Page 22. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, March 31,1993. 1 i n * IMul 145 Brook St. S. 1WHITBV 668&5823 Tor. lUne 68&.02M1 Cardinal NAN~NIES & COMPANIONS INC. &ervîrW Durham Regflon Strao 1985 Provding In-Home Care for Chidren, the Eldcrly & SpecWa Needs 144 Old Kingston ltoad, r SOUND Serving Durham Region Since 1959 rAtudio for the CritîcaIIy Demanding 118 BRQCK ST. S. 668-3707 Whltby's CommuflitY Newspaper 41. --. provide a broad range1 By Lucie Rochette Whitby's Paul Cox has become a spekesperson for Easter Seals. The energetic 19-year-old bas been involvod with E aster Seals since ho was about 8 years eld. Easter Seals is belping Cox buy a computer, and Cax said if there was an y way te repay them, be'd be happy te, help eut if ho could. Tiey needed a spokesperson, se Cox got the job. COx is a first time spekesper- son for the Easter Seals cam- paign, but ho is by ne means a strangor te public speaking. Hoeb as spoken to people befere about bis disability. He's even taken a leadership qq4à 4W t4c LServing Children and-- adolescents with physical disabilIities... The Easter Seal -Societyý raises money. necessary to course in public speaking. As a spokesperson,COx tours the area, speaking about the Easter Seals campaign. Easter Seals raises moriey tbrough various metbods to belp out disabled kids. "It's really good for the kids," says Cox. 'l7hey know tbey have someplaco to go for help. I'ni really grateful for Easter Seals helping me eut.» Cox says the kids involved with Easter Seals are more out- going -- they kriow they have soebody' b elping them. çox is very involved in sports. "Wboelchair rugby is my faveurite,» he says. "r don't let mny disability stop me." " Easter Seal Nurse " Summer Camp Programs " Res-epite Care " Myoelectric Limbs " Electric Wheelchairs " Com puters may be -eo This message made possible through the generous support of the advertisers on this page. SAflRN- SATURN - SAAB - ISUZU 1520 Dundas St. E. Whltby 430-2350 Funeral Director Robert Levesque 110 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3410 WEBACK1J u e0 r eA FIGHTER! Johniston, Morton Burch & Boland Barristers & Solicitors 201 Byron St. S, Whltby Whltby: 666-2252 TO LUne: 686-0306 Ail the beet for your 1993 campaignl SHEWAN, RAPOFORT Barristers & Solicitors 101 Mary St. W. 3rd floor, Whitby (corner of Brock and Mary Streets) 668-1712 DO ITALL 4oTH 505 VICTORIA ST. E. WHITBY 668-3328 Best Wishes on a Successfu[ Campaitgn!1 CHEVROLET 9 GEO e OLOSMOBILE *0CA IlA We are proud to support Easter Seals Canadian Imperal Bank or Commerce 10 1 Brock St. N.. Wbitby 668-3351 C51 pari o(your lifc NRANCES ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE - AUTOMOBILE -LIFE - BUSINESS - HOME 214 DUNDAS Sf. E., WHITBY 2ND FLOOR (beside the Post Office> 668-3579 f r--. - - -Aw of services: 1