Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Apr 1993, p. 16

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Pàge 16. Whitbi Freé PReÉs WednesdarApriê 7. 4993' WOMEN'S AGLOW Womnen's Aglow Fellowship, Oshawa-Whitby Chapter will meet on Thursday, April 8 at Cullen Gardons, above the restaurant. 1ev. Sylvia Evans, W director of Creative Word I Ministries, will be the speaker. For more information, cal 723-9458. ONE PARENT FAMILlS Oshawa Chapter One Parent Famdies Association will hold a general meeting on Tuesday, April 13, 8 p.m., at Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. New members and guests are welcome. For more information, caîl 436-5089. FRESmDEN'PS BREAKFAST Bob Proctor, a world-renowned motivational speaker, will address the Rotary Club of Whitby Sunrise at the annual 'President's Breakfaset t be held April 14 at Heydenshore Pavilion. Tickets are $20 each and are available from Lionel Graveline (666-1330), Nick Baker (668- 6301), Peter Irvine (668-1862) or amy Rotary Sunrise member. Al proceeds will go te charity. TRIBUTE TO DENISE HOUSE A tribute te, the Denise House will b. held on Tuesday, April 20 at the K[insmen Community Centre, 108 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa. A reception and cash bar starta at 6 p.m., with dinner served at 7Ip.m. Guest speaker le Muriel Wi Ide, wýho will discuse 'Violence - The Silent Epidemic.' ickets are $40 for dinner. For more information, calI 728-7311, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. SENIORS FLEA hMAUKE'r The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre will hold a flea market on Saturday, April 17, 10 a.m. te 2 S..Ail donations are welceme. rg donations te* the centre at 801 Brock St. S. by Wedneeday, April 14. For more information, cail the centre at 668-1424. EPILEPSYDURHAM Eholepsy~ Durham Region will hofismonthly meeting on Tuesday, April 13, 7:30 p.m., at the Kinsmen community centre, 109 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa. Guest speaker is Dianna Fin- dia», chief executive offlicer for Epilepsy Ontario. Topic le *Employment and Joint C-pe- ration. in Working Togther.' New members and visitera are always welcome. For more details caîl 666-9926. EVENING 0F MUSIC 'An Evening of Musie' with Bobby Watt and Friends will b. held on Frida A rl 16, 8 p.m. te, 1 a.m., at Hfeydenshore Pavi- llon. The event is a fundraisn-r for the Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club under-14 boys rep team. Tickets are $15 per person, and include cold plate and dessert. Tickets are available at Soccer Scene on Sunray St. and at South MiII Deli, Whitby MaIl. Fer more information caîl San- dra HamilI at 430i-0610 or Judy Da Silva at 666-3692. * l'USA rTESTAMENT I300KSHOP 1121 Dundas St. E., Whitby Christian Books, Cards, Bibles, Gifts, Music. A Latge Selection of Easter Gifts 430-0880 Join us for our ANNIVERSARY SALE Aprl 17 to 24! WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH 25 Manning Rd. Whitby APRIL Il EASTER SUNDAY 8:00 amn Holy Communion and Breakfast A plazy by the confirmation class ..A Journey to Jerusalemn" 10:30 amn FAMILY SERVICE/BAPTISM CHOCOLATE BRUNCII The Alzheimer Society of Durham Region will hold the second annuai Chocolate Levers' Brunch (with a Neapolitan flavour) at Soprafflno's Restaur- ant 2 Celina St., Oshawa on Sunday, April 18, with sittings at 11:30 arn. and 1:30 p.m. Tickets are $25pe person ($10 tex receipt). Fo information and table reservations, caîl 576-2567. CARING FOR ADULTS The Durham Region Health Departmnent and the Glazier Medical Centre will sponsor an information series for individuals cgarng for an- adult family mebror friend. The six-week serie wiil b. held from April 14 te Wednesday, May 19, 7 te 9 p.m., at. the Glazier Medical Centre, il Gibb St., Oshawa. For more information or te register, call Marg Armstrong at the health department (723-8521 or Toronto lino 686-2740) or Beth Lettner at the medical centre (579.1212). LA