECEIVED YOUR Core? A booklet "Planning For An Emergency: A Personal Handbook For Residents Around The Pickering Nuclear Generating Station" has been delivered by Canada Post to all residents within 10 kilometres of the nuclear station. If you are unsure whether you live within 10 kilometres, please see the map. The bookiet provides information on provincial, regional and Ontario Hydro plans to ensure your safety in the event of an emergency at the nuclear generating station. If you haven't received the booklet, please cail the Pickering Energy Mnstry 0f tr»esoi4tb< Garial 416-965-6708 P ANNINGRFo AN MRGNY information Centre (839-0465) and we will send you one. If you have any questions on the nuclear eniergency plan, please drop by or phone and lets discuss them. We will aise host information centres at the following locations: 1. Morningside Mail on Tuesday, April 13 from 1:00 to 8:00 Pm 2. Ajax Harwood MaIl on Wednesday April 14 from 1:00 to 8:00 pm 3. Pickering Town Centre on Thursday, April 15 from 1:00 to 8:00 pm 839-0465 Pcker'ng Energy Informnatiom Centr .Ontaro Hydro

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