Canada Trust program supports the environment By Cheryl-Ann Macean Canada Trust is oll'ring a program through which custo- mers can make donations to help the local environmient. 'Friends of the Environment -- Whitby Chapter' is a registered organization in which patrons of the bank can make tax-deduct- ible donations to help environ- mental programs in the coin- munity. Any Canada Tr-ust cus- tomers who 'green' their accounts agree to make a monthly dona- tion, usually for $ 1. For every donation made, the bank will not only match the customer's donation but it will also donate $5 to the proram. The 'Friends of the Environ- ment' _programi is available at every Canada Trust location and the money from each chapter stays in that bank's community. D canna Paradine, assistant manager for the Canada Trust branch at 408 Dundas St. W. (at Euclid), was a member of the Friends of the Environment com- mittee for one year. Almost three quarters of the committee is mnade up of custo- mers of the bank while the remainin g members are em ployees of Canada Trust. Customers apply to be on the committee and once accepted they remain for one year-z vote on where the donated money will go. "Friends of the Environment donates the funding to those who apply for it and are accepted by t he committee. "'We donate to basically any program that bas anything to do with the environmient ...Ilike DEN (Durham Environmental Net- work), sehools in the area, recy- Bell expansion plan to be reviewed The vice president of Bell Canada will speak at a Durham flegion Manufacturers Associa- tion meeting March 30 in Osh- awa. Jim Schram will review Bell Canada's expansion plans and their impact on businesses. The meeting will be held et the Holiday Inn, starting at noon. Cost of the luncheon meeting is $25. Caîl 434-1412 for more information. dling education and the local boy scouts for tree planting,u says Paradine. If Friends of the Environment cannot fund the entire amount required by an applicant, at least a portion will bo donated. The program bas been in effect for more than two years and in that time has contributed to the production of pamphlets that educate the community about the environment. Even though Friends of the Environment as as many chap- ters as there are Canada Trust branches the committee bas decided that "it would be equally effective if we have just one chapter,'à ,meaning one or aIl of Durham-Region, says Paradine. "Members of local & Toronto boards TO BUY OR SELL REAL ESTATE OR ARRANGE MORTGAGE FINANCING CALL Res. 668-4334 Bus. 668-6171 W. Frank Real Estate Mt. jobsOntarlo *Training It's ail about your business. jobsOntario - Training is a new program created with input from the business community: To help people in Ontario get back to work and to increase productivity by upgrading the skills of existing employees. You know where the opportunities are for improving the potential of your business. We're here to help you take advantage of them. For every position you create, there's up toS $10,000.00 available in funding from jobsOntario- Train ing... for example, with five new ernployees, funding could be up to $50,000.00. Haif is for training the new ernployees, and you can use the remainder to further train and upgrade the skills of your other ernployees. Your local jobsOntarlo - Training office will screen and refer potential employees whose experience best fits your needs. If you need some help to design or implement the training program, the jobsOntario -Train ing office is right there to work with you. It's«ail part of the prograrn. By taking advantage of jobsOntario- Training today, you can enhance the productivity of your business tomorrow. And how wel fund up to $IOOOOo0 to help increase your productivity. -1 jobsOntario @Training1 55Ontario It's ail about the future. Cali your jobsOntarlo - Training office: Regional Municipality of Durham Social Services Department (416) 619-9840 Extra large pie shaped yard. QuietWhitby Court. Finished basemrn t apartment, 2nd floor la ndry. $1 52,900. DONNA HOWARD Associate Broker Member of TorontoOshawa Real Estate Boards 434-5222 Your Family Is Growing Your new baby lus corne home, but what is ini store for him or her? That depends upon how weIl you safeguard your child's futurf - making sure there will always be funds available for a college education, for example. That is where 1 can help. 1 can show you how to protect your child's future through a care- fully and professonallv planned Metropolitan Life financial pro- gram. Don't you owe it to thie aduit you want vour ch-id to be? Michael Shreve 213 Byron St. S. Whitby 430-3052 OUMetropoitan Life Customers can 'green' accounts LAwR ADRs O CERTFIEDMANAEM~IE CO TA S F- 1