LECILE La Leche Longue Whitby holds its monthly breastfeeding sup- port meeting on Tfhursday, April 8.The topic will be 'TheArt of Breastfeeding and Avoiding Dif- ficulties.' Mothers, babies and expectant mothers welcome. Cal 723-0542 for more information. SUPER CITIES WALK Durham College will be one of il locations in Ontario for the Super Cities Walk to be held on Sunday, April 18 te raise funds for research into the cause and cure for multiple ..aclerosis. Walkers raies moneylby securing pledges. Prizes are available. To regieter o or more information, caîl1-800-268-7582. DANCE The Loyal Order of Moose, Whitby Lodge will hold a dance at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 133 Brock St. N., Whitby on Saturday, April 17 9 p.m. te 1 a.m.M uisic b y 6haser. Door prizes, spot prize. Tickets are $5. Caîl 668-4570. BRIGUIT CHILDREN The Association for Bright Children wili meet on Wednes- day, April 14, 7:30 p.m., at Cadarackque Public Sehool, 15 Miles Ave., Ajax. Claire Zeller, coordinator of special education for the Peel Board of Education, will diseuse how parents can help their bright and gifted chil- dren and what parents ehould expect fronu echool. New menu- bers are welcame. For more in- formation cf-a 728-4274. PHOTO WORI<SHOPS Durham Photographic Work- shope will meet on Tuesday, April 13, 7:30 p.m., in the Minis- 1try of Revenue building, Oshawa. For more information caîl Barb at 579-1010. FUNDRAISING DINNER The Reform Party of Canada Award-wlnnlng producer John' Heymnan Ontario Riding wilI hold a answe<s td" question ln Jesus, the most fundraising dinner on Thursday, Heman asblrflmee afiImore-to-ilfe23 atAnnandale Golf & creteda lmso ueto Ife Contr Clb.Meet Don Sullivan, ne.1 11kG op %mn painstaWcngly Reformn Party candidate, and Struied th clothlng, architecture. customes William Trench, author of 'Only anid food to eiisure the fim's complets oea aeCnd, t63 authenticity. JESUS was filmed on oCaSve andat63 location ln biblcl settings e a cast of p.m. A hot and cold buffet dinner more than5,000 Lsraelis and Arabs. And will be served at 7:30 p.m. Cash Mmvflyey wordetaken crirecdy from bar. Tickets ($30peprsn M eSTOW LL TOUCH VOUR UFE ehould b. purchased at least one JESUS - di os kkytuhe week before the dinner and are film ln histosy - is currently available in avallable at the Reform Party more tm s2W languages. office, 235 Bayly St., Ajax, JESUS lm otsYu raGt lb man you telephone 686-1885 or 686-0278. Uiougt you know as h. roaily was. COIN CLUB 6:0 M ASERSUDA VEIN, PR 1/3hIe Oshawa &District Coin iClub will meet on Sunday, April ME DO C ES- IT H RC 8 at the Arts Resource Centre '1 Eoc S N1 loksnothofHw $- behind Oshawa City Hall. For on .mlpel 111ee on mroi(toth chrc i Boolii, more information call EarI -.Mac.eanat 728-1352. NEWCOMIERS CLUB The OshawalWhitby New- comers Club will hold a general meeting on Tuesday, April 13, 8 p.m., at the Arts Resource Centre in Oshawa. The speaker will b. Elizabeth from Cleopatra's Beauty Spa. For more information, caîl Information Whiitby at 668-0552 or Information Oshawa at 434-4636. DANCE RESCIIEDULED The Moose Lodge will hold a country lime dance in support of the AIDS Committee of Durham on Friday, April 16 (original date was April 2), 8 p.m., at the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge, 731 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa. Tickets are $5 per person and are available at the AIDS Committee office, 78 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa or at the door. Ail cowboys and cowgirls welcome. For tickets or more information, calI 723-8201. MARRUAGE ENRICHMENT The Whitby Christian Assembly's second annual marriage enrichment seminar wlll b. held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 19 to 21, at 7 p.m. The subject is parenting, from toddlers to teens. Topie such as discipline, street-proofing and the role of fathers will b. discussed. Wýhitby Christian Assembly is located at 100 Rosland d. W., at the corner of Roesland and Brock. For more information caîl 666-2556. SUMMER CAMPS Sunrise recreational youth group will hold three camps this summer for developmentally handicapped youths aged 15 te 21, with a ratio of one camper te one peer helper. Two day camps will be held., one in June, the other in July. A residential camp will b. held in August. Volunteers welcomne. For more information, caîl 668-8761 and leave message. UNIVERSITYWOMIEN The Oshawa-Whitby branch of the Canadian Federation of University Wornen will hold their annual 'Club Night' on Wednesday, 'April 14, 7:30 p.m., in the auditorium at McLaughlin' Public'- Library, Bagot Street, Oshawa. 1JMYi'TLE DRIVE lOth Whitby couting ou will hold a bottl drive on Satur- day, April 17, starting at 10 a.m in the Queen's Common anâ Otter Creek areas. Botties should be left on the doorstep. For prior or late pick-up, c-aîl Jack at 430-0641. The drive is p art of fundraising activities to, help payor the scout trip to the Canadian Jamboree this sum- mer. LIVING WITH CANCER The Living with Cancer support group for adulte, friends and family wiIl meet on Monday, April 12, 7 te 9 p.m., at the Ajax Cricket Club (northeast corner of Monarch and Clements avenues). For more'information, caîl Lynn Nazarko at 686-1516. SENOR voLUNTEER AWARD The annual Mayor's Senior Volunteer Award has been initiated to recognize outstanding achievement by senidors in the community. Ail citizens residing in the Town of Whitby who are over age 55 are eligible for the award. The winner will be announced April 29. The committee la encouraging community groups and indivi- duale to submit nominations, available from the Mayor's office (668-5803) or from the Whitby Seniors' Centre (668-1424). April 8 je the laet date to submit completed forms te, the Mayor's office, 575 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby LiN 2M8. GARAGE SALE lOth Whitby scouts will hold a garage sale as a fundraleer te send the troupe members to the 1993 Canadian Scout Jamboree in Aberta. Any articles, includ- ing garage sale leftovers, are welcome. For pickup, cali Doug at 668-1646 or 668-6493. AQUAIUMSOCIETY The Durham Region Aquarium Society will meet on Tueeday, Apýril 13, 8 p.m., in the cafeteria ÎfR.S. McAughlin Collegiate, 570 Stevenson Rd., Oshawa. For more information caîl Wayne Rakestrow at 725-7911 or Ty Fisher at 686-7368. BLOOD DONOR CLINIC The Red Cross will hold a spring blood donor clinic on Tuesday, April 13, i to, 8 p.m., at the Whitby Legion on Byron Street. EUCIIRE The Whiby Legion Branch 112 Ladies Auxiliary will hold a euchre on Thursday, April 15, 8 p.m., at the Legion ustairs hall, 117 Byron St. S., Witby. Light lunch wil be served. Admission le $2 per person. QUILT SHOW The l3th annual quilt show will be held at St. Mark's United Church, corner of Coîborne and Centre streets, Whitby on Friday, April 16, noon te 8 p.m., and Saturday, April 17, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fifty full-sized qufits and other smal .quilted items will be on disp1py Light refreshinents are inc\uded in the $3.50 admission fee. ANNUAL CAI) PARTY Whitby Chapter No. 248, Order of the Eastern Star will hold the annual card party on Wednesday, April 14, 7:30 p.m., at the Masonic Hall, Cochrane Street, Whitby. Admission is $3 per person. There-'-will be prizes and lunch will be served. Ail are welcome. For more information, call 436-0839 or 576-0617. AVICULTURAL MEETING The Durham Avicultural Society will hold an open discussion meeting on Tuesday, Ypil 13, 7:3 p.m., at Pickering igh School caf'eteria, Church Street, north of Hlighway 2. For information, caîl John at 655-8367. S1OR-IM aged 8 and over will b. held on Saturday, Aprif 10, 10:30 te 11:30 a.m. Youngsters will make their bunny bookmark and. there will be an egg hunt. Registration is underway. After the eggs are caten what wiIl belÏeft? ortoenehig. 300 Kendaiwood Rd. WhRby - 668-1333

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